Awareness, Awareness, Awareness

It’s all about awareness.  Be aware that you are not alone. 
There is nothing to be embarrassed about, no need to hide, hiding is futile.  Numerous people, even celebrities have declared to the whole world about how mental they are.  I do not suggest you to do the same.  The message that I want to impart is that there is help out there. 
Patty Duke wrote her memoir “The Brilliant Madness” is an excellent book how this illness became manageable.  Even William Styron wrote “Darkness Visible”, his memoir of madness.  They are both good reads. 
It’s Mental Health Week from May 6 to 12, 2013 in our community.  Let’s learn, talk, engage, reflect and be involved how we are affected by this disease.  The Canadian census states that one in every three Canadians will experience problems with their mental well-being.  That is a high ratio.  I hope they are wrong. 
So, I encourage you to be involved in your community especially to your loved ones.  Be open about it.  Mental illness is just as common as an ordinary headache or cold. 
Personally, I do not call this mental illness, I call it brain disease.  And that is another story.
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The Evolution of Medicine

In Canada, I pay medical premium for a minimal cost.  The amount of taxes that is taken out of my income is about 30%.  That’s a lot of money considering my income is so little.  I assume the tax is used in part for the medical system. 
Sometime in the 90’s, I was hospitalized for 4 months.  Should I have paid the cost of hospitalization, I would become “mental” thinking how I am going to pay the bill.  I am grateful that it was fully paid by the government. 
My knowledge in medical system is next to nothing; therefore, there is nothing intelligent I can contribute to this post except for insane Medical Humour. 
The Evolution of Medicine 
I have an earache … 
2000 BC – Here, eat this root. 
1000 AD – That root is heathen. Here, say this prayer. 
1850 AD – That prayer is superstition. Here, drink this potion. 
1940 AD – That potion is snake oil. Here, swallow this pill. 
1985 AD – That pill is ineffective. Here, take this antibiotic. 
2000 AD – That antibiotic is artificial. Here, eat this root. 
Suggestion for the Automated Switchboard of a Psychiatric Hospital. 
Thank you for calling.
 If you are obsessive-compulsive, press  ‘1’  repeatedly. 
If you are co-dependent, ask someone else to press  ‘2’. 
If you have multiple personalities, press  ‘3’, ‘4’, ‘5’  and  ‘6’. 
If you are paranoid, we know who you are and what you want;  just stay on the line and we will trace the call. 
If you are schizophrenic, listen carefully and a voice will tell you which number to press. 
If you are depressed, it doesn’t matter which number you press, we won’t answer your call anyway. 
If you are a GP, forget about referring a patient because there aren’t any beds.  
Source: Humour MedJokes
This is in response to Daily Prompt: Healthcare.  Come and join us, it will expand your mind.