Location Counts.


This gallery contains 1 photo.

Location, location, location. This is the motto of most businesses. Where I live, in Metrotown, there are at least five Starbucks in one big area of Metropolis. A great location. Starbucks seems to have a strong sense where the money is. … Continue reading

Genie in a bottle or 12 Steps program

Did you say major changes? Sure, I want to have a baby, let me go window shopping and buy one.  Sure, I will visit the a sperm bank to find good genes.  What a silly decision. 
I made a 360 degree turn yesterday and I am still thinking about the what if situation.  
Yesterday was Sunday and I left the mass early because the priest is boring.  I could have easily changed the situation but I stayed until closer to the end.  I did not wait for his blessings. 
Walking as fast as I could in a cold rainy February zigzagging around people, I made a 360 turn.  What made me do that?  My peripheral vision saw a person sitting on the cement outside the mall.  
Meet April in February 3, 2013.  
I asked are you ok?  Then she started crying.  She’s a new face in the block.  I recognize most of the street people in Metrotown Mall.  April made a wrong decision last night according to her, was accused of lying and hates being called a liar.  She left the facility where she stayed for two months to change her life, slept on the street last night and unfamiliar with the city. She came from the Island, up north of BC.  The time was about 2 pm. 
All of this happened out of a blue, don’t ask me why I paid attention to this stranger.  I don’t like WHY question.  Therefore, I did not ask April the why question. 
Did I make a conscious decision to help her?  Yes or No? No. Did I hesitate?  There was no hesitation in my part, I just acted.  She needs a place to stay for one night; she’s looking for the Aboriginal Lodge. 
I’ve asked April only one thing.  April, I want you to pray to your God to help us find you a place.  She sheepishly said yes with a worried look on her face. 
Skipping all the details, I found her a place to stay by 7:30 pm.  An emergency shelter.  We were wet, shaking like a leaf, tired, cold.  We shared a cigarette before we parted and made sure she was inside this beautiful blue looking mansion in a residential area that I’ve never thought it existed closed by where I live. 
This is in response to Daily Prompt: Changes.  Come and join us, it will change your life.

Pssst … Meet me at work at 5 PM today

What do you mean you don’t know how to get here?
Me:  It’s so easy to get here.
He:  I’ll drive and pick you up.
Me:  No.  Go Green.  Take the public transit
He:  Me?  Don’t know how?
Me:  Easy.  I’ll show you how.
Me:  The address is 1580 West Broadway, Vancouver.  Not East, OK?
He:  How do I get there from MetroTown?
Me:  Here’s a Trip Planner.  It will tell you where to go and you need $2.75.  The fare went up.  Not $2.50.  Make sure you have the exact change.  The machine does not give you change.  It takes credit card tho’.  Keep your ticket.  There’s plenty of Transit Police.  If you do not have proof of payment, you’ll get a ticket for $200.  That’s our one month’s grocery! 
translink trip planner 
He:  Ok.  That’s easy enough.  Where do I meet you.  Front of the building?
Me:  No.  At the back of the building?
He:  What do you mean at the back of the building?  Can you be more specific?
Me:  Ugh.  Do I have to draw you another map?
He:  Yah!
Me:  Click on the map on the trip planner.  OK? 
Pause:  (I have to think like a man here) 
Me:  I tell you what. Here’s a step by step instruction. 
1.  Once you get off the bus at the corner of Broadway and Granville, you will see Chapters Bookstore, across the street.  Go there.
2.  LOOK.  There is a look sign on the ground as you cross the street heading Chapters.  Look both ways, OK?
3.  Keep on walking straight, do not turn left, do not turn right.  Do not even dare to go shopping at Chapters.  Keep walking.
4.  At the corner street, I do not know the name of the street, at the end of the block, turn left.
5.  You will pass Restoration Hardware, an underground parking lot and a high-rise on  your right side.  Stay right, OK.
6.  After the high-rise.  You will see a park.  This is what it VSB back of the building.  It’s a park.  See the high-rise? 
VSB - Park. Back of the building

VSB – Park. Back of the building

He:  Yah, yah, yah.  I can see VSB and the high-rise.  Ummm.  anymore landmarks.  Is there a place for me to sit?  A bench?
Me:  It’s raining for Pete’s sake. You’ll get wet sitting on the bench.  Walk on the side entrance and you will see these:
Pass this figure, turn to your left, up the ramp or stairs.  You choose.

Pass this figure, turn to your left, up the ramp or stairs. You choose.

Me:  Do Not, I repeat, Do NOT imitate this!
Keep on walking.  He`s not gonna play with you.

Keep on walking. He`s not gonna play with you.

Me:  NOW, on your left, there is a glass door.  Open the door.  There is a seating area and you will see this.

Stand right here and pet the rabbit

Stand right here and pet the rabbit

Me:  Call me from your cell and I will be right down.

He:  Hi Honey, I`m here.