Still Life

What’s inside our skull? Is it our brain or our mind?

This is a real brain floating in liquid to keep it intact as a specimen, and undoubtedly it’s not mine. Our brain is divided into two hemispheres and it contains billions of neurons. The brain plays a crucial role in our motor and sensory roles.

Our brain enhances our capacity for intellectual thoughts, planning, decision-making, survival and instincts based on past experiences. It can transcend beyond the intellect and delve into the realm of the unknown.

Without the brain; language, consciousness, memory, abstract thoughts, art, philosophy, and religion do not exist.

The staggering complexity of a human brain as it begins to develop from infancy to adulthood remains a mystery.

Inside my brain, inside of my mind, I have a human hunger that I cannot grasp.  Is God just a perception generated by my brain or is it wired to experience the reality of God?

Still, no one can answer this to my satisfaction when it comes to science.  It is all a mystery.

“The fairest thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of true science. He who knows it not and can no longer wonder, no longer feel amazement, is as good as dead” ~ Albert Einstein.

These photos were taken during one of my travels. It’s an exhibition of brain/mind/human. Location? It escaped my mind.

Educating the heart



Listening educates my mind and heart.

I must have listened to this video a hundred times.  Watching the video distracts me from listening so I converted it to voice only.  When I listen, I also like to jot down the words and I ended up transcribing the spoken words.  The key words compassion, acceptance and tolerance are words that I will keep in my heart and put into practice.

Listen and prepare ourselves in educating our mind and hearts.

(click to listen)

When a child is born,
we do everything we can
to protect them, nurture them, love them.

A child’s heart and mind are fragile.
As they grow, we want to teach them everything we know.

We send them to school
to fill their minds with wonderful knowledge
to give them the tools they need for life.

At school they get a taste what things are like in a world outside.
There’s friendship, romance, disappointment,
embarrassment, discrimination and bullying.

They are the tools we give them enough to prepare them for this world.

We have an enormous responsible and an amazing opportunity.
If we truly want to prepare them for the world outside,
we must also educate the heart.

Because to navigate the world outside
with compassion, acceptance and tolerance
we need to teach them
compassion, acceptance and tolerance.

This can begin in our schools and it can start today.

It can happen at hockey practice, dance class
and day camps and music lessons
and it’s already happening around the world
with astonishing results.

If we want our children to grow
into socially and emotionally capable young people,
we must ask for a balanced education
and put importance on educating both the mind and the heart.

Prepare them for this world.
Educating the Heart
The Dalai Lama Center for Peace and Education
Voice over by: Poet and author Shane Koyczan

You can view the video here.


Inside my mind: A human hunger


This gallery contains 5 photos.

What’s inside our skull?  Is it our brain or our mind? This is a real brain floating in liquid to keep it intact as a specimen, and undoubtedly it’s not mine.  Our brain is divided into two hemispheres and it … Continue reading


“Delicate could be the tracings of frost on a window, a child’s tiny fingers and toes, the intricate pattern of a tree’s canopy, or something yet-to-be-discovered. So much of this challenge depends on your interpretation of “delicate,” and we look forward to seeing the range of images you capture.” 
In my humble opinion, everything is delicate.  
Life itself is delicate, and we have to treasure it.  The whole world is tilting in a fine balance, and we have to respect it.  Our minds, our precious minds, nurture it; for without this, the whole world will not survive.  How do I start with that?  Of course, it starts with me. 
I came across these pictures at the school board where I work.  I took pictures of them and filed them away for future use. Today is the ripe time to share with you what Delicate means to me.  They are priceless.

With the recent event yesterday at Newton, Connecticut; I dedicate this Delicate post for them. 
“It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; What is essential is invisible to the naked eye.”   The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint Exupery 
Teach Your Children Well.  (play this song)