Mood in Photography

I’ve have been playing around with street photography and joined two groups. Monochrome and coloured. I just share a photo and let viewers tell me what they see. It’s about their moods.

Gum head

Creating a mood is not a secret in photos. There’s an app for that.

It’s a fierce competition. I’ll be lucky if my shot will be accepted. I’ll be lucky if the administrators and moderators will provide reason why it’s denied.

Proud Moment

These shots were submitted. One was accepted and one was denied.

I wonder what was the mood of the person viewing the media that made such a decision?

What moves me, moves others.


This gallery contains 1 photo.

“Let’s go for Vitamin N.” a teacher exclaimed to the students. The students’ disposition immediately changed to jubilation. Vitamin N stands for Nature. Nature is just across the school, a park. A walk in the park, running around the trees, … Continue reading