Light Made it Visible.

To reach the peak of Mt. Sinai to witness the first light of the day, one has to start trekking at zero dark thirty.

“Let the beauty we love be what we do.
There are hundreds of ways
to kneel and kiss the ground.” ~ Rumi

Dawn of a new day
On top of Mt. Sinai.
Half light, half dark
The light made it visible.

It is a place for everyone.
Muslims, Christians, Buddhist, Atheist.
All is welcome.

Zero dark thirty is a phrased I picked up from Tina.

There is no straight path

zig zag

Mount Sinai

There is no straight path.

You Zig your way
You Zag the other way
Zigzagging as you go along in life
Avoiding the pitfalls and perils.

The big rocks
The pebbles
The sandy wind
The blinding sun.

 You stumble along the way.

Pick up yourself
Shake the dust off your body
Wipe the blood of your hands and knees.

You cry some
You laugh some
You ignore some
You wonder what am I doing?

Even the camels
Even the mountain goats
They are smart enough to
Walk, jump, crisscross in the
Treacherous rocky mountain.

Don’t be fooled
For there is no short cuts
In the mountain of life.

No short cut.

There are tremendous reasons
To place the blame. Be it people,
Situations, yourself, or anything
Or anyone.  These are obstacles in life.

Unless you have a God

For your God
can make a straight path
For you.



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Sunrise!  It’s always a delightful surprise to see the sun rises.  No two are alike.  The sunrise was taken successively with just a simple borrowed dilapidated Kodak camera from my sister.  I don’t own a camera but I received a free gift of memory card from Fuji.

The 2011 pilgrimage was memorable in a sense that I went on top of Mt. Sinai.  It was a trip of a lifetime.  In order for us to be on time before the sun rises, we have to start climbing in the dark at 1 a.m.  A local Egyptian boy guided our group.  I took the easy way up, rode a camel part way and climbed at least 1000 steps up to reach the summit.Once reaching the summit, we waited for a while.

It was dark and cold.  I could hear a lot of murmur, whisper, laughter, prayer.  Our eyes were fixated on the black horizon in order not to miss the first glimmer of light.  And then, the sun quietly made its presence known.

 With a song and a prayer in my heart, I hummed this melody to my God:
Morning has broken, like the first morning
Blackbird has spoken, like the first bird
Praise for the singing, praise for the morning
Praise for the springing fresh from the word