Fireflies and Stars

Time Fireflies Photograph by Ionut Burloiu

Time Fireflies Photograph by Ionut Burloiu

Fireflies in the Garden

By Robert Frost 

Here come real stars to fill the upper skies,
And here on earth come emulating flies,
That though they never equal stars in size,
(And they were never really stars at heart)
Achieve at times a very star-like start.
Only, of course, they can’t sustain the part.


An allegory between the stars and the fireflies:
We may want to shoot for the stars and be like fireflies to shine like the stars but I say just be yourself, you will shine with your inner light.

Image credit to: Ionut Burloiu of Italy for having chosen as one of the best contributors of “After Midnight” Your Shot assignment at National Geographic.  Thank you Ionut for allowing me to share your photo of my memorable childhood.


This is a long exposure of fireflies at night in Iowa. Photo by National Wildlife Photo Contest entrant Radim Schreiber.

Photographed by Radim Schreiber  posted at  National Wildlife Photo Contest

A string of fireflies–
small lanterns that mark the path
I am following

HAIKU by Clark Strand

The last time I saw fireflies was in late 1990 in Concordia, Kansas.  It was magical that brought back memories of my childhood in the Philippines.  I’ve never seen any of these lightning bugs here in Canada.

Tell me, have you seen these in your area?

I’m in the garden


“I thank you God for this most amazing day, for the leaping greenly spirits of trees, and for the blue dream of sky and for everything which is natural, which is infinite, which is yes. ~ e.e. cummings

How much nature do you need?  For me, I need it!

When I am not working, I spend most of my time in nature.  Being in nature makes me happier, healthier and peaceful. Nature can be just our backyard.  One can spend the entire weekend gardening getting my hands dirty.  And that’s exactly what I did this past long weekend.

David Suzuki suggests that we take the nature challenge by going outside to:

  • smell the flowers
  • find the bug
  • fly a kite
  • write and sketch in the park
  • identify the trees
  • birding
  • listen to the wind
  • skip some stones
  • get my feet wet
  • take photos

And much more.

More than likely, I will be spending more time outside and it will take me away from WordPress.  So my friends, if you don’t hear from me, I’m in the garden.

I ponder myself in the cosmos

natl geo
I walked with giants
And talked with ancestors
As I looked down the millennia
At the branching and twisting of the Tree of life
Immersed in Deep Time
I contemplate
My relatives, now extinct for aeons
And those who teeter on the edge today
I stand humbled
Heart heavy with grief
And ponder my place in the cosmos.

– Andrew Jones
(written after a visit to the Mammoths exhibition at Edinburgh museum 13/2/14)

Source: Carol in Africa

WPC Lunchtime: Meatless Friday

I always pack my lunch.  Being Friday and feasting on a meatless Friday due to Lent season, the menu is: 
Sautéed mushroom and  canned salmon topped with shallots and garlic
Rice for a little bit of carbohydrates
Cut fresh pineapple
Ambrosia apple to cleanse my palate 
Walla:  Lunch fit for a Princess. 

 Having a brain freeze all day, I did not eat lunch.  I had a couple of oranges instead and went out for a walk.  Should it have been a sunny day, this is my favorite place to eat lunch; with nature. 

 Escargot anyone?
WPC Lunch Mar 15, 2013

 Needless to say, I had my lunch for supper.