First Thing First


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Denzel Washington recently gave the Commencement Address at Dillard University in New Orleans. He broke his speech into four takeaways for the new graduates: Put God first: “Everything that I have is by the grace of God, understand that. It’s … Continue reading

Fat Tuesday – New Orleans Style

Who says Nuns don’t know how to have fun.  In fact, they are truly human, truly alive. 
A group of us went to New Orleans for Mardi Gras French word for Fat Tuesday. We stayed at the Convent of the Cenacle.  We happened to know one of the Nuns and we invited ourselves to stay.  In this huge retreat house, we were the only guest.  I suppose everybody was partying at Bourbon Street. 
In the company of nuns, we had so much laughter shared during meal time.  I remember we cooked up a storm for them in thanksgiving for having us.  A priest was the only token male and his dog.  The religious order told us their stories prior to their vows.  One was engaged to be married.  But she was “called” by Someone and said Yes.  That was her turning point and she embraced the religious order. 
Fat Tuesday is one gigantic party in New Orleans.  It was an eye opener to be in this crowd, catching beads, street dancing, women flashing, men mooning, drinking on the street and x-rated activities.  It was a hoot, no pun intended. There were so many beads thrown at our directions.  And carrying it around my neck was heavy.  As for photos to show off, they are censored. 
The best part was live jazz music all over town. 
And another video that I found what was it like walking along the French Quarter. 
 I recommend that you put this in your bucket list.  It’s fun.