It made my teeth hurt, so I wrote.


This gallery contains 2 photos.

Talking is part of communication. I must have talked so much for the month of April that it made my teeth hurt. April 1 is a fool’s paradise. April 1 is the time when we play practical jokes. April 1 … Continue reading

When Did We Get So Old?


… my generation, born between 1946 and 1964, has physical concerns: Friends are dying, joints are aching, and memories are failing. There are financial issues, with forced retirement and unemployment, children needing money and possibly a bed, and dependent parents. But for many of us, it is a psychological quandary that is causing the most unpleasantness: looking around and suddenly being the oldest.

Every generation gets old, but for those who were told we’d be forever young, it just seems more painful. “It’s a huge issue,” says Dr. Anna Fels, a psychiatrist in New York. “I see so many who are trying to adjust their lives to this new phase, which for some reason none of us really pictured ourselves going through.”

Why didn’t we? We knew that eventually more people around us would be younger rather than older. But it still rankles. The image of a room filled with younger people is the perfect symbol.

Michele Willens is a journalist who writes for The Daily Beast, The Huffington Post and The Atlantic. A version of this news analysis appears in print on August 31, 2014, on page SR9 of the New York edition with the headline:  “When did we get so old?


What matters.

When we see a story in the news repeatedly, we have a tendency to think it must be important. Thinking something is important often means we feel we should do something about it.  

In the whole scheme of things, what’s really worth considering the most is the New Yorker cartoons.

Image source:  Carl Richards

The kindness of strangers

Today’s ground breaking news close to where I live, Courtney is finally going home or at home by now in San Francisco. 
A heart-warming story about random act of kindness.  Watch the second video first to know the story.  Take Care, Courtney.  Click on the link: Courtney Canter goes home. 
This post is inspired by Kozo and Cheri and Bloggers4peace

Raise A Reader

The previous Premier of BC started a campaign called “Raise A Reader”.  I once saw him handing out newspapers to public for free to encourage reading.  I politely accepted the newspaper; however, I cannot stand reading the news, all that bad stuff going on local and globally.  I quit reading the newspaper. Subsequently, more newspapers were produced for free.  There’s the 24 hours and Vancouver Metro.  A friend of mine used to work for 24 hours.  I started reading 24 hours because of her.  Then she changed professions, does not want to take pictures and become a paparazzi.  I quit reading, again.

In my travels, I met this nice elderly Filipino lady. One day, on the way to train station, I saw her giving out Vancouver Metro by the train station.  I started reading again because of this Filipino lady.  To help her out distribute the newspapers, I went to the extent of taking five newspapers to further distribute them at work.

I’m beginning to like Vancouver Metro because it has more good news than bad news.  Or maybe, I am just selectively reading the good part.  Besides, it provides easy to follow food recipes and this is the best part.

For Tuesday, January 23, 2013 issue, the headline was “Nothing to Fret My Pet!”  It is actually a love story of a woman and her deer.  To make the short story even shorter: they will live happily ever after when it was decided by law makers not to forcibly separate them.  I love happy endings.

Source:  Vancouver Metro

Source: Vancouver Metro

 To read more about it, here’s the link: Metro News.

 Psalm 42
As the deer longs for running streams… so my soul longs for you, O God.

Spread the Word

The word is Acceptance. 
It doesn’t take too much to become excited when it comes to children of the world especially the students. 
The evening news the other night caught my attention and I immediately went on Global TV on-line to get the link.  Shared it on my Face Book and the next thing, my friends are commenting and sharing the video.  The video has now gone viral according to the news. 
First thing I did at work was shared this to my peers.  And Diana responded saying that her daughter is somewhere in that news.  Oh gee, Diana, tell me more.  Not much to tell because she did not attend Hockey Night in Canada.
I am very proud of these young generations for having the courage to dance in the largest crowd and wear pink to promote Anti-Bullying. It’s coming up soon next month, February.  I am not so sure of the exact date.
School is not just all about studying, the Board also teaches the kids the basic of life so that they may learn to be compassionate, kind, loving to any a few.  I am hoping these students will create a peaceful generation.Enjoy the video and here’s the Global TV News link should you want to read all about it.
 Global TV BC – Vancouver School Kids Stage Anti-Bullying Flash Mob at a Giant’s Game.