DP: My Favorite – Click

“What’s the most time you’ve ever spent apart from your favorite person?  Tell us about it.” 
Apart?  I would rather reminisce the wonderful time we spent together.  Also, I have so many favorites. 
For example on Christmas time, my nephew I call “Jude Law” because he looks like “Jude Law” exclaimed on the top of his voice, in front of cousins, that he is my favorite.  Oh-oh … the third generations turned their eyes towards me.  If looks could kill, daggers being thrown at me and one said, I thought I am your favorite!  BASTED!  
When I have a one and one with my nephew or niece, I tell them, how’s my favorite?  I guess, for the younger generations, it has to be “one and only”.  Now, how can I teach them a lesson in life? 
There is one person that I see twice or three times a year: her birthday, my birthday and/or Christmas.  Heaven forbid, when there’s death in the family.  My childhood friend.  The minute we look at each other, we started giggling as if we were still in elementary days.  That’s just the chemistry we have.  We always laugh and giggle.  Even though we’ve gone through a lot of upheavals, we still manage to see the beauty in life, smile and then laugh. 
The last time we spent time together was on my birthday.  The way we Filipinos celebrate our birthday, we throw a party, at our expense.  We do not wait for anyone to remember our birthday.  I’m the only person on this world who would remember my birthday, so don’t expect them to remember it.  This way, no hard feelings, should they forget about it. 
Lunch on me I said to BFF.  Photo, please, as we asked the waitress.  “Are you sure you want me to take this picture? the waitress said.”  Yes, please, by complying with our wishes, we will reward you with more than 20% tip.  Click!
Happy Birthday to me - 2012

Happy Birthday to me – 2012