More American Cartoons On Canada

Brett lives in America and blogs about Canada. I have used one of the New Yorker cartoons he posted and this one will tickle your funny bones.

O' Canada

I enjoy the diversion of witty cartoons (especially those in The New Yorker magazine), and I’ve posted previously about funny cartoons that comment on American perceptions and stereotypes about Canada (for example, here and here).  Below are a few others that may provide for some amusement.


This one deals with the general lack of knowledge about Canada by many Americans:

What part of Canada . . .


Americans know they share many similarities with Canadians and might be happy to think that’s true in all respects but every now and then something will remind otherwise — such as the finishing of a sentence with an “eh?” or a different pronunciation of a common word (like “about” pronounced as “aboot”) — even if they can’t put their finger on it:



Of course, there’s the widely held perception of Canadians as being polite to a fault:

Canadian Mob


This one, while showing two Canadian politicians, plays…

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