The many muses of Picasso and how long they were together.


This gallery contains 4 photos.

Picasso: The artist and his muses exhibit is in town at the Vancouver Art Gallery. It is a journey about his art, personal life, and overlapping affairs to remember with six different women that fueled his artistic abilities and made … Continue reading

Life of Contradiction

If a picture can paint a thousand words

Then why can’t I paint you.

Picasso drawing by Carl D'Agostino

Picasso drawing by Carl D’Agostino

 Experimentation With Copy Art by Carl D’Agostino

Life of Contradiction – A Poem
One stormy night
In the middle of the day
Two dead boys
Stood up and fight
Back to back
They faced each other
They drew their swords
And shot each other
I don’t know where this poem came from but I memorized it way back when I was in elementary.  I loved it so much that when I start thinking of so many ifs in life, I play this like a broken record.  I guess I have mastered the Life of Contradiction. 
I am happy the way I am, no need to be a master of anything when I can’t even be a master in this School of Life. 
This is in response to Daily Prompt: Skills.  Come and join us, it’s fun.