The Art of Selfie: Call me Miss Pretty.


This gallery contains 3 photos.

On a beautiful autumn day, one cannot help but feel good and pretty inside.  Taking photos of the most colourful neighbourhood, a few people had the same idea as me.  It was amusing to watch some of them taking a … Continue reading

The Best Gift of All

It seemed that it took forever to see a first Canadian baby born in our clan.  Finally, when the baby came, we nicknamed her Goldie.  Goldie because she is a precious little girl.  In her baptism, all of her Uncles and Aunties are her Godparents.  I mean all 10 of us plus a few friends of the parents.  I’ve lost count.

She is now an adult, fun to be with and the best baker in town.  It’s quite funny when she discovered an App that depicts her and started posting it in Facebook.

Here she is preparing for butter shortage, having fun in an accidental spillage, and baking us a cake to remind us of our mortality.

Well, she just celebrated her birthday and here I go again. Happy Birthday, Niece.

niece #1

As an adult, she hardly receives gifts from us.  Instead she gives us gifts, herself, the best gift of all.  Never ever change, sweet Niece.

A Baha’i Prayer

A Baha’i Prayer
Be generous in prosperity, and thankful in adversity.
Be fair in thy judgement, and guarded in thy speech.
Be a lamp unto those who walk in darkness and a home to the stranger.
Be eyes to the blind, and a guiding light to the feet of the erring.
Be a breath of life to the body of humankind,
a dew to the soil of the human heart and
fruit upon the tree of humility.
Baha'i Garden in Israel Pilgrimage 2010

Baha’i Garden in Israel Pilgrimage 2010

  Prayer for peace

May Christ inflame the desires of all people to break through the barriers which divide them, to strengthen the bonds of mutual love, to learn to understand one another and to pardon those who have done them wrong. Through his power and inspiration, may all peoples welcome each other to their hearts as brothers and sisters, and may the peace they long for ever flower and ever reign among them.

Pacem in Terris

At Sacred Space today can I allow the Word of God to stir up the authentic desires and longings of my heart? The men and women of the whole world long for peace.

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Let’s Go Inside

Oh, a cemetery!  I exclaimed to my friend.  Let’s go inside and look for ghost.  
From what I’ve heard, this is a haunted cemetery and there were ghosts sighting.  On a hot day in the middle of the afternoon, it would be fair to assume that ghosts do not show up in broad daylight.  It’s too hot for them to come out.  Besides they are hard to detect when the sun is in full beam. 
My friend ignored me because she hates ghost after having a bad experience when the ghost went charging right into her face.  I thought it was funny, but not for her.  Instead, she told me that the this is the  burial-place of Emily Carr; only if she can remember where it was. 
Off we went, inside the cemetery.
Pushing Daisy

Pushing Daisy

It’s a beautiful old cemetery.  I found one that is adorned with flowers; real living white Shasta daisy garden.  This is what I call pushing the daisies.
Sarah Jane Pearse

Sarah Jane Pearse

And this is the oldest tomb in the cemetery.  I wonder what kind of life this person had and what caused her demise.  Inscribed is Sarah Jane Pearse on the stone; what a beautiful name.  She lived over a hundred years old. 
We went round and round in circles in the cemetery looking for Emily Carr.  I can’t find the tomb, not even a single apparition.  There was a group tour at the cemetery and I really would like to speak to a living soul who knows where the tomb of Emily is.  But my friend is such a kill joy she wants me to keep quiet.  Zip my lips. 
Finally, I am tired from walking and took a rest under the canopy of trees.  In my mind, I spoke to Emily.  “Emily, show me where you are buried.  You hear me?”  As soon as I said that, I saw a white butterfly coming towards me.  What an interesting thing to see a butterfly when there is not even a peep from the birds due to the heat.  
Decorated Tomb

Decorated Tomb

Where did you come from butterfly?  I walked towards where the butterfly came from and I saw two people standing by a tomb from the distance.  Walking towards them without a sound, I could see that the tomb has a few things on it. Curiosity took a hold of me and I want to find out what it was.  When the couple left, I went closer.  Much to my surprise, it’s her.  Emily Carr.
Emily Carr

Emily Carr

Emily Carr, thank you for hearing my words and for sending a messenger to show me the way to you, a butterfly.
Dear Mother Earth

Dear Mother Earth

Oh, this is too good…

Voicemail Accident Hilarious

This guy is leaving a voicemail for his boss when he witnesses a minor traffic accident. Not fake actually happen. In late February, several stations broadcast interviews with a man named Michael Childs, who said that he was the one who left the voicemail message, that the clip was genuine, and that the accident described took place about six years ago in Athens, Texas, while he was working as a construction manager for Jack in the Box.

A Hindu Prayer

A Hindu Prayer
 Oh God, lead us from the unreal to the Real.
Oh God, lead us from darkness to light.
Oh God, lead us from death to immortality.
Shanti (Peace), Shanti, Shanti unto all.
Oh Lord God almighty,
may there be peace in celestial regions.
May there be peace on earth.
May the waters be appeasing.
May herbs be wholesome,
and may trees and plants bring peace to all.
May all beneficent beings bring peace to us.
May thy peace itself bestow peace on all,
and may that peace come to me also. 
Photo: AP/Niranjan Shrestha

Photo: AP/Niranjan Shrestha

 Prayer for peace on Earth

Everyone who has joined the ranks of Christ must be a glowing point of light in the world, a nucleus of love, a leaven of the whole mass. He will be so in proportion to his degree of spiritual union with God.

Pacem in Terris

Prayer of an 11 year old Indian boy

Prayer of an 11 year old Indian boy on hearing of Sino-Indian border fighting: Lord, make this world last as long as possible. 
 prayer of a boy

 Prayer for peace on Earth

Blessed John XXIII was a man unafraid of the future. Moved by his trust in Providence, even in what seemed like a permanent situation of conflict, he did not hesitate to summon the leaders of his time to a new vision of the world.

Let us all resolve to have this same outlook: trust in the merciful and compassionate God who calls us to brotherhood, and confidence in the men and women of our time because, like those of every other time, they bear the image of God in their souls. (John Paul II).

As we long for peace we remember our brothers and sisters of all faiths – and none – who share our longings.

Related Articles:

Buddha says “Life is suffering.”

Photo by: Daehyun Kim Source: New York Times

Photo by: Daehyun Kim
Source: New York Times

Buddha says “Life is suffering.”  
Every time someone says this quote, I add: “Get with the program!” 
Yes, I agree.  What I do with suffering is either use it or lose it. 
Useful suffering teaches me something; it makes me wiser and cut away any useless limbs so that I may bear fruit, so to speak.  It makes me a better person, a better sister, a better friend and then some.  
Useless suffering is negative and depressing.  I cannot make sense of it.  When I try to analyze the situation, it causes analysis paralysis.  My spiritual, emotional, mental and physical well-being deteriorates.  I feel it’s a dead-end street and sometimes death is a good way out.  It is devastating. 
I have my fair share of suffering.  Family and friends help tremendously with their outpouring love to help me recover.  Behind this love is the deep faith we have that help me redeemed myself.  It is called Redemptive suffering. 
“Redemption accomplished through love remains always open to all love expressed through human suffering.”  Since my faith is based on the theology of Jesus, I offer my suffering to Him and I am privilege that He allows me to unite my suffering.  This is the greatest way for me in order to rise above the existential angst and cesspool of the soul. 
I can offer the grief, depression, limitation, frustration, pain and sorrow that I experience without suffering.  The uselessness of suffering becomes powerless.  Of course, I have fear.  I am never useless no matter what condition I am in.  And I can say the same to you, you are never useless.  In fact, other people can learn from us; we may be doing more good for humanity.  I know.  Being in the company of women at Talitha Kuom, I learned humility, love, perseverance, trust, compassion and patience. 
To keep up with my answer “get with the program”, I take a look at the area of my life and make sure that none of it is useless and wasted.
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A Sikh Prayer

A Sikh Prayer
 By the grace of God’s name May humanity find itself lifted higher and higher. In thy dispensation O Lord Let there be good in all humanity. 
Sikh Prayer 
Prayer for peace on Earth  
The International community, which since 1948 has possessed a charter of the inalienable rights of the human person, has generally failed to insist sufficiently on corresponding duties. It is duty that establishes the limits within which rights must be contained in order not to become an exercise in arbitrariness. A greater awareness of universal human duties would greatly benefit the cause of peace. (John Paul 2nd). 
As I pray today at Sacred Space we remember that the Lord never forces me. The voice of God is one of love. As we Christians long for peace we remember our brothers and sisters of other faiths who share our longings.

Related Articles:

“Each One of Us Has An Angel”

From a very young age I always have had a belief in Angels, I have seen them and felt them close by when needed. 
My childhood was difficult with violence in the family then the split of the family. We all think of Angels as beautiful figures dressed in white with huge wings. One of my Angels was a child my age that used to come and sit with me on the edge of my bed. 
As I grew I got use to the Angels, I read up about them, learned about them. Each one of us has an Angel assigned to us on the day we are born.  This Angel is with you standing in the wings (no pun intended), waiting for you to ask help and that’s it. 
Now if you ask for £1million……… well tough. You are not going to get it, but if you ask strength at a particular moment then your Angel will be there with his/her arm around your shoulder. 
Please don’t ask me why children die, or people die in accidents or of cancers if they have Angels. I don’t know, these things happen and there must be a reason new-born babies have their first dream and then taken away from us, only the Almighty knows. I have asked that question many times as I have been in that situation. 
How to contact your Angel: first it’s a matter of trust. Trust your Angel to be there, then get yourself relaxed in a quiet room, no need for candles or incense, but if it will help you relax then do it. Close your eyes and ask your Angel to come forward and to tell you their name, now really listen with your ears, mind and especially your heart. You will hear their name; you will feel warmth, a comfort and joy. 
Then thank them for their name and ask them for help, over the next few days look for signs, feelings of comfort in your home and white feathers. 
It works for me. Have Faith, Love and Hope that’s all you need. 
by: Pete, My Sore Soul 
Pete, thank you for sharing your testimony. This is the comment of Pete from my post Do you believe in Angels.  Please direct your comments to him and feel free to visit his site,  My Sore SoulPete, please feel free to response to them.  Again, thank you.

A Jain Prayer

A Jain Prayer

Lead me from death to Life, from falsehood to Truth.
Lead me from despair to Hope, from fear to Trust.
Lead me from hate to Love, from war to Peace.
Let Peace fill our heart, our world, our universe.
– Satish Kumar


Source: Sacred Space

Source: Sacred Space

Prayer for peace on Earth

Pope John Paul II reflected on Blessed John XXIII’s Four Pillars of Peace:

» Truth will build peace if every individual sincerely acknowledges not only his rights, but also his own duties towards others.

» Justice will build peace if in practice everyone respects the rights of others and actually fulfils his duties towards them.

» Love will build peace if people feel the needs of others as their own and share what they have with others.

» Freedom will build peace and make it thrive if, in the choice of the means to that end, people act according to reason and assume responsibility for their own actions.

Related Articles:

A Jewish Prayer

A Jewish Prayer 
Cause us, O Father, to lie down in peace, and rise again to enjoy life. Spread over us the covering of your peace, guide us with your good counsel and save us for the sake of your name. Be a shield about us, turning away every enemy, disease, violence, hunger and sorrow. Shelter us in the shadow of your wings, for you are a God who guards and protects us, a ruler of mercy and compassion…. Blessed are you, Lord, who spreads the shelter of peace over us, over His people Israel, and over all the world.
Source:  Sacred Space

Source: Sacred Space

 Prayer for peace on Earth 
Pacem in Terris (1963) spoke to everyone about their belonging to the one human family and it shone a light on the shared aspiration of people everywhere to live in security, justice and hope for the future. Forty years later we are more obviously than ever the children of one global family. 
Today let me open my heart to the deep aspirations of those people who seem furthest away from me. As we Christians long for peace we remember our brothers and sisters of other faiths who share our longings.
Related links:

Today is now Yesterday

The vines are starting
To look very wiry
Choking the other plants. 
The blossoms are going to seeds
Bees are sucking the very
Last drop of nectar.
Assessing the garden
Spring and summer plants
Are looking tired.
The shrubs are overgrown
Leaves are falling
Sign of fall coming.
What choice do I have
On this matter
But to do garden work
I rolled over under the bush
To trim the under brush
It wasn’t a good idea.
I forgot to harvest the strawberries
Therefore, I cannot bring
The sweet wine I promised.
I know I have other things to do
With mind focused on gardening
Nothing else mattered
Working hard made me hungry
I feasted on Chinese food
No time to cook supper.
I am sure the this body
Will be feeling today
The aches and pain.
Who cares.
I had the joy
That is mine 
Yesterday of “Today”
Related link:  “Today”

Just for laugh

Flirting Cop Angry Girlfriend

An attractive female flirting cop is well received by the guys she’s flirting with but not so much by their girlfriends who get a little angry. Guys are such suckers for any attractive female giving them the time of day and they can’t control themselves in front of their girlfriends. The girlfriends decide to show the cop who’s the boss as their boyfriends watch in horror. Another funny skit from the crew at Just For Laughs Gags filmed in Québec.

Good night.

A Muslim Prayer

O God! O our Master! You are eternal life and everlasting peace by your essence and attributes. The everlasting peace is from You and it returns to You. O our Sustainer! Grant us the life of true peace and usher us into the abode of peace. O Glorious and Bounteous One! You are blessed and sublime. 
Source:  Sacred Space

Source: Sacred Space

Prayer for peace on Earth 
Forty years ago Pope John reminded the world of the Four Pillars of Peace. They are the basis of right order in our world. It is an order that is founded on truth, built up on justice, nurtured and animated by charity, and brought into effect under the auspices of freedom. 
As we join together at Sacred Space, we might express our hope for our world, that we may re-establish the divine order in our own hearts and in our world. Still, we remember that the Lord speaks to each person according to their own situation and needs. 
Our brothers and sisters of many faiths – and none – share our longing for peace.
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Today, while the blossoms still cling to the vine
I’ll taste your strawberries, I’ll drink your sweet wine
A million tomorrows shall all pass away
‘Ere I forget all the joy that is mine,
I’ll be a dandy, and I’ll be a rover
You’ll know who I am by the songs that I sing
I’ll feast at your table, I’ll sleep in your clover
Who cares what tomorrow shall bring
Today, while the blossoms still cling to the vine
I’ll taste your strawberries, I’ll drink your sweet wine
A million tomorrows shall all pass away
‘Ere I forget all the joy that is mine, Today
I can’t be contented with yesterday’s glory
I can’t live on promises winter to spring
Today is my moment, now is my story
I’ll laugh and I’ll cry and I’ll sing
Today, while the blossoms still cling to the vine
I’ll taste your strawberries, I’ll drink your sweet wine
A million tomorrows shall all pass away
‘Ere I forget all the joy that is mine, Today
Today, while the blossoms still cling to the vine
I’ll taste your strawberries, I’ll drink your sweet wine
A million tomorrows shall all pass away
‘Ere I forget all the joy that is mine,

Do you believe in Angels?

Do I believe in angels?  I do! 
There is no doubt in my mind that angels exist and never a day goes by in my mind that angels exist.  They could be in so many different forms.  When they do appear to me, in some way on another, the memory leaves an indelible mark in my mind. 
The Angels can send a real person to protect and serve the goodness of mankind.  They protected me and helped in my most dire need.  No question about it.  
If Angels exist so does the devil.  I know, for I have seen the devil on someone’s face.  There are unexplained situations that happened and I have no fear for the Angel of the Lord is with me. 
Being present to everyday situation makes me more open to the divine more so with the evil.  Not that I am discounting the negative effect in daily life, there are more goodness in the world. 
It’s the little things that go unnoticed that makes life bearable.  An empty field with a single daisy flowering amidst the rubbles and the weeds chocking the earth will brighten my mind.  This is a singular beauty that I notice as I routinely walk going to work and coming home.  The Angel opens my eyes to the wonder of ordinary life as I pray this: 
Angel of God
My Guardian, dear
To whom Gods love
Commits me here.
Angel of God Post AT Work

Angel of God Post AT Work

Ever this day
Be at my side
To light and guide
Rule and guard.

Related Link: Sunday Snippet

A Buddhist Prayer

Evoking the presence of the great compassion, let us fill our hearts with our own compassion – towards ourselves and towards all living beings. 
Let us pray that all living beings realize that they are all brothers and sisters, all nourished from the same source of life. 
Source: Sacred Space

Source: Sacred Space

 The world will never be the dwelling place of peace till peace has found a home in the heart of each and every person, till every person preserves in himself the order ordained by God to be preserved. 
Pacem in Terris ~ Pope John 1963

Hello World…. Come to Canada…Today

Come and join us in celebrating Canada Day, today, July 1st. 
In Vancouver, British Columbia, it will be an all day music, entertainment, and activities for the whole family.  Other events are: 
  • Citizenship Ceremony
  • Great Canadian Invention Hall
  • Port Metro Vancouver Zone
  • Extreme Sports Show
  • Canada’s Army, Navy and Air Force
  • Buskers and roaming entertainment
  • Food vendors offering cuisine from across Canada
  • Canada Day Parade
  • Canada Day Burrard Inlet Fireworks Show 
Happy Canada Day!

Happy Canada Day!

My friends
Love is better than anger.
Hope is better than fear.
Optimism is better that despair.
Let us be
Loving, helpful and optimistic.
Quote from a great Canadian
Jack Layton 1950-2011
 Related articles

Comings and Goings of March 29, 2013

It started with an early phone call from Room 203; she wanted to visit and it’s only 9 a.m.  Still in her pajamas with coffee, cheese and crackers, as well as her cat Riley, I let her in. 
This is the first time Riley is visiting my place and he is very scarred.  Have you ever heard scared cat cry?  It’s  blood curling cry.  Maurice and Lucy were scared and went into hiding.  So did Riley.  By the time they left is was close to noon. 
Next, I went next door, Room 307 to ask her to make me real coffee.  I supplied her with a Starbucks coffee grind.  Life is good with real coffee.  I took some pictures of her potted plants. 
It is now 1 pm and time to visit Mother.  She’s resting just down the road.  I picked some narcissus, fern, sage, rosemary and yellow flowering branches from my garden to bring to Mother. 

The road where Mother is resting is downhill.  Going downhill sure beats uphill.  I’ll worry about that later. 
It’s a busy day mostly for Chinese family.  They sure know how to party with their dearly departed.  I laid a few flowers for this young man, this is the first time I’ve heard of bullying, year 2000,  the same year Mother died.  Mother’s site sure looks pretty with the bouquet I placed on her gravesite. 
Then I visited the pond with a lonesome drake, a couple of turtles and plenty of fishes. 
See that building on top, I live across that.  See that 45 degree road, that’s the hill to get back home which is not a problem if only I am 13 years younger. 
I came across with a worm.  Then, I took refuge underneath a tree and scared the living daylight out of me, an evil thing lurking above.  Sakura is in full bloom and then life is a bowl of ???.   But look, I found a $10 gift certificate, my lucky day.
Finally, I’m home.  That’s the yellow flowering bush.  The baby artichokes are waiting for me to cook.  By the look of the size of the artichoke, even though I bought two dozens, I will still be hungry.  Thank goodness, Room 307 came over for tea with Polish salad. 

The salad was my dinner.  As for the artichokes, it ended up in the garbage.  
Life is grand.

It’s All About The Genes

It was St. Patrick’s gathering, most of the second generations were present and all of the third were there.  It’s an opportunity for me to take pictures of the younger generations. 
Caught them playing monopoly in the bedroom and asked if I could take a picture of them.  
“NO!  We are playing” they responded in concert.
“It’s really important and it will only take a second.  Besides, I just want to take a picture of your legs.” 
Now they are curious what Auntie Crazy is up to.  So they oblige. 
Then I explained to them what the picture is all about.  The title is “It’s all about the Genes.”
“Jeans as our pants?” one smart child asked.
“That’s a good way to put it.  It sounds the same but spelled differently.” I said. 
Of course the younger ones do not understand but a couple older second generations understand my cryptic title. 
“G-E-N-E-S, Genes. It means we all came from the same blood or DNA” I said.
“D-N-A?” said the wee one.
“Never mind, let’s stick with the blood.” 
“We all came from the same blood.  Your mother came from your Nana.  Your Nana is my sister.  Nana and I came from Granny.”  I explained and they seem to get a better understanding. 
“Now, sometimes, there is something wrong with the blood that is pass from one person to another.  Meaning, there’s something wrong with me but some of you might not get what’s wrong with me.  And some of your Uncles, Aunties and Cousins might have something wrong with them, too.  For example, depression.”  I further explained. 
“Depression, you mean crazy or weird?”  A naïve question.
“Yes, when you feel weird or acting crazy, it might be a sign.  And do not be scared of talking about feeling weird or crazy because there is always help.  You have to let us know because we are here to help.  Do you guys understand?”  I said. 

All about the Genes

All about the Genes
 “Yes, can we go back to playing the game?” 
End of lesson on Genes 101.

next is the brain

Charity begins at home
My heart is the best organ of my body, next is the brain
The best garden booster, Black Earth Soil
There are seven energy centres in our body which is called “Chakras”.  When I meditate, what is best for me is to connect the point in my head (brain) with my heart (home). 


The heart is for compassion, the brain is for intuition.
And here’s a song  I’m always going home.

This is in response to Daily Prompt: Free Association. It’s fun, come and join us.

A Solution or A Problem

In a crisis, I ask myself, am I a solution or a problem?  If I am a problem, I remove myself.  If I am a solution, I’m in. 
For my sweet niece, Lucy, she has the best answer in her Face Book.  Too smart for a tender age, full of wisdom for a young mind.  I will follow a child.
Posted in Lucy's Face Book

Posted in Lucy’s Face Book

 As for my faith, I will always say this prayer:

Lord, grant me
the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change
the courage to change the things that I can
the wisdom to know the difference

And I will be guided by the Holy Spirit.


This is in response to Daily Prompt: In Crisis.  Come and join us.

Share is a verb

I LOVE SHARING and it’s my favourite word.  Share is a verb.  It’s an action word.  This was my opening word in my post Monday’s Peace News Captured on video. 
Sharing is very self-fulfilling.  It brings out the humanity in me especially LOVE.  In my reflection, this love is a gift from my God that is meant to be shared.  
So, here go I… 
After yesterday’s Daily Prompt: Polite Company, I am still deeply moved by Martin Luther King, Jr.’s history, not so much about the controversial topic about religion and politics. 
Out of deep admiration and respect for him, I want to share this song with you:

We Shall Overcome.

And a beautiful story Morning Story: Do Unto Others.

Have a blessed day.

Pax Tecum, (Peace be With You)  _/\_ Seeker

Monday’s Peace News Captured on Video

Share is the word I instill on the children in order for them to become giving or eventually selfless when they grow up.  Share your toys, share your food, share your clothes, and more sharing. 
One thing I have noticed ever since I joined the computer age is the “share” button.  The feeling of “I think it’s not so bad being to be in this age after all.”  I happen to like sharing and giving. 
I re-opened my Facebook account this year because I feel left out.  My family and relatives are now all connected in Face Book.  My intention is to make this site active to share my faith and to keep the faith alive in our family. 
One day my nephew shared a YouTube about “the good in people were captured on video”.  Isn’t that wonderful?  I love good news. 
And now it’s my turn to pass it on to you to spread Peace on Earth.  It will be the best 1:36 minutes of your Monday. 
More good news:  God loves you.
On this day, 1783 Peace of Paris was ratified.
In closing:
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.
Not as the world gives do I give it to you.
Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid. ~   John 14:27
In response to Daily Prompt: Ripped from the Headline:  click here for details
Related Articles / Links
Delicate minds about being Peacemakers
We Can Make A Difference-Right Here, Right Now by Kozo
January Post for Peace by Grandmalin
B4Peace – Love thy Neighbor by sarahneeve
Peace be with you today and all days by Tracy
Bloggers4Peace -Everyday Gurus
World Peace Conference – Culture of Peace by Louise Diamond

DP: Clean Slate – Simplicity

“Daily Post: Clean Slate – Explore the room you’re in as if you’re seeing it for the first time. Pretend you know nothing. What do you see? Who is the person who lives there?” 
The place is the tiniest room in a three storey older tenement.  It’s a bachelor suite measuring around 500 square feet or less, big enough for a simple life.
Room 306 is the back part of the third floor of Royal Manor.  She just loves that name and she started feeling regal already.  Seeing the bright living room with balcony, plenty of natural light is very conducive to a healthy living for the new tenant requires natural light in order to survive the long winter ahead.
A balcony, she feels so blessedly rich.  She can picture what plants to grow, eventually.  No animals allowed is the agreement she signed for.  That is just fine by her since she doesn’t want any responsibilities.  All she wants is to take care of herself and live a life of solitude.
The tenant is a minimalist.  All she brought with her is an old bed and three dressers for her clothes.  She loves dressing up.  No sofa, no chairs, no table for she threw in the towel.  A clean slate, a new beginning.
Ah, she can now breathe.  No more stuff that suffocates her life.
Over the years, the room is gradually filling up and it has maintained its simplicity in life.  A sofa, plants, folding dinning table, a cat.  Plenty of light and life. She now loves living the life what God has intended for her. 
Living room

Living room

Take Two – All Things Bright and Beautiful

“DP Prompt: Take Two – Run outside. Take a picture of the first thing you see. Run inside. Take a picture of the second thing you see. Write about the connection between these two random objects, people, or scenes.”

Each little flower that opens,
Each little bird that sings,
He made their glowing colors,
He made their tiny wings.

The purple-headed mountain,
The river running by,
The sunset, and the morning,
That brightens up the sky;

The cold wind in the winter,
The pleasant summer sun,
The ripe fruits in the garden,
He made them every one.

He gave us eyes to see them,
And lips that we might tell,
How great is God Almighty,
Who has made all things well.

Poem by: Cecil Frances Alexander

 Related Articles:
All Things Bright and Beautiful Poem post by cristines
Hummingbird blogspot by mara gamiel
As a matter of cat by Ella on WordPress

Weekly Photo Challenge: Illumination – “EYE” Dream

Illumination is more than an ordinary light to me.  To be illuminated is has to touch the very core of my soul.

This picture was taken in one of the Churches in Rome.  It reminded me of my dream. Should you be interested in knowing the dream, click on Eye Dreamed post.

The EYE of GOD

The EYE of GOD

This Is Your Life – eBooks

“If you could read a book containing all that has happened and will ever happen in your life, would you? If you choose to read it, you must read it cover to cover.” 
Just don’t feel writing what book that would be, today.  I can only imagine the book will be a Trilogy like Lord of the Rings.  That’s how sometimes I picture myself in book form.  There will be no ending. Fourth booking coming soon. Furthermore, it will be an eBook form. 
Instead let me share this beautiful video which I would prefer to call “Where on Earth is Matt?” instead of “Where the Hell is Matt?”  I find it uplifting. 
Hoping you will enjoy it as much as I did.  Have a good day, everyone. 
In keeping with his doctrine that nothing be taken too seriously, not even his own teachings, the Master loved to tell this story on himself:
“My very first disciple was so weak that the exercises killed him.
My second disciple drove himself crazy from his earnest practice of the  exercises I gave him.
My third disciple dulled his intellect through too much contemplation.
But the fourth managed to keep his sanity.” 
“Why was that?” someone would invariably ask. 
“Possibly because he was the only one who refused to do the exercises.” 
The Master’s words would be drowned in howls of laughter.
Anthony de Mello, SJ
MORSEL:    The teacher is like the candle which lights others in consuming itself. ~  Giovanni Ruffini (1807-1881)

What your fortune cookie tells you

“Daily Prompt: 32 Flavors.  Vanilla, chocolate, or something else entirely?”  I choose something else entirely. 
The cheapest way for my family to dine out is to go to a Chinese restaurant, New Lakeview Seafood Restaurant. The restaurant manager knows us and it’s the only restaurant, I think, that is crazy enough to accept a boisterous huge family. My family is loud and that’s why I live alone, away from the maddening crowd. Can’t really stay away from them far too long because sometimes I need to hear real voices; otherwise, I hear voices in my head. We try to meet at least once a month for a group birthday celebration; one big party for all celebrants of the month.  
After chow time, my nephew made a suggestion when it’s time to crack open our fortune cookies.
Fortune Cookie

Fortune Cookie

 “When you read your fortune cookie, make sure you add at the end of the sentence ‘in bed’  nephew said in his soft-spoken English accent. 
 “Are you talking dirty again?” the adults turned their head to nephew and exclaimed this in unison.
 “No, you guys are the one who is thinking dirty. I just want to have fun. Just play along with me. OK?” nephew retorted.
 “Sure, sure.” adults agreed.
 Just imagine all the ruckus of laughter as this is being spoken loudly.  So here are samples of the fortune in the cookies
 Sister #6: A thing of beauty shall bring you great joy … in bed (she’s happily married)
 Sister #5: You will soon be blessed with unexpected good luck … in bed (she dedicated herself in RCIA – Rites of Christian Initiation for Adults)
 Sister #4: You will be the centre of a special group’s attention … in bed (she’s one of the celebrants)
 Sister #2: Your genuine talent will find its way to success … in bed (she gave up her sewing business as a dressmaker in order to propagate the Devotion to Infant Jesus of Prague)
 Me:  Desires that are not extravagant will be granted … in bed.  OMG.  I was the laughing-stock (no comment)
 It was so much fun. Thanks to my Rocking Nephew, there is a whole meaning on fortune cookies.  Huffington Post begs to differ and wrote an article about how ridiculous the messages are.  Click on this fortune cookie to read.
 Of course, we say grace before meals even though we are in a public restaurant. The family that prays together stays together.
Prayer before meal:
We come to join in the banquet of love,
Let it open our hearts and break down the fears
That keeps us from loving each other.
            sung by Dominican Nuns at mealtime
 MORSEL: If you judge people, you have no time to love them. — Mother Teresa

1984 – What do you see?

“You’re locked in a room with your greatest fear. Describe what’s in the room.”

 Hotmail In Box:  No new mail.  I might as well read all the letters then.

Vanakkham – Greetings to you.  Mentally, I am in good health and my well-being is calm.  I like praying and I dislike quarrelling.  I receive so many suggestions and ideas about to live like a guide to others and how can I live without giving any difficulties to other and how can I be of help.  I shared everything to my friends.

With God’s grace and your love I am living peacefully.  I will remember you in my daily prayers.  Since I can’t write this letter, our field worker has written this letter for me.

Yours lovingly, signed with a thumb print

These are bits and pieces of the letters I received from PMB1245 Child ID.  My foster child’s name is Kulandai Samy.  He is much too old for a foster child, older than me.  He is blind.  And I am speaking on behalf of Samy.

I’ve never read a single word of fear from a blind person.  He cannot describe what’s in the room for that matter.  Samy, has given me so much joy since 2009.  Twice a year, I received a letter and annually a Christmas card enclosed a photo of him.  He does look so peaceful. 

I received a call from the agency that Samy died of a heart attack last week, beginning of January 2013.  Now, he is forever peaceful, united with God. 

Kulandai Samy, where ever you are, I thank you for coming into my life.  I’ll be seeing you in the next life.

*One Minute Meditation*
Our minds are like crows. They pick up everything that glitters, no
matter how uncomfortable our nests get with all that metal in them.
–Thomas Merton
Related post from WordPress:
Fear of the unknown: by seeker
A question for me; Was he afraid?  story by tkmorin
What you don’t know: by shadoza
The Only thing to fear: by jodahfirst
The voices in my bathroom were real, Oh God: by allthosesmallthings

Last Words

Last Word

Last Word

With all my love and prayers.  God Bless You All.
Daily Prompt: Last Words
November 21, 2012
You have the chance to write one last post on your blog before you stop blogging forever. Write it.
Just Catching Up.  😀
 PS:  I will be in hiatus starting January 1, 2013.

DP: Teacher’s Pet – Don’t Call Me Stupid

My name is “Pet”, short for Perpetua.  And this is a story when I was in Elementary School studying at Ramon Magsaysay Cubao High School (RCMHS), a public school system. 
This must have happened when I was in sixth grade.  I was a very tiny person with BOOMING voice, similar to Owen Meany in the book written by John Irving “A Prayer for Owen Meany”.  Being small, I was always placed and seated at the front row.  But in this class, I was seated somewhere in the middle row.  I think the class was History and Geography. 
Teacher’s Pet?  I wasn’t called “Pet” by a teacher.  I was called “STUPID”.  I can’t remember what the question was raised by the Teacher nor can I remember what I said.  All I remember was I was called “STUPID”. 
I stood up and on the top of my voice I exclaimed  “DON’T YOU EVER CALL ME STUPID!”  Oh no, this is a No-no.  As a student, no one ever answers back to a Teacher; as a child, my role is to listen and obey. 
You could hear a pin drop in the classroom.  I wasn’t sent to the Principal’s office.  No response from the teacher nor there was a feedback from my scared classmates.  No note to take home for my Mother.  Class carried on. 
Report card: FAILED on History and Geography.  I love history and I know my Geography.  I can tell all the names of 50 states of United States and its capital.  I know Philippines has 7,001 islands on low tide; on high tide, one island is submerged, only 7,000 islands.  It’s a cinch to memorize when my brain cells are intact, at that time. 
Did I care if I failed?  Nah, who cares?  Nobody calls me stupid. 
“Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.”
“The difference between genius and stupidity is; genius has its limits.”
“If you can’t explain it to a six year old, you don’t understand it yourself.”― Albert Einstein
Related Articles:
HuffingtonPost: After A Teacher Calls Your Child Stupid: by Karin Kasdin
Don’t Call Me Stupid: Ross Mountney’s Notebook – WordPress
Don’t Call Me Stupid: by Kara Tointon – BBC UK
My Teacher, Who Pets some and Tries All: by All Those Small Things WordPress
Teachers Pet, Teacher who had a real impact on your life: by myvividvisions WordPress

DP: Helpless – Lost Generation

 “Helplessness: that dull, sick feeling of not being the one at the reins. When did you last feel like that –- and what did you do about it?”
It’s now day three that I am under the weather.
I am so sick and tired of being sick with coughing, sneezing and dull achy feeling.  Living alone does not help.  I feel so alone in this world.  I want my mommy.
The weather is uncooperative.  It has been raining for a week now, cold miserable winter day.  I am so bored all cooped up at home.  It’s so depressing looking at the weather.  I want the Sun.
Be patient.  This too shall pass.  It’s hard to be patient being sick with colds.  I know I’m not the only one suffering with this blooming cold.  I caught this from commuting, from work, from who knows.  No point of blaming.  I just have to have a lot of patience.  Where can I buy patience?
What am I going to do about?  I will cook more chicken noodle soup, cuddle up with my cats and a dose of hope from the Lost Generation.

January 6, 2013 Notes to file: On Peace


This gallery contains 3 photos.

Returning from 2012 Pilgrimage, I applied something I learned.  I changed my signature sign off with Pax Tecum and sometimes added this characters _/\_ .   Pax Tecum is a Latin word for Peace Be With You.  It was quite funny because … Continue reading

Sunday, January 6, 2013 , Epiphany Day

Happy Three Kings.    It’s the last day of Christmas based on my tradition.  I have mentioned this on my post Gimme – Traditionally Speaking .  If you want to read more about the history see Britannica – Epiphany.
Last night I reminded niece Lucy to bring out her shoes for the Three Kings since she forgot last year and missed out on the treats.  She was thankful for the reminder.
For myself, I hanged these shoes on my door.  On my side of the building, my neighbours are mostly Christians.  I don’t know if they practice, though.  However, they understand what those shoes mean to me.
Shoes for Three Kings

Shoes for Three Kings

 Needless to say, I received some treats from the Three Kings and then some.  Next celebration is Easter Sunday.  Mark your calendar that will April 7, 2013.

In my faith, today is also called Epiphany.  The meaning from Webster Dictionary is:
: an appearance or manifestation especially of a divine being
: an intuitive grasp of reality through as an event usually simple and striking
: an illuminating discovery, realization, or disclosure
: a revealing scene or moment
: a usually sudden manifestation or perception of the essential nature or meaning of something 

Have you ever had an Epiphany?  I think I did.  And let me tell you this story that happened in 2011 Pilgrimage to Holy Land, Egypt and Jordan. 

Pandemonium!  Everybody was excited to go home after 21 days of being on the road as a Pilgrim.  People are coming in and out of their hotel rooms.  Checking each other’s luggage.  Sharing stories, pictures and laughter.  What did you buy to bring home?  What’s your favourite place? What, what, what?  Too many questions and I am starting to become tone-deaf.  I need some solitude.

I would like to stay longer and soak up the three world’s religion: Islāmic, Judaism and Christianity.  I want to be with the Muslims, Jews and Christians: and have an Interfaith Dialogue.  But good things must come to an end.

Last night at Jordan side:  I retreated to the balcony to find some peace and quiet, drinking tea and having a smoke.  The balcony is facing a beautiful garden and overlooking the Dead Sea.  I could see Israel from the balcony.  On a clear day, I could literally see the walls of the old Jerusalem.  On the right, I can imagine the location of Bethlehem, Nazareth and other geographical areas of where ancient time began based on the First and Old Testament.  This will be my last trip.  I have now covered the places of the Testaments.  The Bible will become truly alive in my mind and heart.  The readings during the mass will be more meaningful for my mind can conjure the places where I have visited.  Gratitude, I am filled with gratitude to my God for making it possible for me to experience the trip of a lifetime.

It’s dark.  Only a silhouette of the mountain is visible.  The lights were flickering across the waters.  Inside the hotel room, commotion ruled.

I settled in the dark, trying to calm myself down.  It’s good to be here, Lord.  I started speaking in my mind.  Careful that nobody will hear me for they already think I’m batty.  Don’t care.  Then, whispering softly, I raised my right arm, started waving goodbye to Israel.

Goodbye, Jerusalem
            Goodbye, Bethlehem
                        Goodbye, Nazareth

Oh, what is that?  A star?  A bright shining star that appeared so close and yet so far.  Hmm, is it a plane?  No, it’s not moving.  Ok then, as I made this schizophrenic dialogue within myself.  One asks; the other personality answers.  Oh, let me see.  That’s Jerusalem, that’s, Nazareth; that’s Bethlehem.  Aha!  This must be the STAR that the Magi saw.  Imagine that and it’s not even Christmas yet.

Last Night at Jordan - Nov 2011

Last Night at Jordan – Nov 2011

 Excitement came rushing out of my body.  I must take a picture.  Made a quick dash inside the room, grabbed my camera and Neli, another pilgrim, to show her what I see.  This rushing must have only taken 15 to 25 seconds.  When I got out, the STAR is gone.  Oh, no.  It’s gone.  I was so disappointed and sad that I have no picture to show off about my last night.  Checked the horizon if there’s anything floating in the sky that is as big as the STAR.  No, it’s pitched dark.  Neli gave me “the look”, walked out of the room.  Later I followed for it’s time to check out.
At Frankfurt airport, I pulled Father Priest on the side and told him about my experience.  He simply said in his infinite wisdom, the STAR is meant only for my eyes to see.  No camera can ever capture it.  I was so moved by his explanation and tears of joy came out.
Picture, yes, I have a picture of the STAR; in the eyes of my heart.  I praise you, O Lord, for your works are wonderful.  Blessed be God forever.

DP: My Favorite – Click

“What’s the most time you’ve ever spent apart from your favorite person?  Tell us about it.” 
Apart?  I would rather reminisce the wonderful time we spent together.  Also, I have so many favorites. 
For example on Christmas time, my nephew I call “Jude Law” because he looks like “Jude Law” exclaimed on the top of his voice, in front of cousins, that he is my favorite.  Oh-oh … the third generations turned their eyes towards me.  If looks could kill, daggers being thrown at me and one said, I thought I am your favorite!  BASTED!  
When I have a one and one with my nephew or niece, I tell them, how’s my favorite?  I guess, for the younger generations, it has to be “one and only”.  Now, how can I teach them a lesson in life? 
There is one person that I see twice or three times a year: her birthday, my birthday and/or Christmas.  Heaven forbid, when there’s death in the family.  My childhood friend.  The minute we look at each other, we started giggling as if we were still in elementary days.  That’s just the chemistry we have.  We always laugh and giggle.  Even though we’ve gone through a lot of upheavals, we still manage to see the beauty in life, smile and then laugh. 
The last time we spent time together was on my birthday.  The way we Filipinos celebrate our birthday, we throw a party, at our expense.  We do not wait for anyone to remember our birthday.  I’m the only person on this world who would remember my birthday, so don’t expect them to remember it.  This way, no hard feelings, should they forget about it. 
Lunch on me I said to BFF.  Photo, please, as we asked the waitress.  “Are you sure you want me to take this picture? the waitress said.”  Yes, please, by complying with our wishes, we will reward you with more than 20% tip.  Click!
Happy Birthday to me - 2012

Happy Birthday to me – 2012