Don’t start…

Don’t start what you can’t win. Make sure that you are protected from what will precipitate an ensuing puzzling behaviour.

In my daily walk, not only do I stop and smell the roses, but I also stop to make connections and conversations with people. Am I weird? You betcha.

On my way home, two young men approached me and asked:

“Sister, are you a Christian? Do you believe in Jesus Christ?”

Me thinks… Hmmm… These men are ordinary looking wearing jeans and a warm toque hat holding a thick book I assume is a Bible. Interesting opening line. I was thinking to respond facetiously by saying “yeah, I have a direct line with Jesus or we’re BFF.” I thought for a while and responded hesitatingly…

“Ehem… I am a catholic (with a small c. Let’s see if they are good with definitions.

“Catholic churches are corrupt.” said he.

Gong bell! Wrong answer.

“Nononono… I don’t discriminate” I smiled and turn my back.

This is my Sunday Snippet to celebrate the National Puzzle day that RDP precipitated.