Three days: Where did it go?

There is a gremlin in the system!

Did I ever share with you that I hate technology?  I do!  I blamed technology when the first sign of dark night of the soul surfaced.  I am overcoming this aversion to technology by joining Facebook followed by WordPress.  And I am making headways.  I’m still here after over a year of blogging.  That is a success on my part.

To prove that I can do it, I even moved to a dot-com to learn more what’s out there.  It was a challenge and still is.

Today, the challenge is the reader.  Going back to some post that I have neglected to read, I don’t see them.  The reader’s last post was three days ago.  Mind you, some of today’s read is visible.  Where did it go?

I dread of contacting the support forum once again for I have numerous e-mail going back and forth.  I must say they are very helpful.

Oh, the joys of technology.

Photo credit: Jemima’s Journal