Super Trooper Bowl

Last week at work, two boys had a bet about their football team.

A’s team is Seahawks
B’s team is 49ers
A and B are football fanatics
Let’s have a bet
The loser will wear the jersey of the winning team all day
You’re on.

I could hear the “roar” all the way from Seattle to Vancouver.
Vancouver, BC not Vancouver, Washington
Seahawks won.

A brought his jersey #29, Thomas
Hanged it from the ceiling above B’s workstation
Everybody can see the jersey hanging from the ceiling as you walk in
Everybody is wondering what the deal is
A proudly exclaimed B is a loser!
Seahawks #29 Jersey
I started singing:
The winner takes it all
The loser standing tall

Nooooooo…. not tall
Yes, I said
Nooooooo…. small, not tall
Yes, tall.  B is very tall, isn’t he?
They were laughing at me.

So, why is B not wearing the Jersey I asked A
It’s bad luck for the loser to wear the winning jersey
They might lose in the game
That’s baloney, I said.

A wanted me to serenade B and sing the Abba song:
The winner takes it all
The loser standing small
Beside the victory
There’s a destiny.

B responded:
I don’t wanna talk
About the things we’ve gone through
Though it’s hurting me
Now it’s history.

Back to work. Business as usual while the jersey hangs from B’s workstation and I hum the song all day.
Good times, good times.