Remember to remember

Henry Miller 1946

Henry Miller 1946

I want to remember as much as possible
the events of my life be it pleasant or
unpleasant as long as I can.  There are
times that I want to remember less.

Someone told me instead of remembering,
remember to forget. And I ponder about this
and what came to mind, sooner or latter
a time will come, it will happen without even
having to remember.

Image of Henry Miller from Flavor Wire

Artist in Residence

“All Children are artists.  The problem is how to remain an artist once you grow up.”  Pablo Picasso

Artist 2013 Gallery

Artist 2013 Gallery

These are artwork created by one of the students at the school board.  Enjoy but please do not copy and save for your own interest.  Thank you.

The Artist

Artist Self-Portrait

Artist Self-Portrait

Out of Focus

Who can I experiment on this “focus challenge approach”? 
Most people do not want to have their pictures taken.  The last time I took a picture of a person, I swear, no swearing on my part: the person swore at me.  Weeeel…. Excuse me! 
I notice most people take a picture of themselves with their smart camera.  That’s a thought.  I will experiment on me! 
Have I got an App for this challenge?  The iPad that I recently buy that sat in the casing since June will be very useful for this. 

So here are some pictures of my self-portrait.


Noses  noses



Mona LisaMona Lisa