Remembering Heart Surgery Blues

G.A. Miller sketched his self-portrait when he had a heart surgery, titled My Golden Colorado Days. Not only can he draw, he’s a singer as well. A good one I must. say.

GAM thank you for putting this all together for me. Much appreciated. Seeker.

To listen to the heart surgery blues song, please visit my post here.

Quote and Unquote


Focus_ThingsThatMatterA little thought on ‘today’

No matter if it’s a Monday or a Thursday,
a new month or the middle of it,
or the 1st of January or the 8th of February.
Any ‘today’ will give you the same opportunities
as these stated ‘start-over-days’ will do
– it’s just a matter of how welcoming we are
towards the concept of today.
Also how much we actually allow
ourselves to live in ‘the now’.

via A little thought on ‘today’.

Sketch: Carl Richards

See how easy it is!


A very simple ordinary sketch and yet it makes sense. What do you think?

Instead of expecting more, we try to show appreciation for what we already have. I know some people find it easier than others to express that gratitude. But that doesn’t mean we can’t all benefit from feeling a little thankful. So, over the next few weeks, I’m wondering what will happen if you find one thing to be grateful for each day.

It doesn’t have to be gratitude for a big, life-changing event. Look for the little things, then take a minute to see how you feel immediately afterwards. For just that moment, I suspect life will look a little brighter.

I bring up gratitude now because we’re living in world that seems overly focused on things that get in the way of it. It’s not so much a case of reminiscing for the “good ol’ days” versus today. Rather, I’ve become more convinced over time that many of our most common financial problems stem from too little awareness about what we already have. Part of building that awareness includes showing gratitude.

Source:  Carl Richards of Behavior Gap accidental artist with the help of a Sharpie and the belief that complex ideas can be made easy to understand writes at The New York Times.

Remember to remember

Henry Miller 1946

Henry Miller 1946

I want to remember as much as possible
the events of my life be it pleasant or
unpleasant as long as I can.  There are
times that I want to remember less.

Someone told me instead of remembering,
remember to forget. And I ponder about this
and what came to mind, sooner or latter
a time will come, it will happen without even
having to remember.

Image of Henry Miller from Flavor Wire

Draw yourself

Being Friday and end of January 2014,  draw yourself a happy face.

z kostasHe never received formal art training. A mix of luck, ignorance, curiosity and delusions of adequacy somehow allowed him to start earning a living by drawing pictures before he even reached twenty, and thus abandoning a promising career as a cook for a lovely Mexican joint. – See more at: About Kosta

Sketch by: Kosta Kiriakakis

Little Things Mean a Lot

As I sip my coffee this morning, I looked around taking stock of what little that I have in my sanctuary.  I have already shared with you how small Room 306 is in my previous post. 
Come to think about it, there are a few items that are irreplaceable that has so much memories attached to it.  Little things mean a lot that money cannot buy. 
Mother kept this one and only letter that I wrote to her when I was just a mere child.  I only found this when we were going through her belongings when she died.  I should really move this to the bank’s safety deposit box. 
There is a pencil sketch of me that another pilgrim did, he was a Franciscan priest.  I was actually surprised when he called me to sit for him.  Hmm… my dirty mind working.  Mea culpa, he meant well. 
A cutting of the “bamboo plant”, Mother started this as single piece of stick.  Now it has grown big, bloomed and I have given away some cuttings for others.  This is the “Mother” plant.  But then again, how am I going to carry this out. 
I have an altar that has a couple of items that belongs to Mother; they are antiques of Madonna, Our Lady of Perpetual Help and Our Lady of Lourdes.  Mother has a devotion to Our Lady. 
Finally, I want to keep Mother’s fur coat.  I know, fur coat is now passé.  Wearing this occasionally makes me feel the warmth of Mother’s arms around me. 
Wishful thinking in response to Daily Prompt: Burnt.  Come and join us, it’s fun.