Small Pleasures

Once upon a time in a country far away a boy lived …
very different from all the others his name was Eftichis.

small pleasure firefly

 Everything ran smoothly in his life until one day …
… many many years ago …
… an incident made him …
… see life from a different perspective.

And then, a big secret was revealed
The solution to a riddle …
… that humans have been trying to solve …
… for centuries now.

He discovered the meaning of life

He now knows …
… that happiness is nothing more …
… than moments …
… small and invisible moments.


Like when someone covers you up at night
Dreaming …
Waking up to a sparrow’s song …
… on fresh-smelling clean sheets …
… next to someone you love …
Touching them …
… smelling them …

small pleasure coffee

Feeling the warm water dropping on your face
Your house smelling …
… of freshly-baked cake
Holding a warm cup …
… when it’s cold outside.


Cutting a lemon from your tree
Feeling the fresh winter breeze …
… brushing your face.

small pleasure light

Feeling light and empty of thoughts
In total calmness.
Under the water.

small pleasure rain

 To keep doing things you did when you were young
When everyone is running under their umbrellas …
… you are standing in the rain.

Small_Pleasures_lady bug

Walking barefoot on wet grass
Taking a balloon out for a walk
Believing in things that cannot be explained
That a ladybird is a good sign

small pleasure beach

To have no fear
Doing things that do not suit your age
Hearing the waves hit the shore
Feeling the earth under your feet
Thinking of nothing.


 Someone whispering a secret to you.
Watching the sunset …
… even when others know …
… that you can’t see it.

small pleasure blind

 Small Pleasures (Μικρές Χαρές) by Constantin Pilavios