When Pigs Fly

Most of the Super Bowl commercials have the “aawww” factor but not the tickle-my-bone-funny until my belly ache from laughing and bubbles coming out of my nose.

I live for Super Bowl’s commercials, not the game.

When it comes to sports, I think pigs will fly if the Canucks win this season. Yes, I wrote if, not when.

When the pigs fly, they would have flown with the Canadian geese instead off to a better pasture land, join a team that actually can play and wins the hockey game. Yes, I wrote when not if because it’s more believable to think that pigs will fly than the Canucks will win a game.

Seriously, “When Pigs Fly” Dorito commercial won second place in high stakes ad, it feels good to know that the filmmaker is from Vancouver, Canada. The prize is a tune of $50,000 USD, convert that to Canadian, the return is better should he wants plenty of loonies or toonies. Loonies are one dollar coin and toonies are two dollar coin.

This little piggy is flying all the way to the bank.

Here are more Super Bowl commercials. Tell me if these are funny. If they are, I think I’ve lost my funny bones.

#RealStrength Men+Care
Always #LikeAGirl
Invisible Mindy Kaling

Next year, Super Bowl, please don’t cut the funnies.

Olympic Hockey Men`s Finale: Golden hour or Unholy hour

Time difference:  BIG Time
4 am, Vancouver, BC, Canada time
Olympic Hockey Mens finale
At this time, I
m in the middle of my dream.
Should the neighbour is quiet, Canada lost.
Should I hear the screaming sound and the honking of the horns,
Lets see if Ill come out of my dreams that I`m in Sochi celebrating with them.



Winter Olympics Rewind


To this date, I can still remember where I was, what I did, what happened next and who I was with when Canada won the Ice Hockey in 2010 Olympics.  It was a monumental time for me and I don’t even like sports.

“Ice hockey was actually first introduced in 1920 at the Summer Olympics. Unsurprisingly, Canada has withheld its reputation in the sport, having won the very first match at the 1924 Winter Olympics, as well as the last in 2010.”

Source:  Mashable.com:  Winter Olympics now and then

Super Trooper Bowl

Last week at work, two boys had a bet about their football team.

A’s team is Seahawks
B’s team is 49ers
A and B are football fanatics
Let’s have a bet
The loser will wear the jersey of the winning team all day
You’re on.

I could hear the “roar” all the way from Seattle to Vancouver.
Vancouver, BC not Vancouver, Washington
Seahawks won.

A brought his jersey #29, Thomas
Hanged it from the ceiling above B’s workstation
Everybody can see the jersey hanging from the ceiling as you walk in
Everybody is wondering what the deal is
A proudly exclaimed B is a loser!
Seahawks #29 Jersey
I started singing:
The winner takes it all
The loser standing tall

Nooooooo…. not tall
Yes, I said
Nooooooo…. small, not tall
Yes, tall.  B is very tall, isn’t he?
They were laughing at me.

So, why is B not wearing the Jersey I asked A
It’s bad luck for the loser to wear the winning jersey
They might lose in the game
That’s baloney, I said.

A wanted me to serenade B and sing the Abba song:
The winner takes it all
The loser standing small
Beside the victory
There’s a destiny.

B responded:
I don’t wanna talk
About the things we’ve gone through
Though it’s hurting me
Now it’s history.

Back to work. Business as usual while the jersey hangs from B’s workstation and I hum the song all day.
Good times, good times.

Awakening the Spirit of the Dragon

Each year, festival honours the ancient Chinese tradition of dragon boat racing with an Eye Dotting and Dragon Blessing Ceremony. 
Dragon Boat Logo

Dragon Boat Logo

An altar is set-up on the dock for a Taoist Priest to perform the ceremony.  The dragon boats are dressed with ornate dragon head and tails.  The boats are all lined up for blessing.  Invoking the Goddess of the Sea, the Saints and the Immortals through chanting and burning joss sticks cleanses the race course, competitors and boats.  This will charge them with the strength of the Dragon. 
The priests make offerings to the five elements and directions:
  • East – joss sticks representing wood
  • West – flowers representing metal
  • South – candles representing fire
  • North – water representing its elemental self
  • Centre – fruit representing the earth
 Eye dotting ritual is the climax of the ceremony which officially awakens the Dragon. Ancient Chinese dragon mythology has it that the Dragon sleeps in the mountains and travels to the water when it is awakened. 
And the race is on….. the 25th Annual Dragon Boat Festival.

25 years ago, I did join the race.  The name of our team was “Wet, Wild and Weary”.  I kept the T-shirt for memorabilia.  Did we win the race?  In our minds, we are the winner.  Joining the race is already a sign of winning: a sign of courage that we can do it.  And we did.

What We Do

When it comes to school,  We think and We Do 
We take part at the classroom 
bcit meme what we do
 We are the Champion 
bcit meme what we do (4)
 We are major role models
bcit meme what we do (3)
We are men in suits earning 6 digits.00
bcit meme what we do (5)
All we do is good times, good times
bcit meme what we do (2)
Guess what?
This is what we do
spending majority of our time in the library
bcit meme what we do (6)
 Catching up…  ZZZzzzz

Rated “R”

No such thing as my last attempt for I refuse defeat.  Not in my vocabulary.
I love motorbikes and the joy of riding it.  A two-wheeler powered with diesel, way better than an ordinary bicycle.
A friend of mine took me up in the mountain to teach me how to ride a motorbike.  Why the mountain?  For one, it’s quiet and safe.  The ground is mother earth instead of concrete pavement.  Obstructions are trees instead of pedestrians.  Oh, it was so much fun.
However, being small in stature, I can’t reach the ground when I hold up the motorbike in stationery.  Minor problem.  Just let myself fall, bike included on top of me.
I didn’t mind it at the time during my younger days.  Scratch and bruises.  I envisioned myself driving in the fast lane, free as a bird, hair was blown by the wind.  I can feel my adrenaline pumping.
Reality set in, my friend realized it’s not a sport for me.  What?  Please don’t give up on me.  He did.
Relationship included.
Well, I shall return and this time with a vengeance and with full respect.  In due time, I have to treat my body with respect.  A three-wheeler. 

This is in response to Daily Prompt: Apply Yourself.  It’s fun, come and join us.
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