Photographs and Memories

“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeing new landscapes, but in having new eyes.” ~ Marcel Proust


Youngest cousin surrounded by older (Instamatic Camera)

Memories:  This is one of the very few prints I kept using simple instamatic disposable cameras. I can’t even remember who the baby was, for we had so many of them — looking at this photo brought back memories of me when I was maybe four or five. My brother was just born, the youngest in our family. My siblings and I were at the foot of the bed, watching the baby in awe. A fluid was dripping from my nose, stuck out my tongue to like it. 

It’s strange how my brain conjured this memory. Maybe my brain is telling me that what I see in my mind is essential versus what I see.

A lady bird landed on my arm. (Canon camera)

Symbolism and Meaning:  A ladybug landed on my arm when I was on one of my pilgrim walks. The other pilgrim said it’s a sign of luck that Mother Mary came to visit This belief is based on Christianity. One thing I know for sure, when I see a ladybug, it brings out the happiness in me.

The other day, I was watching “The Dig” on Netflix. It’s a true story that happened in 1939 that changed England’s history where they dug up a burial site of an elaborate ship filled with treasures. One of the items they found is a well preserved yellow ladybird. What’s fascinating is the treasures were carbon-dated during the early Anglo-Saxon period around 410 to 1055. 

I wonder what made them carry this object. Is it for divine protection for the afterlife?

Medjugorje Christ Statue (instamatic camera)

Pilgrimage:   Returning from spiritual travel, folks always ask for a photo to support stories I tell them. They want to see pictures of churches, masses, the incorruptible, and miracles such as a dancing sun or an apparition. Really!?! Maybe, I can photoshop some of my pictures. But I don’t. What you see is what you get.  

When I was at Medjugorje, an imposing larger than life, Christ Risen bronze statue stood at the square. I noticed a man wiping the knee of the sculpture. When he was gone, I went to inspect what he did. The statue is solid to the touch but hollow inside. Touching the knee, I cannot determine what the man saw. I just stood there baffled, and then I saw a trickle of water dripping down. Interesting. Where is this condensation coming from, I thought. I even checked if there’s a water valve attached to the statue to fill the hollow part. Nothing. So I wiped the water off with my hand. It has no smell. I looked at the knee with great intent and saw water forming like a tear. I wiped it again, checked if there is a hole on the knee. Nothing. The tear-life liquid leaks again. I was mystified. 

Did I take a photo of the liquid? Unfortunately not. I’m not a photographer equipped with all the proper camera. All I have is a story.

For those who believe no miracle is enough, for those who believe no miracle is necessary.”

Apparently, a liter of liquid comes out of the statue daily.  There are oral testimonies that it is can cure illness.  On the scientific level performed, it’s 99% water with traces of calcium, copper, iron, potassium, magnesium, sodium, sulfur and zinc.  The Church does not comment on the phenomenon.

What We Became

You should be writing!

This is the constant nagging I say to my sister, Susan. No need to write a book. Blog it! As it turns out, I became the secretary taking notes of bits and pieces of her stories. What’s helpful to draw the words from her mouth is to provide her questions.

  1. How did your devotion to Sto. Nino start?
  2. What about the Infant Jesus made your faith deeper or changed for the better?
  3. Can you share 1-2 he has done in your life?
  4. How do you share your devotion to Sto. Nino to Others?

In a way, these questions helped and I have to put the story around according to her words. I’m just the record keeper.

How did your devotion to Sto. Nino Start?
I was born and lived in Davao. My devotion started when I was younger, visiting the Shrine of Infant Jesus of Prague in Davao City. I also carry a mini statue of Infant with me to keep Him close to my heart.

What about the Infant Jesus made your faith deeper or changed for the better?
My mother moved us to Manila to further our higher education. As for me, I followed the footsteps of my mother as a professional dressmaker. Even though my hands are busy sewing, my thoughts are with Infant, having a constant conversation with him.

One of my dreams was to go abroad to Canada. I prayed to the Infant to make it possible. And He did. This is how I came to Canada in 1970. In 1972, two years later, I married Larry, a Canadian. On our wedding day, instead of carrying a bouquet, I held the mini Infant in my hand and a bible in my other hand. Soon I became a citizen of Canada.

Second was to bring my mother and my six siblings to Canada. But I can’t without owning a house. My husband and I purchased a house in Burnaby to accommodate them. With a constant prayer to the Infant, it happened. They arrived in Canada in 1976.

Third was to have children, even just one. No matter how much my husband and I tried, it was hard for me to conceive. With the intercession of Infant, my lovely daughter was born after nine years. My only child. My faith in the Infant is so deep and couldn’t be any better. I carry Him in my soul.

Can you share 1-2 he has done in your life?
The events above are already a miracle for me. To come to Canada, married a faithful husband, bring my family, and have a child. Personally, my devotion to Infant made me calm, cool and collected. Joy replaced fear. When one is joyful, no matter how challenging the situation is, it becomes manageable.

For example, I failed my driving test four times. I needed to pass it because I have to help my husband to drive. On the fifth time, I prayed to the Infant to help me pass the driving exam so I can visit Him in Prague. I did! Subsequently, I applied for an international license because we would travel to Europe for the first time. Imagine me driving at the autobahn all over Europe at a lightning speed of 160 km/hour! This is the start of my beautiful journey with Infant Jesus of Prague in 1998.

In Prague, I met Fr. Jerome, assistant of Fr. Anastasio. The nuns are the guardians of the Infant. They are the only ones who can touch and change the garments of the Holy Infant. However, the Holy Spirit touched their hearts and allowed me to touch Infant. The first time I held the Infant, he felt very much alive as a real child. He was glowing. On other occasions, I was allowed to change his clothing.

Holy Infant Jesus of Prague, Susan Papas Hauck and The Guardian

How do you share your devotion to Sto. Nino to Others?
When I returned to Canada, I started a group devotion to Infant Jesus of Prague at Guardian Angels Parish in Vancouver, where we instilled the first Holy Infant Jesus of Prague statue. I travel to Prague two or three times a year to obtain a replica of the Infant for other countries such as the Philippines, Brazil, Mexico, USA, Tobago, Peru, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Malta, Trinidad, Tanzania. Due to Covid restrictions, traveling is on hold. Uganda has to wait. I also bring the statue of Holy Infant to sick people at the hospital and their homes

As a note taker, this helps my sister write personal information for other ministries in promotion faith sharing on Infant Jesus of Prague.

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Blessed Days To All.