The Joy of Children’s Performance

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Last week of school, the children came to the Board for show and tell.  They show us, tell us, and perform for us what they learnt at school.  We all look forward to this special event.  Working at the head office, we hardly get a chance to see the students.  Instead they come to us.

They came to post on the bulletin board their art work of Hanukkah Fingers

They decorated the Christmas tree with plenty of angels and sang Christmas songs in French.  These students study in a French Immersion Program in one of the Vancouver public schools.

Lord Byng String Orchestra

Lord Byng has a group of students that plays string instrument.  They, too, came to perform for us. The Lord Byng String Orchestra is going to perform at Lincoln Center in the spring.  Last year, they had the great distinction of being invited to an exclusive festival for American School Orchestras in Atlanta, Georgia.  They wowed judges at the festival and received a standing ovation.  They took second place.  It is likely that they did not win first place as the award probably needed to go to an American school since it was an American competition.  Also, as they wear concert black and not school uniforms they were actually docked points from their performance, another reason for not making first place.  (All American groups wear school uniforms).

One song that I love the most is Santa Lucia that a group of elementary students with angelic voices sang for us in earlier years. I beg the Maestro for a repeat performance and did not stop begging until he oblige.  It was a heavenly sweet delightful song.

The song you just listened to titled “Santa Lucia in Sweden” came from YouTube.

It will be quiet for the next two weeks on the school level while the children are on winter break to celebrate their life in their own traditional ways.