on the problem of wanting

And here’s the writer of “To Fall In love with anyone, do this” New York Times Modern Love column written by Mandy Len Cantron. She teaches writing at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver.

An excellent read and a recent FP. Enjoy.

See article on “To Fall in love with anyone, do this”

the love story project

For weeks I’ve wanted to write about all that’s happened in my life in 2015, but I couldn’t find a good way to get at it. I keep thinking back to a rainy Sunday night, about a year ago, when I met two friends for dinner. One was pregnant and doing interesting research for her PhD in linguistics. She and her husband were thinking about buying a condo or moving to a new, baby-friendly apartment. The other, a psychologist, I hadn’t seen since August, when she was in the midst of a messy break up with a not-at-all-nice guy. But by March she was living happily with her new boyfriend—a man who seemed unbelievably successful and kind and good for her. A man she met the day after her break up. She told us about helping to raise his two kids, and her summer plans to attend conferences and visit…

View original post 1,526 more words

Three days: Where did it go?

There is a gremlin in the system!

Did I ever share with you that I hate technology?  I do!  I blamed technology when the first sign of dark night of the soul surfaced.  I am overcoming this aversion to technology by joining Facebook followed by WordPress.  And I am making headways.  I’m still here after over a year of blogging.  That is a success on my part.

To prove that I can do it, I even moved to a dot-com to learn more what’s out there.  It was a challenge and still is.

Today, the challenge is the reader.  Going back to some post that I have neglected to read, I don’t see them.  The reader’s last post was three days ago.  Mind you, some of today’s read is visible.  Where did it go?

I dread of contacting the support forum once again for I have numerous e-mail going back and forth.  I must say they are very helpful.

Oh, the joys of technology.

Photo credit: Jemima’s Journal

Life = Risk

Failure is an excellent teacher.  It teaches us how to better ourselves.  How we can improve on a given situation.  Try, if unsuccessful, try again.  Use failure for your success.

Should I have allowed an elementary teacher to terrorize me by being called stupid, I would have retreated in my cocoon.  No, I showed here.  She failed me in her class and moved to an Annex to be with so-called failures.  I showed her. I excelled and back to the main school with flying grades.  Was I scared?  Of course, I was.  I was just a little student girl against an adult teacher.  That did not stop me.  And the rest is history.

“I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everyone.”   ~   Bill Cosby

Inspired by: Jimmy vs World