Way of Praying


This gallery contains 1 photo.

Ordinarily, I go to the woods alone, with not a single friend, for they are all smilers and talkers and therefore unsuitable. I don’t really want to be witnessed talking to the catbirds or hugging the old black oak tree. I have … Continue reading

Be One With The Tree


This gallery contains 1 photo.

  The Tree of Contemplative Practices Mirabai Bush pointed us to this illustration of contemplative practices, which shows the breadth of meditation and mindfulness within traditions. Although this list isn’t comprehensive, it does open up one’s imagination about how these … Continue reading

The Fall of Autumn – For Hue

Another guessing game of weekly photo challenge while I am out and about.  Here I am creating my theme again: the falling leaves of autumn taken last year 2012.

Fall is a lovely time when the leaves turn to many shades of colours from yellow to dazzling red.  When every leaves look like flowers and the trees became so excited in showing off it’s majestic structure.

Who cannot fall in love with the fall season.  It’s enough to bring ones senses to heightened awareness that I am nothing in front of these trees and it is a humbling experience.

Trees planted at Metrotown Shopping Centre.

Trees at the School Board and the path of golden leaves.

Trees on the boulevard of East 12th Avenue and painted red sidewalks covered with fallen leaves



“It is only her in large portions of Canada that wondrous second wind, the Indian summer, attains its amplitude and heavenly perfection, — the  temperatures; the sunny haze; the mellow, rich delicate, almost  flavoured air: Enough to live — enough to merely be.”  –   Walt Whitman, Diary in Canada

Something to Look Forward To

At this time of the year, when I look outside my window, all I see is darkness.  Winter Time.  As the days move forward, we are now gaining more daylight and that is something to look forward to.  More light. 
The view from my window, are balconies of the next low-rise apartment complex.  From the distance, I can see the Rogers Twin Tower at Metro Town.  A third high-rise building is slowly rising.  I can see the construction crane.  
For most time, when I look outside, I look below.  Right in front of me is a Holly Tree. 
The Holly tree was a giant wiry mess then.  The owner wanted to cut it down.  I beg to the Manager not to cut it down for there are so many birds and animals that take refuge on this tree.  Thank goodness, the tree was spared.  The bottom part was cleared, now we can see the trunk and stand underneath.  The tree top was trimmed, now I can see who lives behind the tree. 
I love this tree.  The Hummingbirds made it their humble abode.  They own it now.  Underneath the tree, I cultivated the earth and turned it into a garden. I named it, “Holy Garden.”  Why Holy, it’s a long story. 
As for now, I left the Christmas trimmings on it.  See what I mean?
Holy Tree Garden

Holy Tree Garden

This is in response to Daily Prompt: Window.  Come and join us, it’s fun.

I think I shall never see…

When I look outside my balcony towards north, facing the horizon, I could see Grouse Mountain of North Vancouver. When it’s covered with snow on a beautiful sunny winter day like today, it’s spectacular.  I feel like making a trip and climb the Grouse grind.  Not. 
I cannot due to just being plain lazy.  Then I look down below.  Sigh.  My beautiful tree is no longer there.  I gave that tree a hug all the time.  I love watching the squirrels going round and round the branches.  The racoon checking out the tree at night for food.   My winged friends make it their home to nest. 
When it starts to flower and seeds, so much pollen floating in the air.  Much too much pinecones and don’t mind if I have to rake them out.  The beetles in summer months come out at night.  Lucy and Maurice the cats exercised their hunting skills. 
One year, Father Winter came with a vengeance, covered the tree with snowy splendor.  And then… sad, the branches cannot carry the load of white powdery stuff.  Needless to say, I bid goodbye to the tree and all I have left is this memory.