Trout Lake Circa January 14, 2017


Spinning myself around 360 degrees to get a full recording of my favorite place, Trout Lake, a place where I grew up with fond memories.

It was more than 20 years since the lake froze. The ambiance? Refreshing!

With all kinds of people, nationality, ethnic language, 4-year family generation and a baby on the way; I would have wanted to use the music “Of Foreign Lands and Places.” We were all in the same place at the same time to experience Joie de vi·vre.

Ah … such glorious memory.

Walking on the frozen lake feels surreal.

An experience we will remember for a long time ~ Trout Lake



We discovered that there is no language barrier to strike up a friendly conversation, have a few laugh and just enjoy a frozen lake on a perfect sunny day.

The atmosphere was heavenly. An ambience we could not ask for anything more and an experience we will remember for a long time.

I thank God for this amazing day!

A man and his dogs


This gallery contains 1 photo.

All he wanted to have is ten-acre of land and his dogs. For years, that’s all he can think and talk about. On the land will be a small house with a workshop to tinker around. The spacious land will be … Continue reading

Dreaming my Dreams

I am a dreamer of dreams
Wandering around from the periphery
Quiet to remain unnoticed.

Dream Trout lake

Here I feel safe
Safe in the hands of a lifeguard
Guarding  precious lives.
Dream Lifeguard

Along the winding path
Willows weep as I pass by
Or maybe bowing to pay respect.
Dream Weeping Willow

The boardwalk will take me away
Into secluded area where tall grasses grow
Fairies and dragonflies will stop out of curiosity.
Dream Dragonfly

A bench is waiting at the end
As I can see it’s already taken
By someone dreaming my dreams.
Dream Dog