A writer and a poet

Two people that are faithful to each other’s writing.  And they are both worthy of one another.  I find them beautiful.

z writing

A writer:

…  and silent; and silence is not always a bad thing.  And silence is not always a good thing.  I’m late, and I’m silent, and my brilliant and beautiful wife has stumbled into slumber, which is a rational thing to do.  There was some kind of get-to-gether last night all over the continent, and their focus was to turn their clocks back one hour.  I was convinced to jump in on the madness, and that might be why I’m really tired and it is only 11:02 pm.  Seems later.  Apparently we were all supposed to “fall back” …

My (currently silent) partner, just broke her silence from her slumber and told me respectfully, “Its time to stop your computing, Dear.  Its time to go to bed.  So, I guess I will end with … Find your voice; rejoice; pray and listen.  This week grab wisdom, and don’t be stupid.  Peace, you guys,

A Poet

Silence is neither always good nor bad,
but it is what clings to you late into the night.
My settled wife has stumbled into settled slumber,
a rational thing to do I’d agree, but still,
here I am, bone weary, too drained to get up and join her.

The continent this night got together to turn their clocks
upside down and backside front, and—convinced as I was
to connive in on the madness—I think that explains me
somehow: I was supposed to fall back and apparently I did,
because whatever time it is, it’s too late for me now.
“Dear, come to bed.”

Find your voice. Rejoice. Pray and listen.
This week grab wisdom and don’t be stupid.
I went to bed.

 Links to read more about them.
The writer:  Find your voice, find your voice and listen 
The poet:  Just what time is it anyway
With special thanks to The Mirror Obscura  for pointing Book of Pain.
Photo credit: Helium.com