WIP it Up

My body is a miracle of art, science and mystery. It has a mind of its own.

Self Made Man by Andrew Benyei

Work-In-Progress transported me back to my working days as an accountant. We called it WIP for short. It’s a monthly routine of accounting an inventory that includes goods that are in the process of being produced but are unfinished. God, I hated this job.

Rock Garden

I love looking at this garden from my balcony. These plants were here already when I moved at the Manor 32 years ago. They are perennials. They are my growing concerns.


Back to Art. Again deja vu. My friend thought that she’s fat. I corrected her and said she’s voluptuous. She never heard of this term. I said it means sexy, not fat. That she is.

Help. Save. These. Plants

After five years of waiting, the pool area will finally be demolished and filled with earth on August 16. Wow, two weeks notice to save the plants. I was busy sending out SOS to my gardener friends. They came to the rescue and left happily with their plants.

Back to Art

Gardening is an art. Art is just like gardening. First, I have to till the earth and take it from there.