9 thoughts on “Happiness is ….

  1. I’ve seen this one before and never tire of it. We ave two beautiful pooches – one 3, the other 14. They are the best buddies of the whole family…or anyone offering a dog treat πŸ™‚

  2. My guy is 14 and blind, we’ve had him since a puppy. I entered a contest at Purina for the “Better Forever Awards” basically everyday dogs that change everyday peoples lives….I’ve been interviewed and told I’ll probably be in the top 20 then it goes to the public to vote, whoever gets the most votes wins the Award at a big fancy banquet and a prize….I don’t even fed my dog Purina…by the 30th of this month I’ll know and I’ll do a post so everyone can vote ! Can I count ya in??? πŸ™‚ Cheers! Teresa (Ladybuggz)

      • I’ll add this…he was born without the use of his back legs and was going to be put down..his name is Buggz and he hops like a rabbit (he taught himself to use his back legs) and do everything a regular dog could do! I had a virtual birthday Party for him on my blog…..he even loves to swim (took him yesterday)! blush….blush….Thank you! .<3 T.

      • Wowieee… I’ll search for the post in your site next time. What a lucky dog he is πŸΎπŸΆπŸ‘Ό

  3. Awwww – it’s hard!
    With kids, they move out but with these ones- you can’t leave them behind or let them be alone. Not fair to them .

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