Good vs. evil: The answer is found in Easter itself

It’s God’s gift that enables peace. The supernatural message of Easter is that Jesus overcomes death, and when people believe that and act upon it, it changes the headlines. Spiritual beliefs change how people respond to evil. The bloody cross of Good Friday, which carries a nailed body of Jesus lifted over the crowds, is a gruesome sacrifice. It was a punishment that paid for sins such as church bombings, chemical warfare, famine and any terrible thing I might do to the heart or home of the person next to me. Sinners, that’s who we are, we’ve been messing up the world since it began.

Easter teaches us that because of Christ’s sacrifice, there is a cosmic repair job coming, and until then, the journey to the new begins like it always has, one heart at a time. The ancient Gospel stories show us small beginnings; two stunned women at an empty tomb, two other out of touch men getting caught up with a resurrected Jesus while walking an Emmaus road. The Christian hope was not intended to be forced as a majority view, it only makes sense when it is personal, and that’s how we discover Christian belief that life gets better than this. A great hope anchored in the facts of Easter. For both global and personal loss, it makes all the difference.

Source: Globe and Mail – Opinion by Lorna Dueck

Wishing you all a blessed Easter. Perpetua

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