Whispering Hope

I have written about the c-word here. Some commented on what it means to them.

The ‘C’ word is synonymous with another ‘C’ word, I believe…and it’s a Catalyst for change….. personally and collectively. In the long run, humanity as a whole may evolve to a higher level of consciousness, I opine. But Change can also be Crippling if one is unable to adapt.

Catalyst. Change. Collectively. Consciousness.Crippling. Profound c words from the passion for truths.

For me, there is one c-word that controls my whole being for it has been known by many other people before me how their life changed amidst suffering.

Quora asked this question and what it means?

 ” I am the way, the truth, and the light, nobody can come to my Father except through me” in John 14:6

“ricercare et trovatà,” one answered.

2020 Easter

Search and you will find.

Trip of a Lifetime


 I would like to stay longer and soak up the three world’s religion: Islāmic, Judaism, and Christianity.  I want to be with the Muslims, Jews, and Christians: and have interfaith dialogue. At the hotel in Jordan, waiting to leave for Canada, I … Continue reading

Good vs. evil: The answer is found in Easter itself


This gallery contains 1 photo.

It’s God’s gift that enables peace. The supernatural message of Easter is that Jesus overcomes death, and when people believe that and act upon it, it changes the headlines. Spiritual beliefs change how people respond to evil. The bloody cross … Continue reading

All Done … Happy Hunting

Play is part of praying.  And we know how to have fun regardless of the weather.  It will be a wet soggy field for the Easter Egg hunt for the children.  For sure, it will be a muddy hunt.  But who cares.
Easter EggsOh, the Easter Bunny did come knocking on my door yesterday bearing some more chocolates.  I still have yet to eat the Santa Clause chocolate from Christmas.  Should I get inspired, I will just make chocolate cookies instead.

Oh, it will be a fun day.  Happy hunting.


Hearing the voice of the one you love

Mary Magdalene Da-Vinci

“Woman, why are you weeping?”

Mary Magdalene heard someone talking to her as she stood weeping outside the tomb of Jesus.  She did not recognize the person at all.  She thought he was a gardener.

Then Jesus said to her, “Mary”.

When Mary Magdalene heard Jesus called her name, this is the time that she recognized him.

“Do not hold on to me, because I have not yet ascended to the Father.”

Mary Magdalene is the first person that saw and spoke to Jesus since he died.

This is the reason I chose Mary Magdalene as my gravatar. I am hoping that one day I will hear Him call my name and hoping you will hear Him call your name as well.

Wishing you all a Blessed Easter.

Easter is coming…

Refuse to believe?? Think backwards!


It is good to be reminded.

Easter is coming
But for many of us, this is not the ultimate reality
There is too much pain and suffering in the world today.
Death has the last word. It would therefore be foolish to say that the life and death of a first century
Jew names Jesus makes a difference.
Why? Might makes right. Power is superior to compassion and despair is stronger than hope.
So I refuse to believe a man can come back from the dead.
Sometimes the most important facts are the hardest to accept.
Resurrection is a false hope.
How can you say an empty tomb changes everything.
Don’t you see “God loves the world” is a lie.
“Money is God” and “The one dies with the most toys wins.”
I will tell you what I tell my children
There is no more to this world that what…

View original post 250 more words

Easter based on astronomy counting backwards


Religion is a strange conversation especially when an Atheist, a Sikh, a Christian and a Catholic discuss it.  I am the Catholic.

The Atheist asked me a question how do we determine Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday.  How many days are there?

Well, the Sikh is a mathematician and from the top of his head he came up with the number 45 days.  The Christian joined in, pulled out a calendar, started counting the number of days and confirmed its 45 days.

And I said: “You guys got it all wrong. Its 40 days excluding Sunday.”

A recount ensued to prove that it’s correct.  Of course, I am correct since I learnt from my error last year.  I sacrificed myself for more than 40 days and I didn’t turn “holy”.

The Atheist is still not satisfied.  Being an Atheist, she questions everything.  Fair enough since I question everything myself, too.  The next question was that these days keep on changing every year.  Sometimes Ash Wednesday is early then Easter is early, as well.

This time I’m stumped for I do not know the answer.  Being a Catholic when it comes to calendar of events, I just follow the schedule.  It’s a worthy question and this is something I really don’t have the answer.  Just like a good Catholic the answer can be found through Google.

Based on my research it all depends on:

  • Spring Equinox
  • Easter falls on the first Sunday after the full moon of the following month
  • Ash Wednesday is counting 40 days backwards excluding Sundays

Spring was on March 21.  The first full moon the following month is on April 15. The first Sunday after the full moon is April 20 and this what we call Easter Sunday.   Back to the calendar, we all started counting backwards, excluding the Sundays and it worked. We were all filled with glee in learning new things.

The Atheist proclaimed: “Allah is good!” And I responded: “Thanks be to Google.”

This is the simplest way I can explain it to a cross cultural conversation without having to tell them about Paschal moon, Gregorian Calendar and  a conflict in the beginning between the Jewish and Christian calendar.

Final Journey on Earth

She came to Canada by steamship as a young woman in 1958 with a four-day train ride from Halifax to Vancouver as her introduction to Canada.  Vancouver offered the beauty of the ocean, along with the comfort of the mountains that reminder her of her home in Italy.  She married, raised a family, and lived in Kitsilano where she was known for her garden and flowers, which she carefully tended until just weeks before her passing.

Gina Antonioni  July 26, 1936 to October 30, 2013

Gina Antonioni July 26, 1936 to October 30, 2013

She was a supporter, a volunteer, and active participant at the Italian Cultural Centre and Villa Carital until her illness would no longer allow her to help.  Through her work, at Arbutus Manor for many years, and involvement in various clubs and groups, including Catholic League of Women (CWL) and the Circolo Trentino, she had built a large and varied group of friends.

Catholic League of Women

Catholic League of Women

The Easter candle is lit at baptism and lighted again upon death. “In dying we are born to eternal life.”

Easter Candle

Easter Candle

We do not live to ourselves, and we do not die to ourselves.  If we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord; then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord’s.  For to this end Christ died and lived again, so that he might be Lord of both the dead and the living. ~ Romans 14

Related Link:  Leave of Absence

Our Company is Required

Baby James wants our company today to celebrate his first birthday at Baby’s crib.   He is throwing a theme party, Super Hero.  On top of that, baby wants us to help “Sweet Sheripie” his mom to fight off stinky diapers and sleepless nights. 
Boy oh boy, this is a job for, Super Nanny.  And that won’t be me! 
I can’t believe a year has gone by when he was born, welcome home with Gzi Gzi (Gorgeous Grandma), graduation day, christening day, first Christmas, first Easter, and now his birthday. 

What I think, Baby James will be a good companion for me when I do gardening and we will plant our own garden
Apprentice Gardener

Apprentice Gardener

Happy Birthday, Baby James!  And this is my birthday song for you. 

We are Easter People

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This year will be extra special in celebrating Easter.  Not only that we are celebrating the real sense of Jesus’ resurrection; we, my family that is, will be celebrating our Mother’s 13th year of her death anniversary.  And it falls on Easter!

Being a Catholic, we are Easter People.  We celebrate death filled with hope that we will be resurrected and finally be where we are supposed to be; with God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit; and with all the Saints and choirs of Angels.

Sister #5 asked me to write something about Mother.  As much as I want to, Sister #2 mentioned that she wants to write about her journey and Mother.  With that thought in mind, I declined because I don’t want to steal my sister’s thunder.

Instead, I compiled some pictures and memorabilia that I can find for the family to look at.  This is a good place for safekeeping for now because my notes are all over the place and I tend to throw or give away pictures.  Maybe, just maybe, I will gradually write something about this.

My readers, I wish you ALL a Blessed Easter and here are some of the ways of the Easter People.  If you are not a Catholic, replace the last item according to your belief system.

  •        Cling to the people who love you
  •        Remember who you are
  •        Don’t wait for the other shoe to drop
  •        Bring joy to the world
  •        Breathe in the Holy Spirit


Related Article:

Recount 40 days

According to my count, there are 13 days left out of 40 days of Lent.  Easter is on March 31 that is more than 13 days from today!  Well, not only that I have thought so much about bacon, my mind cannot count either. 
To cite an example, I was reading other post and I came across with this picture.Little pig
Yummy… so I commented to the post. 
Seeker:  bacon
Response:  BACON!!! 
Uh-oh… I think I am in trouble here.  How am I supposed to respond to this?  The person on the other side does not know the history behind bacon.  This person sounded annoyed with all that exclamation points.  Okay, I am exaggerating, there was only one exclamation. 
Think, thank, and thump on the head.  A little bit of tact will go a long way.  So I replied back. 
Seeker:  Exactly!  Have you ever heard of Chris P. Bacon?  The luckiest pig alive ever! 
Response:  Oh the little pig on wheels. That is some pig! 
Whew … saved by a pig. 
For those who wants to know the story of Chris P. Bacon, here’s the link The joke is oink me.  
I was speaking with Sister #6 about 40 days of lent and explained to her my dilemma.  Apparently, weekends are excluded during Lent.  I stand corrected.  Knowing that, I can now eat bacon on weekends, happy dance.  Hooray, I can go to ABC Restaurant this weekend and eat all the bacon that I missed out.  Another save. 
Thank you Scott’s little pig for allowing me to use your post as a reference material.