I’m on a break.

Sometimes, when it’s coffee break time, I just sit in my cubicle for 15 minutes and do personal stuff which is not really a good thing. Coworkers will come to me and start talking business. And I would say: “I’m on a break.” Thank goodness for unionized work, this line is taken seriously. I’m left alone, and I do the same thing for them during their break.

Life Guard on Duty

Everyone is on a break except the lifeguard on duty.

Life has offered me a break from work due to health reasons. It took me a year to fully appreciate this break time just to take care of number one.

Taking a break can be a serious business. Just take a look at this man fishing. One has to perfect the motion of casting a line: One o’clock, Ten o’clock. Repeat.

Go Fishing

Fly fishing at Ambleside Park, North Vancouver, Canada.

When it comes to meeting a BFF, there are so many stories to tell. So many questions to ask. Where did you have your hair done? Who are you dating now? What have you been doing in your spare time? Blah, blah, blah. According to Grammarly, this is a monotonous passage. Whatever!


Where did you have your hair done? 

Going to church as a Catholic is a much need break time for me. All I do is sit and listen to the Word of God. Nope. I don’t pray, that’s too much work for me. I let other’s pray for me. That is more effective.

After Mass

Padre down on his knees saying a confession, maybe.

Seriously, I do a lot of nothing. I just sit and watch, walk and watch, ride and watch, listen and watch. I am really good at this. When someone asks me, “what are you doing?” My immediate response is, “Nothing!”

There She Goes

There she goes. I let the parents take care of the kids and I just watch.


6 thoughts on “I’m on a break.

    • I wish I have the talent to take facial photography like you do, Tina. It takes my full attention To See people and try To Do this with less effort is the challenge. 🙄 🤗 Thank you for a most valuable comment.

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