About Perpetua

The JOY of not working. You?

Memories of Cats in Japan

When we were living in Shukugawa (part of Nishinomiya City, in Hyogo Prefecture), one day we went to the beach to get rid of a cat. Not a kitten but an older female cat. Why we needed to get rid of it I can’t recall. The house we lived in was a single-family home with a garden and plenty of room for a cat. Maybe it was a stray we’d taken in that was now pregnant, and my parents felt they couldn’t care for it anymore. My memory isn’t clear on this point. Getting rid of cats back then was a common occurrence, not something that anyone would criticize you for. The idea of neutering cats never crossed anyone’s mind. 

My father and I set off that summer afternoon to leave the cat by the shore. He pedalled his bicycle, while I sat on the back holding a box with the cat inside. We rode along the Shukugawa River, arrived at the beach at Koroen, set the box down among some trees there, and, without a backward glance, headed home. The beach must have been about two kilometres from our house.

At home, we got off the bike—discussing how we felt sorry for the cat, but what could we do?—and when we opened the front door the cat we’d just abandoned was there, greeting us with a friendly meow, its tail standing tall. It had beaten us home. For the life of me, I couldn’t figure out how it had done that. We’d been on a bike, after all. My father was stumped as well. The two of us stood there for a while, at a total loss for words. Slowly, my father’s look of blank amazement changed to one of admiration and, finally, to an expression of relief. And the cat went back to being our pet.

Even now, I can relive the shared puzzlement of that summer day when we rode together on his bike to the beach at Koroen to abandon a striped cat, a cat that totally got the better of us. I can recall the sound of the waves, the scent of the wind whistling through the stand of pines. It’s the accumulation of insignificant things like this that has made me the person I am.

Source: Abandoning a Cat

By Haruki Murakami


My Name is Red

I’m not afraid of other colours, shadows, crowds or even of loneliness. How wonderful it is to cover a surface that awaits me with my own victorious being! Wherever I’m spread, I see eyes shine, passions increase, eyebrows rise and heartbeats quicken. Behold how wonderful it is to live! – My Name is Red. A novel by Orhan Pamuk

Remembering Turkey.

33 Millions God and Goddess

Holy smokes! Millions of god and goddess in Hinduism. Who do you call? Who do you pray? A million dollar question.

India. A land of many religions. When it comes to the practice of religion, India is tolerant. If not there is always Karma.

Even the cows are sacred. They rule the every spaces in India. They have the right of way.

I think I’ll move to India to figure out what religion to practice.

“To read Alice Munro is to learn something every time that you never thought of before.”

Canadian author Alice Munro, a 2013 Nobel Prize winner for literature, has died at the age of 92. 

Munro wrote short stories for more than 60 years, often focusing on life in rural Canada. 

She died at her care home in Port Hope, Ontario on Monday night, her family and her publisher have confirmed.

Munro was often compared to Russian writer Anton Chekhov for the insight and compassion found in her stories. 

Her first major break-through came in 1968, when her short story collection, Dance of The Happy Shades, about life in the suburbs of western Ontario, won Canada’s highest literary honour, the Governor General’s Award.

In 1977, the New Yorker magazine published one of Munro’s stories, Royal Beatings, based on punishments she received from her father when she was young. She went on to have a long relationship with the publication. 

Munro, the daughter of a fox farmer and a schoolteacher, was born in 1931 in Wingham, Ontario. Many of her stories are set in the area and chronicle the region’s people, culture and the way of life. 

In her youth, she was named class valedictorian at her high school and received a scholarship to the University of Western Ontario in London. Munro had the the highest standing in English of any student who applied to the university. 

While pursuing higher education, Munro said she spent about half her time on academics and the other half writing. 

She has published more than a dozen collections of short stories. In the 1950s and 1960s, her stories were broadcast on the CBC and published in several Canadian periodicals.

Some of her stories compared life before and after the social revolution of the 1960s. 

“Having been born in 1931, I was a little old, but not too old, and women like me after a couple of years were wearing miniskirts and prancing around,” she said.

One well-known story, The Bear Came Over the Mountain, was made into the 2006 film Away from Her, starring Julie Christie and Gordon Pinsent.

In 2009, Munro won the Man Booker Prize International Prize for lifetime achievement.

The judges said in a statement at the time: “To read Alice Munro is to learn something every time that you never thought of before.”

They added that Munro “brings as much depth, wisdom and precision to every story as most novelists bring to a lifetime of novels”.

She later won the Nobel Prize in 2013. Previous winners include literary giants such as Rudyard Kipling, Toni Morrison and Ernest Hemingway. 

The Nobel committee called Munro a “master of contemporary short story”.

Munro said in an interview with the Guardian in 2013 that she had been “writing personal stories all my life”.

“Maybe I write stories that people get very involved in, maybe it is the complexity and the lives presented in them,” she told the Guardian in 2013. “I hope they are a good read. I hope they move people.”

Her last collection of stories, Dear Life, was published in 2012. It included a collection of partly-autobiographical stories. 

She told the National Post newspaper that Dear Life was special because she’d likely not write anymore. 

“Not that I didn’t love writing, but I think you do get to a stage where you sort of think about your life in a different way,” she said.

Source: BBC

WOW – Intense Activity 10/10

A rare and severe solar geostrom spectacular showing in Vancouver, BC lower mainland.

Some think the dark is full of terrors

because they cannot see what it conceals

or perhaps they do not know

that the dark itself is a precious gift

and we, strange creatures of the shimmering north,

can be the light that it reveals.

Northern Light by Jillian Christmas via Poetry in Voice

A Reluctant Spider. No. It’s Nature

Survival and desire amalgamated

And turned an aphotic eye inward.

I saw my my expectations dismantled and dismembered 

By the harsh and starving dogs of reality.

Truths that sit in the vacuity of space

Like a hypergiant star burning to ash.

All elements too weak to withstand the awesome heat.

We are what we are.

And all creatures must eat.

She’s not reluctant. She’s resigned. 

To her death. 

No. The order of things.

She eats and waits to be eaten.

It’s dark.

It’s nature.

Cairo Sweet – Miller’s Girl

Miller’s Girl

George Bernard Shaw wrote the infamous line, “Those who can, do; those who can’t, teach.” I’ve always had a problem with this because assuming teachers are failures is very unfair. However, in the movie Miller’s Girl we see the stereotype brought to life. Mr. Jon Miller, creative writing teacher at a Tennessee high school, is existing because his one and only book was criticized at the time of publication.

Mr. Miller is portrayed as pretty average, but lights up when one of his students, Cairo, shows true talent as a writer. But the audience sees another side of Cairo when she has trouble completing an assignment about personal accomplishment. She is advised to write what she knows. What follows is a disturbing tale of a high school girl’s crush, on her teacher, that descends into a form of madness.

If you’re a writer, then you write. If you don’t write, then you’re not a writer. Possessing the strength and confidence to pursue your passion in a field where reviews are subjective, and can be harsh, is an admirable trait. Mr. Miller’s one and only attempt at writing caused such a trauma, the audience is left to wonder why it hurt him so much. The portrayal of failure leading to abandoning a passion makes one wonder if it was passion all along, or a need for validation.

This movie is very thought provoking, and not just about writing. Rejection is very painful. When acceptance unexpectedly comes calling, it is not surprising when one seizes onto the source of acceptance, whether appropriate or not. The rejection / acceptance theme transcends the topic of writing into other relationships, which reveals itself throughout the film.

I highly recommend this to anyone who feels that their dreams were shattered. My advice? Don’t give up. Embrace your passion for yourself, and not for others.

By Christopher Malmevik

Rose Garden

Mother and I

At last you’ve left and gone

In the invisible;

How marvellous the way you

Quit this world.

You ruffled your feathers and,

Breaking free of your cage,

You took to the air, bound for

Your soul’s world.…

A love-sick nightingale among owls,

You caught

The scent of rose and flew to

The rose garden.

Mevlana Jalalu’ddin Rumi (1207-1273) poem in memory of Lucia S. Siglos (1921 – 2000)

The Magic of Words.

Language has been the great love of my life, even at the times when it seemed to be the greatest stumbling block. Insofar as the gospels are stories, crafted in artistic language, I therefore have some experience in how to navigate them. Long before I started to study the Bible or to cultivate a conscious relationship with Christ, I was steeped in the magic of story, finding in it my own personal savior. How this personal salvation eventually became connected with the Savior of the world, and how my love of story eventually guided me to recognize and claim my own healing story, forms much of the background of this book. If you, too, love language and find relief for your suffering through narrative, I hope it will resonate with you.  

Lory Widmer Hess, author of When Fragments Make a Whole

By Lory Widmer Hess

Words have always been magic to me — through them, I could enter into other worlds, enchanted lands, the minds and hearts of people who lived in distant places and times, or never existed except on the page. As a child I read voraciously, particularly fantasy books that would carry me along on a hero’s quest to uphold good and conquer evil. And I aspired to be a writer, to make my own words a part of that quest.

The words of scripture were familiar to me, since I sang in an Episcopal church choir from the age of eight. I loved the ritual and the sense of mystery, but when I turned to the Bible, I found it puzzlingly opaque. This was a gateway of meaning for many people, but for me it just brought up unanswered questions. What did it mean to “lose yourself to find yourself”? Why did a God of love so often sound threatening? If the events of Holy Week had been foretold by prophets, did that mean everything was predetermined? Where was human freedom in the Bible story? I remained intrigued, but an outsider in terms of religious faith. I didn’t want to just have faith, I wanted to understand.

As I grew up, while I carried my love of words and my questions into adult life, I lost the creative writing spark. It seemed to have been snuffed out, under the pressure of inner and outer obstacles. I couldn’t find the right words for so many things, for my doubts and fears and grief, for a buried anger that scared me too much to talk about it. Silence was safer than the scary unknown that would open up if I tried to express myself, to describe and name the monsters lurking inside me.

That changed when I spent time living and working with people who didn’t often express themselves in words, or not in the ways I’d been used to. Caring developmentally disabled adults challenged me to care for myself as well in an unaccustomed way. I had to learn to listen far harder than ever before, to communicate with my whole being and not with my intellect alone, and to strain to comprehend a reality that was powerful and real but not accessible to ordinary ways of thinking. As the effort slowly changed me, it challenged me to also change the circumstances of my life, to stop tolerating unhealthy relationships, to speak up and to have faith in my own feelings and my own voice.

The idea of writing poems from the point of view of the people who are healed in the gospels came to me as a gift during this exciting, but often scary and confusing time. Feeling as though some creative energy had finally been unlocked, I received it with gratitude, and then wondered how I could carry it further. The healing stories became more and more alive for me, showing me a new way forward. As my life settled into a new form, I continued to write — essays and memoir sections that complemented the healing stories and brought them into a narrative structure. 

What had formerly seemed opaque and incomprehensible started to open up and reveal hidden depths. Thoughts that I’d gathered over the years began to come together, making fragments into a whole picture. I started to grasp ever more powerfully the Gospel story that is all about human freedom and divine love, guiding us toward a part of ourselves that seemed lost but has never truly been forgotten. 

My “disabled” friends had been Christ-bearers for me, showing me what is also spoken and demonstrated in the way of the Beloved of God: we do not become human in the truest sense by becoming hard and impervious and self-defensive, but by making ourselves utterly vulnerable, admitting our need for help, daring to trust even though that lays us open to the greatest possible hurt. When this is done in innocence, humbly offering up the seed of our child-self that we all still carry within, the most amazing rebirths can happen. 

Finally, though witnessing that process in myself and in others, I found that I’d begun both to understand, and to have faith.

When a publisher accepted the book I’d created, I was thankful that they thought my scribblings might be of help and interest to others. The book is now making its way in the world, and I wonder what will come of it. Will the seeds lying dormant in other hearts break open? Will the creative spark be ignited for someone else? I hope so, and I trust that good will come of the gift that was given to me. The magic of words continues to work in us and between us, showing the way toward the Word that made us.

Source: Better Living Through Beowulf

A child named Bernadette

There was a child named Bernadette,
I heard the story long ago.
She saw the Queen of Heaven once,
And kept the vision in her soul.
No one believed what she had seen,
No one believed what she heard.
That there were sorrows to be healed,
And mercy, mercy in this world.

So many hearts I find, broke like yours and mine,
Torn by what we’ve done and can’t undo.
I just want to hold you, come on let me hold you,
Like Bernadette would do.

We’ve been around, we fall, we fly;
We mostly fall, we mostly run.
And every now and then we try,
To mend the damage that we’ve done.
Tonight, tonight I just can’t rest,
I’ve got this joy inside my breast.
To think that I did not forget that child,
That song of Bernadette.

So many hearts I find, hearts like yours and mine,
Torn by what we’ve done and can’t undo.
I just want to hold you, won’t let me hold you,
Like Bernadette would do.
I just want to hold you, come on let me hold you,
Like Bernadette would do.


“Clouds are not the cheeks of angels, you know. They’re only clouds. Friendly sometimes, but you can never be sure. If I had longer arms, I’d push the clouds away, or make them hang above the water somewhere else. But, I’m just a man, who needs and wants mostly things he’ll never have, looking for that thing hardest to find – himself. I’ve been going a long time now, and along the way I’ve learned a few things. You have to make the good times yourself. Take the little times and make them big times, and save the times that are alright for those that aren’t so good. I’ve never been able to push the clouds away by myself.”

one selection on THE SEA entitled “Pushing the Clouds Away” ~ Rod McKuen

Sit. Feast on your life.

Contemplating in Cuba

The time will come
when, with elation,
you will greet yourself arriving
at your own door, in your own mirror,
and each will smile at the other’s welcome,
and say, sit here. Eat.

You will love again the stranger who was your self.
Give wine. Give bread. Give back your heart
to itself, to the stranger who has loved you

all your life, whom you ignored
for another, who knows you by heart.
Take down the love letters from the bookshelf,

the photographs, the desperate notes,
peel your own image from the mirror.
Sit. Feast on your life.

by Derek Walcott

Reading with Dante‘s The Divine Comedy

Robin Bates wrote Do Not Let Your Anger Drown You. Dante understands the emotions well.

In Inferno, Dante the pilgrim encounters those are thrashing around in anger. Of these, there are “the wrathful” who outwardly vent their anger on others and “the sullen” who keep it within, where it boils ceaselessly.

Those who inhabit Dante’s Inferno are those whose sin so consumes them that they are blind to God’s light. In other words, they create their own hells.

Gustave Dore – The wrathful

Notes: This book is universal in scope whether the reader is a pagan, non-Christian or Christian. Gripping in its vision, human feeling and possibility of ignominious ways in which we can engage self-destructive behaviour as an individual people or as a society, the book offers hopes and graces that are needed to knit us back together. It’s possible to read the text and leave aside the theological and spiritual edifying aspects of the text. To read it as a political has been done before. If you read it as a spiritual text and forget about the history, culture and politics, etcetera, then, I may be missing something, too.

Lessons Learned from a Christmas Tree

Chinese New Year is coming! Another celebration. Another tradition.

Tradition! Tradition! Every time the word tradition comes up, my brain starts signing the songs in Fiddler on the Roof. “If I were a rich man
Ya ba dibba dibba dibba dibba dibba dibba dum…”

Why is the Christmas still up? When do we take it down?

My niece said that there is really no rule when to take it down. Besides, she’s way too busy working and having to help her Mom care for her Dad living with dementia.

The tree brightens the house during the bleak winter season. It makes her Dad happy. Fair enough.

In my group Addicted in Gardening, I raised the question: “How long do we keep the Christmas Tree up? “ Ask and you shall receive.” This group is awesome.

I think I’m going to go to the garden and eat some worms.

It’s raining. That’s more like it. Wash all that snow away. It’s easier to walk in the rain than the slippery snow. If there is a law on loitering, I would have been charged for vagrancy.

Yesterday I bumped into Peter, my neighbour. He’s just like Ichabod Crane in stature. Funny Scottish fella. He goes to the mall for his daily regiment to see people watching other people. Sometimes, he’ll look for Bob at the food fair to join him for a cup of Java. Boring Bob, he calls him but I’m sure he enjoys his company. Maybe, our path will cross again today as I do my walk about. Got to keep them bones moving and oiled.

I’m reading this book I Like You Because by Albert J. Nimeth, O.F.M. The picture of the boy siting all by himself looking so forlorn has a caption:

Nobody loves me. I’m going into the garden to eat worms. Yesterday, I ate two smooth ones and one wooly one.”

It sounds humorous but it’s tragic for a child not being satisfied and feeling unloved. Oh boy. Should he carries on until adulthood feeling this way, that’s a load full of worms to ingest.

In my leisure time, I discovered that I’m not alone in posting meme in Facebook. I joined the High Church Cayote (Episcopal Humor) group. One of the meme I posted generated 43.8K reactions, 946 comments and 10.7K shares. Dare I respond to those comments? Nah.

Good times. Good times.

Bus Pass and Day Trip

Yesterday I bought a bus pass that is valid for 24 hours and would take me in any zones of Greater Vancouver using all public transportation after my doctor’s appointment.

Should I Be Worried?

The skytrain and blue buses are running but not the regular buses. The drivers cannot perform their jobs because the supervisors are on job action. I ended up taking a taxi halfway. The cab drivers were busy and happy. Business is good.

So, what’s happening close to home? Vancouver Best Places website provides me with a listing.

Vancouver has all kinds of festivals and events during the year, from music festivals to free outdoor concerts to international fireworks competitions.

Events happening this time of year include Canyon Lights at Capilano Bridge, the PuSh Festival, Dine Out Vancouver Festival, and Robbie Burns Day. Other events to look forward to are the Brazilian Carnival, Just for Laughs Vancouver, FAN EXPO Vancouver and Lunar New Year celebrations.

General Festivals & Events in January

  • Vive les Voyageurs – a celebration of French-Canadian culture at Fort Langley. (In mid to late January.)
  • Dine Out Vancouver Festival – special deals at hundreds of local restaurants (from mid-January to early February.)
  • Polar Bear Swims – icy cold dips in the ocean to celebrate the New Year at English Bay, North Vancouver’s Deep Cove, Fort Langley, Port MoodyDeltaSquamish and White Rock (on January 1, 2024).
  • PuSh Festival – performing arts shows at various locations (from mid-January until early February.)
  • Robbie Burns Day – a day when people celebrate the birthday of Scotland’s national poet. (On January 25, 2024).
  • Street Food City – food trucks outside the Vancouver Art Gallery as part of the Dine Out Vancouver Festival. (In late January.)
  • Vancouver Hot Chocolate Festival – special hot chocolate offerings around town (from mid-January until February 14, 2024).
  • Vancouver Motorcycle Show – a trade show featuring motorbikes and motorcycle equipment in Abbotsford. (January 12-14, 2024.)
  • Whisky Global – an upscale whisky-tasting event with live music, premium whiskies and high-end cars. (January 26 & 27, 2024.)
  • Whistler Pride and Ski Festival – one of the largest LGBTQ ski weeks on the continent. (In late January.)
  • White Rock Polar Plunge – a polar bear-themed swimming event in the ocean at White Rock Beach. (January 1, 2024)
  • Chilliwack Home, Leisure & Outdoor Living Expo – a large renovations and home decor trade show-themed event in the Fraser Valley. (TBC)
  • Lunar New Year – a cultural holiday celebrating the Lunar New Year with various events throughout the Lower Mainland (It happens in January in some years. In 2024, however, it’s on February 10).

There I go…..

Not necessarily in this order

Photography is more than fun. It takes me out of my element. I’m so focused that nothing else matters but me and my desire to capture the divine. This maple tree came from my dearest friend, Jancis Grace Bradford.

Maple tree from seed.

I think that I shall never see

A poem lovely as a tree.

A tree whose hungry mouth is prest

Against the earth’s sweet flowing breast;

Before I learned to love trees and started growing them, it began in poetry. A poem taught in elementary and memorized by heart. Reading poetry and literature are savings graces for me.

After a while, you learn that even sunshine
Burns if you get too much.
So you plant your own garden and decorate
Your own soul, instead of waiting
For someone to bring you flowers

A tree that looks at God all day,

And lifts her leafy arms to pray;

A tree that may in Summer wear

A nest of robins in her hair;

The tree grew. My friend died. The tree became a memory of her. I planted it in a half-barrel and placed it on top of the stump of a Douglas Fir that needed to be cut because of hazards. It’s old. The branches are breaking and we don’t want any accidents. Turning this area into a round garden became the centrepiece of the Manor. Gardening is another activity that is fun, meditative, and healing.

Family Tree April 2000

Upon whose bosom snow has lain;

Who intimately lives with rain.

Spring flowers of Cherry Tree. My mother is buried two plots away from the tree. I talk to this tree all the time when I come for a visit. I whisper to her “You and Mother are rooted in love. Spring is the best time to hunt for Sakura and read all the Haiku.

A Spring breeze is blowing
I’m bursting with laughter
— wishing for flowers

Twenty-three years later…

Poems are made by fools like me,

But only God can make a tree.


The best part of having fun is posting this with our WordPress group using the tagline or topic “Lens-Artists” which I follow religiously.

Good times, Good times.

Reading Dante Alighieri

Dante Alighieri: Dante is shirt firm of Durante. Alighieri was not, in fact, Dante’s surname. It was part of a pen name derived from his full name, Durante di Alighiero degli Alighieri. Dante did not have a proper family name in the modern sense. Rather, the “di Alighiero” was a patronymic, indicating he was the son of Alighiero. (source: Quora)

Journey with Dante in his vision of hell, purgatory and Paradise dated 9-9-21

Why should we read the Divine Comedy?

  • It would help us when life goes wrong.
  • We could be dragged down in desperation or we could throw a hand up and call for help and look for the assistance of a wise thoughtful friend and guide us. Or we could call out for divine grace and hope that help is there and that we avail ourselves of it. So that you know to think practically about the capricious universal draw of the text.
  • It helps to think about what happiness and flourishing look like individually and corporately.
  • It would make us live better.

“Start midway in the journey of our life, I woke to find myself in some dark wood of error…”

– how do I get out?

– how do I come to myself?

– how do I come to reorder my life?

– via affirmative as affirming for the glory of God?

These are words that I have taken note of as I listened to the lecture.

To Hell With Dream Job

Young people dream of becoming just like me. They said, “When I grow up, I want to be just like you.” I responded, “When you grow up, I want you to be you.” They grew up and found their place in the society.

Tea in the Garden painting by Beryl Cook

To hell with dream job. Let us toast to animal pleasures.

To hell with unemployment: I think it’s a fine thing. I like sleeping all day and having nothing to do but read, write, and sleep whenever I feel tired. I like waking up in the morning and going immediately back to bed if the weather is foul. In short, I think it’s a fine situation for a man to be in: provided, of course, that he has enough money to eat and pay the rent. . . 

Let us toast to animal pleasures, to escapism, to rain on the roof and instant coffee, to unemployment insurance and library cards, to absinthe and good-hearted landlords, to music and warm bodies and contraceptives, and to the “good life,” whatever it is and wherever it happens to be.

Let us strip to the ankles and revel in everything sensual: let us laugh at the world as it looks at itself through mushroom-cloudy glasses, and I suppose we might as well pay the rent too: for eviction is second only to hunger as the dirtiest word in the dictionary.

Hunter S. Thompson
Letter to Sally Williams
17th January 1958

(From Proud Highway)

Find Your Strengths

This image is posted on my refrigerator to remind me of my character strengths on leadership.

1. Wisdom and Knowledge – Cognitive strengths that entail the acquisition and use of knowledge

  • Creativity [originality, ingenuity]: Thinking of novel and productive ways to conceptualize and do things; includes artistic achievement but is not limited to it
  • Curiosity [interest, novelty-seeking, openness to experience]: Taking an interest in ongoing experience for its own sake; finding subjects and topics fascinating; exploring and discovering
  • Judgment [critical thinking]: Thinking things through and examining them from all sides; not jumping to conclusions; being able to change one’s mind in light of evidence; weighing all evidence fairly
  • Love of Learning: Mastering new skills, topics, and bodies of knowledge, whether on one’s own or formally; obviously related to the strength of curiosity but goes beyond it to describe the tendency to add systematically to what one knows
  • Perspective [wisdom]: Being able to provide wise counsel to others; having ways of looking at the world that make sense to oneself and to other people

2. Courage – Emotional strengths that involve the exercise of will to accomplish goals in the face of opposition, external or internal

  • Bravery [valor]: Not shrinking from threat, challenge, difficulty, or pain; speaking up for what is right even if there is opposition; acting on convictions even if unpopular; includes physical bravery but is not limited to it
  • Perseverance [persistence, industriousness]: Finishing what one starts; persisting in a course of action in spite of obstacles; “getting it out the door”; taking pleasure in completing tasks
  • Honesty [authenticity, integrity]: Speaking the truth but more broadly presenting oneself in a genuine way and acting in a sincere way; being without pretense; taking responsibility for one’s feelings and actions
  • Zest [vitality, enthusiasm, vigor, energy]: Approaching life with excitement and energy; not doing things halfway or halfheartedly; living life as an adventure; feeling alive and activated

3. Humanity – Interpersonal strengths that involve tending and befriending others

  • Love: Valuing close relations with others, in particular those in which sharing and caring are reciprocated; being close to people
  • Kindness [generosity, nurturance, care, compassion, altruistic love, “niceness”]: Doing favors and good deeds for others; helping them; taking care of them
  • Social Intelligence [emotional intelligence, personal intelligence]: Being aware of the motives and feelings of other people and oneself; knowing what to do to fit into different social situations; knowing what makes other people tick

4. Justice – Civic strengths that underlie healthy community life

  • Teamwork [citizenship, social responsibility, loyalty]: Working well as a member of a group or team; being loyal to the group; doing one’s share
  • Fairness: Treating all people the same according to notions of fairness and justice; not letting personal feelings bias decisions about others; giving everyone a fair chance.
  • Leadership: Encouraging a group of which one is a member to get things done, and at the same time maintaining good relations within the group; organizing group activities and seeing that they happen.

5. Temperance – Strengths that protect against excess

  • Forgiveness: Forgiving those who have done wrong; accepting the shortcomings of others; giving people a second chance; not being vengeful
  • Humility:  Letting one’s accomplishments speak for themselves; not regarding oneself as more special than one is
  • Prudence: Being careful about one’s choices; not taking undue risks; not saying or doing things that might later be regretted
  • Self-Regulation [self-control]: Regulating what one feels and does; being disciplined; controlling one’s appetites and emotions

6. Transcendence – Strengths that forge connections to the larger universe and provide meaning

  • Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence [awe,wonder, elevation]: Noticing and appreciating beauty, excellence, and/or skilled performance in various domains of life, from nature to art to mathematics to science to everyday experience
  • Gratitude: Being aware of and thankful for the good things that happen; taking time to express thanks
  • Hope [optimism, future-mindedness, future orientation]: Expecting the best in the future and working to achieve it; believing that a good future is something that can be brought about
  • Humor [playfulness]: Liking to laugh and tease; bringing smiles to other people; seeing the light side; making (not necessarily telling) jokes
  • Spirituality [faith, purpose]: Having coherent beliefs about the higher purpose and meaning of the universe; knowing where one fits within the larger scheme; having beliefs about the meaning of life that shape conduct and provide comfort

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That’s strange. It’s too quiet outside. I don’t hear the cawing of the crows nor the heavy morning traffic. As it turned out, my area was blanketed with snow. It snowed overnight and carried on all day.

The crows seem to be in a torpor. Then I thought of the hummingbird. I haven’t seen them in the feeder.

Back to the drama of the black-and-white street photography group, December was a month of rejection. All of my photos were rejected. I didn’t quite understand because they didn’t provide reasons. I just chalked it out to beauty in the eyes of the many moderators and participants. I studied the approved pictures. In my opinion, they were heavily Photoshop or maybe AI were used.

Photoshop and AI are the two things that I want uninvented!

But I played the game of the group. Major editing and I can’t believe it was accepted! Heavy on shadows and black points.

Then the administrator posted that he noticed an influx of heavily processed images. He wants to see authenticity not a million layers of filters, Allowing the decisive click to see the extraordinary in the ordinary. Dial down the sliders. Capture the pulse of the street.

Eh? Make up your mind. I was bamboozled by what was offered on my iPhone and iPad. So, I submitted a mysterious shot setting it to Noir and automatic filter.


I need to take a break from the group to refocus. Back to snow days..

Here is a photo that depicts apricity. The hummingbird came out to enjoy the winter sunshine.

Back to watching Kdrama in Netflix.

Is it the butterfly in your stomach?

Think Fiddler on the Roof.

But do you love me?
Do I love you?
For twenty-five years I’ve washed your clothes
Cooked your meals, cleaned your house
Given you children, milked the cow
After twenty-five years, why talk about love right now?

It’s not romantic love. My mother did this for all of her children. A prime example of what love is. We children learnt this and in turn shown love to one another through actions. Through caring in deeds. Words can be useless without actions.

The same thing with my dear friends.

Food, clothing and shelter. It’s a given. So much love. In times of need. Just being there for me through sickness and in health. When I’m hurting. Love heals.

On a lighter note :

In response to: Can you share a positive example of where you’ve felt loved?

Addicted to Gardening

I need intervention when it comes to plants. It seems that I could never have enough of them. Clutter? I like it that way.

After a while, you learn the subtle difference
Between holding a hand and chaining a soul
And you learn that love doesn’t mean security,
And you begin to learn that kisses aren’t contracts
And presents aren’t promises.

3, 501. That’s how many images I have in my iPhone since 2017. Not bad, eh.

I was searching for an article to share with you on how to declutter. I saw it the other day but it’s gone! I must have decluttered my cell.

In response to: Where can you reduce clutter in your life?

Wonderful World of Animals.

I love all animals especially birds. The bird is the only animal with feathers. Living in Canada, you think Canada Geese is my favourite. No.no.no.no…. These geese are vicious.

Favouritism is unfair since I have two cats I love dearly. I feed the birds on my balcony come winter. So you can imagine how fascinating watching the birds and cats separated by a glass door.

Another species of bird took residence by the Holly Tree. Hummingbird! They stay all year round.

Resident Hummingbird in my backyard

Winter temperature is dipping and I worry about them. Oh, how I wish I can keep them inside my toasty sanctuary just for this season.

In response to: What is your favourite animal?

Prose and Pixels

Communicating online is a love or hate situation. It comes with the cliche the good, the bad and the ugly.

It was such a relief when email was introduced around 1996. Emails cut down my work and faster. The group voicemails were replaced with group emails. It was great for work. Fast, efficient and effective.

Fast forward, the world is littered with various apps for online communication. Needless to say, my style of connecting is constantly evolving. It’s an Art. It can be humorous. Or just a complete bullshit. Most of the time, I write directly to the point. Devoid of emotions. A learning process.

On the other hand, security is on the top of the list. I thread carefully.

“How do I love thee, let me count the ways…” as Elizabeth Barrett Browning wrote.

In response to in what ways do you communicate online?

Online Reading with Dante

By the time I actually started reading The Devine Comedy of Dante Alighieri was September 2021 due to an invitation from “100 Days with Dante” to join them online. The options are Facebook or email to receive the daily materials. I opted for emails.

I purchased this book because of the artwork of Gustave Dore for $20 on November 19, 2004. It gathered dust together with other book collections.

Prior to this, I took a few evening courses of Dante offered by an Anglican Church close to work in the 1990s. Accidentally, I stumbled on an article on Dante at Better Living Through Beowulf by Robin Bates who teaches how great literature can change your life.

Back to 100 Days of Dante. Exactly what it says: one Canto a day for 100 days.

I will be transferring the notes I’ve jotted here bits and pieces of the cantos starting from Inferno, Purgatorio and Paradise. Each section has 33 cantos.

Forest Bathing Shirt March 14, 2020

Inferno – Canto I

Midway upon the journey of our life
I found myself within a forest dark,
For the straightforward pathway had been lost.

Oh, the places I go…

The easiest way to explore natural beauty, small towns, and wildlife is by open road. So much to see. So much to explore. Too many people to meet. Mostly friendly strangers.

Road trip is more enjoyable than a cruise.

Overlapping memories thinking back of the many places I wandered around on this earth as a pilgrim. These feet are made for walking. “Get those rocks off my road” bumper sticker was perfect. 25 pound backpack is good enough.

Last year, we drove way up Fraser Lake to join the Carrier Nations to celebrate the life of Rose Prince, an Aboriginal who attended a residential school.

The road trip took us two days because we love to stop and visit small towns, Whenever I see animals in their natural habitat, I excitedly tell my sister to stop the car.

The beauty of British Columbia is astonishing. Oooohhhhh. Aaaahhh. It’s epic.

Along the highway, we saw the remains of the forest. Did a bonfire start this devastation?

Or it’s due to the summer heat?

The forest fire have already started when we returned home. The surrounding area of Fraser Lake was affected.

Campfires have been forbidden lately to avoid further forest destruction.

Think back on your most memorable road trip.

Oh, just a little snack.

My mouth is hungry but my stomach is full. What can I snack on? There are so many edibles in the fridge, pantry, bedside, living room and tabletop. But nothing that looks palatable to sink my fangs.

What I’m craving for is Korean chips with simulated flavour of shrimp or crab. Oh, Asian goodies. I love the savoury selections.

Speaking of crab, it reminds me of the word curmudgeon. What it means is a cranky old man.

Yesterday I was eavesdropping to these two passengers on the train. Well, actually everyone could hear them but you have to understand their language. I do. They are Filipinos. Have you ever heard them talk? They are loud as if they are yelling.

The man said that as he gets older he is becoming so crabby, Easily irritable. Then the conversation shifted fast to food.

Food. Now we are in a better mood.

What snack would you eat right now?

Business idea. Crazy?

Dim Sum newspaper published a new business thriving in Japan. It’s starting to take off. Exploring Japan’s rising trend of companion rentals.

I’m thinking of doing this in Vancouver.

Two is a company

Shoji Morimoto has what some would see as a dream job: He gets paid to do pretty much nothing.

The 38-year-old Tokyo resident charges ¥10,000 ($71) per booking to accompany clients and simply exist as a companion.

Earlier, a foreign YouTuber named Harry Jaggard, with a million followers, shared a video titled “I Rented a Japanese Girlfriend in Tokyo,” documenting his entire experience of the date. He initially waited outside Harajuku Station and was greeted by the stunning Japanese beauty Eri, with whom he explored Takeshita Street. Their first destination was a hedgehog café, followed by a sumptuous wagyu beef meal at a restaurant, and concluding with a visit to a baseball practice facility, thoroughly enjoying the date. Throughout the experience, his girlfriend engaged in lively conversations, attentively shielding him from rain and even navigating using maps. The YouTuber praised the experience as entertaining, despite the relatively high cost. Including the reservation and transportation expenses, he spent a total of approximately $400 (around HK$3,120), which he found more economical than maintaining an actual romantic relationship, generating laughter and agreement from numerous netizens.

Dim sum Daily

The only thing that I’m afraid of this job meeting serial-killers.

Come up with a crazy business idea.

Doggone it! Where is it?

Some people raised dogs. My brother raised roosters. Oh, how I love waking up when the cock crows. No need for an alarm clock.

Since I was born in poverty, I grew up with no dolls or miniature China set for a tea party.

We had a dog. Our one and only dog. A pure breed Doberman. Black. Female. She came with her tail cut short. We kept her long ears. She was so regal that we called her Sultana. One spoilt brat.

Purebred has a short life. I miss her.

The second part of this post, requires your attention and comments. It has something to do with WordPress or Jetpack reader. I can see your post when I view all the answers. The tagline of this Bloganuary are bloganuary-2024-10, dailyprompt, dailypromp-1813 that is automatically added for us.

The question is: CAN YOU SEE YOUR POST? I cannot see mine in the READER. Even if I change the topic to dailyprompt, I see yours. I can’t see mine. Please check your readers and let me know. I will submit another blanket statement to the support line based on your findings.

I have contacted the Happy Engineers. I hope they can fix the website.

For the fun of this exercise, I added taglines: RDP, Ragtag Daily Prompt and Photography to test if my post will show up in the Reader with these topics.

Keep Calm and blog on.

Describe an item you were incredibly attached to as a youth. What became of it?

If they can do it, surely I can, too.

These two are in their 80s and 90s totally inept in navigating their iPhone.

Would you believe that I still don’t own an iPhone and I’m 66 years old.

I don’t think I will self-destruct should I accept this mission and start owning the latest device of Apple iPhone Pro series 15.

What I am currently using are series 6 and 7 all hand-me-downs. I have to start asking for an upgrade from my generous family.

What is your mission?

Sleeping Beauty

Have you ever had a good sleep and feel beautiful when you wake up?

People used to call me sleeping beauty because I can fall asleep anywhere at anytime. Waking up feeling so young and full of energy even it was just a power nap.

Rip Van Winkle slept for a long time.

Sleep adds value to living a very long life.

Me? I can’t sleep. It’s doubtful if longevity runs in my blood.

You? Are you sleeping well?

Prompt: What are your thoughts on the concept of living a very long life?

Looking back in 2023

The funny thing of could, would is there. Could is the switch, would is the spark plug.

I could do one thing at a time. For the sake of efficiency, I would do three things in one shot. Sort of multitasking.Normally, I would procrastinate.

To keep my mood going, I’m humming this song.

If I could I’d like to be
A great big movie star
An overnight sensation
Drive a big expensive car

The Stylistics
It’s The Little Things

Fortunately, I did not become a superstar, enjoying the sensation of reading a book and public transportation, Walking and photography keep me mobile.

If I could, I’d post all my favourite photos. But there is a limit to everything. For one, I’m mindful of the allotted space in my blog.

I’m addicted to gardening

Spring is the best season for plants in the garden. They make an effort to emerge and point the way to live and bloom.

The Nature of Things

It was summer when I saw these moose in their natural habitat. We don’t have moose in the city unless I move to Banff, Alberta. Moose is part of the tourist attraction in Banff. Oh how I remember coming face to face with one as I was just walking in the park. I stood frozen and prayed to God that the moose is as gentle as my kitties.

Central Park

Autumn is the second spring. Everybody is out walking to see the glorious fall colours at Central Park. The explosion of red, crimson, orange, yellow, and green pigments splashed the earth.

Oh, the places we go.

Wintering in New Zealand is where she is right now. That’s my sister. Her preferred word is gallivanting. I could have gone with her but six weeks away from my furry ones would make me feel homesick.

To end this post, here’ looking at you, kid.

Keep smiling to keep them guessing.

Oh, the song!

In response to three things:

Have you seen her?

I enjoy looking at billboards. They are entertaining for me as a passenger. Sometimes, I take pictures of them as the vehicle zoom in at 120 miles an hour. If I’m lucky, the photos turn out otherwise they are just blurs.

There are two photos that I am playing with. These are just not pretty faces.

Right photo credit to Nicholas Elbers

Question: If you had a freeway billboard, what would it say?

The smiling face of a beautiful teenager with long hair will have the caption “ Super Model/ Ambassador of Down Syndrome”. Her Billboard was featured at New York Times Square here.

The woman on the right with short hair captions “Missing Person: Call the nearest police station.” She’s been missing for over three decades.

Both are informative. Which one would you choose for peace of mind.

Thinking all the time. What am I going to do?

Goodness gracious! How long have I been thinking of getting a new writing device? My computer, iPad and four IPhones are all obsolete.

I kept uttering this hint to my family that all I wanted was a new iPad. I’ll take hand-me-downs.

Finally, yesterday, my brother and I went shopping at the Apple store. Looking at all the gadgets, I was bedazzled with so much new technology.

Do you spend more time thinking about the future or the past? Why?

I got a new iPad Air through the generosity of my brother, To add more joy to this occasion, his son and two friends and my nephew and his girlfriend were at the store. Furthermore, we met up with other siblings for coffee. I tell you, the mall is full of surprises who I will bumped into.

Now.… how the heck am I going to learn how to use this new gizmo?

The very best of all these…

I give you my love.

“No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”

When it comes to perfect love, I can only think of my Mother. Mother has so much love to share. The story of Mother’s love is no different from others but in my mind, of course, is the best. 

Everybody calls her Mother: her siblings, my family and our friends. What kind of love did Mother shared? These are collective stories shared by one generation to another generation.

Lucia S. Siglos born April 22

Mother gave up her own education in order to take care of her younger brother. She reached Grade 4. Why on earth would a young mind give up her future for a younger brother? Don’t they have anybody to take care of my Uncle? The family is rich, for one. They can afford to hire a nursemaid. But that is beside the point. Mother took care of her brother. 

Mother married a soldier. They had four children and their father died at a young age, cancer of the lungs. Widowed young with four children. Who would marry her now? Who would take care of the children? During those days, fathers are the one who is a provider. Enter my Father. It was a whirl wind romance. 

Father married Mother and he adopted all four children. Mother must have been an extra ordinary person for Father to fall in love head over hills with Mother. Investigating how my parents met, I’ve asked my Uncles. They didn’t even know that Mother married again. No wedding pictures to show off. Father is a beautiful man, a woman’s man. He must have been a good provider to my Mother because he was a Civil Engineer. He travelled to remote places to build roads and bridges. Being away from home, there must have been so much activity in the bedroom because they procreate 9 times. In total, there are 13 of us including my half-brother and three half-sisters. On top of that, I heard there are other siblings outside the marriage. 

Mother went through extremes of getting to know this family. She helped them. Why on earth would Mother do such a thing when Father was philandering outside the marriage? Then Father died. We are left with Mother’s love. The love of Mother does not end there. 

When there are children born out of wed lock in our family, Mother will search for them and bring the children to the family. I heard that Mother bought (yes, paid for) one child from the mother in order to bring up the child properly. The house we lived was only a two bedroom apartment. People come and go. My siblings’ friends call her Mama Chuchi. It was full of life and love even though we were poor.

Mother helped young women by teaching them how to sew. Mother paid for their work even though they lived in our tiny apartment and received free board and lodging. It was a symbiotic relationship. One remained with us until to this date. We managed to take her to Canada and she is my 14thsibling. She and I grew up together.

I don’t recall hearing Mother say to me: “I love you, Lady”. No. Words are not important for Mother. She laid her life not just for me but for everyone. 

So the question is: What is the greatest gift someone could give you?

Mother’s love is based on her faith. If this is not love, then what is?

Carve your name on hearts, not tombstones. A legacy is etched into the minds of others and the stories they share about you.” ― Shannon L. Alder

Education, modesty aside

We carry our past and It echoes beneath our feet.

Parents dreams are for their children to have a good education. They will work hard to put their children to excel in university, get a degree and finally be employed earning top income. Sometimes, if the parents are lucky in raising their children, they will be rewarded receiving the first salary of their children as a token of appreciation. The children will then bear the joy of taking care of their aging parents since they received the best gift in life, EDUCATION.

University of the East- Home of Topnotchers

This is our culture.

The question for today is: What colleges have you attended? Is WordPress a HeadHunter? I’m curious .

The last time i proudly shared my curriculum vitae was twenty years ago when I applied for a job. I don’t think I will be updating my resume anytime sooner. . I stopped working five years ago due to health reasons.

Last year, I’m required to take a course on Self-care offered by CCDP. That was challenging since I’ve been off school for years. My brain hurts from all the materials to read, videos to watch and 1.5 hours of Zoom. Thank goodness, we had summer off.

Tomorrow if my final session. No diploma will be given but another leash of borrowed time.

Back to Mother: She used to say to us “where iz your common sesnse?” Is there a college for that?

Mother used her common sense even she only reached grade 4. She managed to become a professional dressmaker and established a dress shop. The income from sewing clothes put us 13 children to attain our education but necessarily we landed on our dream job. But we’re happy how things turned out.

Writing about writing prompt: Drop a 10 word story in the comments. Can be tragic, spooky, romantic, sci-fi, whatever.

We carry our past and
It echoes beneath our feet.

Play is a way of life.

Go outside and play, Mother used to say to us children.

I’m Perpetua and I’m 66 years old. I handed this words of wisdom and activities from Mother down to grandchildren.


Play is primal. I noticed this innate behaviour in children and animals.

Playfulness, the unbearable lightness of being. When people ask me what I’m doing, “I’m playing” is my immediate response.

Mentally, play helps me keep sane. It’s therapeutic. It keeps my mind away from automatic thoughts. Doctors order!

“Life is a play that does not allow testing. So, sing, cry, dance, laugh, and live intensely, before the curtain closes and the piece ends with no applause.” – Charlie Chaplin

I have two cats that I play with. All the time.

Response to: Do you play in your daily life? What says “playtime” to you?

We are a family

As I reflect on the year 2023, I thank God and all of you my family members (siblings +children+ apo) for the many goodness shared throughout the year… your prayers, loving support and assistance, celebrations, vacations, food, laughter, and chat/emails to inspire and encourage one another.

Not everyone is present

We are not perfect, especially me, yet we grow and are bonded in the love of God and our Mother and Papang…. always forgiving each other for failures and accepting of weaknesses.

I feel blessed because our family is part of the Holy Family of Jesus.

Thank you. Much love and prayers as we end 2023. My prayer for you for 2024  is for God to bless you with a relaxed mind, a peaceful heart, joyful spirit, a healthy body and a heart full of love. A Blessed and happy 2024

Much Peace!

What are your biggest challenges?

Last chance

Did you receive a review from WordPress about your site? I did. It says: “Another vibrant year has unfolded on the web, and it’s time to reflect on the remarkable digital journey you’ve taken with WordPress.com”

That’s positive since I had only 139 posts in 2023! Apparently, “The Years Are Short” posted on February 8, 2023, was popular. It’s true that day goes by so fast especially for me belonging to a huge family. Feeling blessed..

Not everyone is present

What relationships have a positive impact on you?

Relationships are always a learning experience. Good. Bad. Who knows? Mind you, this year, I joined a lot of groups: gardening, photography, art, pets, humour, story writing, etc. Online! Some of them I met in person. So much fun!

With all the activities in life, there are prompts that stayed in the draft section not elaborated. It’s good for me to read and reflect on them. They are as follows:

  • Have you ever performed on stage or given a speech? dailyprompt-2150 I’m ready for my close-up
  • What positive events have taken place in your life over the past year? dailyprompt-2145 I’m alive
  • What positive events have taken place in your life over the past year? dailyprompt-2145 As it happened
  • Are you more of a night or morning person dailyprompt-2140 I don’t do mornings
  • Do you need time? dailyprompt-2113 Excess “Time, which is your enemy in almost everything in this life, is your friend in writing.” —Tobias Wolff”
  • What is good about having a pet? dailyprompt-2118 Nurse and Nurseaide “You will soon find out the language of love”
  • Which activities make you lose track of time dailyprompt-2001 Life Happens
  • How do you practice self-care? dailyprompt-1978 All about me time.
  • Share a story about someone who had a positive impact on your life. dailyprompt-1936 My Hero
  • Are you a leader or a follower?dailyprompt-1939 Lead
  • Share a story about someone who had a positive impact on your life. dailyprompt-1936 Sqwabb, my homeless friend
  • What is your career plan? dailyprompt-1933 Self-care
  • What was the last live performance you saw?dailyprompt1932 Johnnie ‘s recital at UBC
  • What’s a job you would like to do for just one day? dailyprompt-1930 – A Room with a view
  • What is your favorite holiday? Why is it your favorite? dailyprompt-1924 My birthday! I always, always, declare it a holiday and take time off to celebrate life.
  • What topics do you like to discuss?dailyprompt-1920 – I hardly talk lately. I listen more.
  • When is the last time you took a risk? How did it work out? dailyprompt-1919 Slow process “Risk itself is a process of constant unfolding. And taking risks is the process of peeling back the layers of what you are and who you want to be. – Phoebe Eng

Enough of me. How did you make out with your posts in 2023?

It’s all about Grace

The Holy Land is not so holy when the Israelis occupy the land of the Palestine’s, the Muslims building mosque on top of the Christian church and the Christians are now a minority.  There is always trouble yet I went twice on pilgrimage.

Part of the Christmas story that I love the most is the story of Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem.  It seems like a fairy tale when the bright star shone on Bethlehem where Jesus was born.  Herod, the deceitful king, sent the Magi to look for Jesus.  The Magi followed the bright star, found Jesus, paid homage to Him, left and went on another direction never to report to Herod.

Christmas reminds me of my last night at Holy Land.

We spent our remaining few days to rest at a resort by the Dead Sea, Jordan side after a hectic pilgrim schedule of Holy Land following the footsteps of Jesus.  From my balcony, I could literally see the walls of the old Jerusalem.  Casting my eyes beyond, I can imagine Bethlehem, Nazareth, Jericho, and Galilee. 

The night we were departing for Canada, I retreated to the balcony to be in solitude while I smoke and drink tea. I was full of gratitude to my God for making it possible for me to experience the trip of a lifetime. It was dark and I could see a few flickering lights on top of the mountain of Israel.

In my silent soliloquy, I whispered: It’s good to be here, Lord. I thank you for having me. Then I raised my right arm, waving goodbye to Israel for I know this is my last trip to Holy Land.

Last Night at Jordan – Nov 2011

I started saying goodbye gazing into the distant dark land. I saw a bright shining light that appears to be a star. And I thought that must have been the Star of Bethlehem.

Excitement came rushing out of my body and I must take a picture.  Made a quick dash inside the room, grabbed my camera and another pilgrim, Neli, to show her the star. This rushing must have only taken a few seconds.  When we got out, the Star is gone.  Oh, no.  It’s gone.  I was so disappointed and sad that I have no picture to show off about it. Neli gave me “the look” and walked out of the room.

At Frankfurt airport, I pulled Father Priest on the side and told him about my experience. He simply said in his infinite wisdom, the Star is meant only for my eyes to see. No camera can ever capture it nor could anyone see it as you did. I was so moved by his explanation and tears of joy came flowing from my eyes.

In response to: Who are the biggest influences in your life?

I will keep Christmas in my heart all year round. Merry Christmas for those who celebrates.

TO LIFE – One historical year!

October, the month I was born, the Soviet Union launched the first space satellite, Sputnik I.

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair

Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities

  • Frank Sinatra is one of my favourite singers. “The Frank Sinatra Show” television variety/drama anthology series debuts on ABC; the singer-actor is given almost complete control of the program.
  • “I thank you God for this amazing day…” poem speaks to me.French author Albert Camus was awarded Nobel Prize in Literature.
  • Since I am a Canadian, I feature Queen Elizabeth II becomes the first Canadian monarch to open the Parliament of Canada with the Speech from the Throne.
  • Poetry… Allen Ginsberg‘s Howl and Other Poems is ruled not obscene.
  • At the movies: The Bridge on the River Kwai”, directed by David Lean and starring William Holden and Alec Guinness, is released (Academy Awards Best Picture 1958)

On this day

Most importantly, it was a miracle that I was born. I have written about it. My story was published and included at Corey’s Dig in this post.

In response to: Share what you know about the year you were born.

Good? Bad? Who knows?

Look beyond. Have you heard of this parable?

When an old farmer’s stallion won a prize at a country show, his neighbour called round to congratulate him, but the old farmer said, “Who knows what is good and what is bad?”

Question Mark Art Installation

The next day some thieves came and stole the valuable animal. When the neighbour came to commiserate with him, the old man replied, “Who knows what is good and what is bad?”

A few days later the spirited stallion escaped from the thieves and joined a herd of wild mares, leading them back to the farm. The neighbour called in to share the farmer’s joy, but the farmer responded, “Who knows what is good and what is bad?”

The following day, while trying to break in one of the mares, the farmer’s son got thrown and fractured his leg. The neighbour called to share the farmer’s sorrow, but the old man’s attitude remained the same as before.

The following week the army passed by, forcibly conscripting soldiers for the war, but they did not take the farmer’s son because he couldn’t walk. And the neighbour thought to himself, “Who knows what is good and what is bad?” realising that the old farmer must be a Taoist sage.

Are you a good judge of character? A situation?

Source: Who Knows What is Good and What is Bad – Taoist Parable

Day Pass and Field Trips Last Chance

“I carry my thoughts about with me for a long time, sometimes a very long time, before I set them down.” – Beethoven on creativity:

German Roast Pork Hock

The German Christmas Market is in full swing to the delight of attendees to try all the savouries, sweets and mulled wine. It was the best place to take photos of strangers since everyone had their iPhones out to capture the event.

We’ll take the chance, we will again
It’s our dream and you will see, we’ll go hand in hand

I am on a mission to take candid shots and submit them to the three groups I joined in street photography. Positioned myself at the corner of the Grandstand. My nephew caught me patiently waiting for the right moment. But there is no right moment. I kept on clicking and hoping to God that somehow something magnificent would be captured by my old iPhone. Unfortunately, most of the photos were inferior for submission. Street photography has high standards. To bowdlerize is too much work!

May I take your picture, please.

I know we’re here but I feel, we’re not alone
Millions of people are waiting, in their homes
See all the winners and losers, they’re always in our hearts
Oh, everybody’s waiting, waiting for a start

When it comes to whether Street Photography is legal, it varies from country to country. Even though it may be legal, it is what you do with these photos. It can become complicated when posted and causes friction. There is always an option to ask strangers.

We’ll take the chance, we’ll win again
I know my dream, it will come true
We’ll take the chance, don’t lose the game
It’s a game for me and you

What I’m trying to learn is face photography. My brother is an expert on this since he is a professional photographer.

We’ll take the chance, we’ll win again
I know we’re going, hand in hand
We’ll take the chance, and we are friends
For a game that never ends

I know we’re high and we’re low and just between
We’re feeling the fire of hearts, like a dream
We’re living in deep emotion, we’re fighting with our hearts
Oh, everybody’s waiting, waiting for a start

When asked, they are happy to be in the pictures.

So … what is the difference between Day Pass and Field Trip?

Chinatown – Day Pass

Day Pass is when I go out to town for medical appointment. I buy a public transit concession day pass. Cheap thrills when I can amuse myself outside the clinic.

Field trip is when my family picks me up for a day of fun and activities.

The Logan’s – Field Trip

My niece teases me when I have to excuse myself from everybody due to sensory overload.

Good times, good times.

The quote is from this song.

Fairy tales and magic tales

Fairytales can come true
It can happen to you
If you’re young at heart

For it’s hard you will find

To be narrow of mind
If you’re young at heart
You can go to extremes
With impossible schemes

You can laugh when your dreams
Fall apart at the seams
And life gets more exciting
With each passing day
And love is either in your heart

Or on it’s way
Don’t you know that it’s worth
Every treasure on earth
To be young at heart
For as rich as you are
It’s much better by far
To be young at heart

And if you should survive to 105
Look at all you’ll derive
Out of being alive
And here is the best part
You’ve had a head start
If you are among the very
Young at heart

After a long wait …

Since October, I was occupied knitting a baby’s blanket. The yarn is made of 55% organic wool and 45% organic cotton, made in Turkey. I bought ten balls to create a big blanket enough to cover the mother and child. The idea is that the baby will grow with the blanket until ten years old. The mother, my niece, wanted a muted green colour. Her wish is her command.

I am down to the last ball.

Then I got mail today saying Elias, 7.5 lbs., 12:19 pm.

I didn’t expect of the baby’s arrival until later this week.

Elias? It’s a boy!

Our family had a baby pool. The majority placed a bet for a girl. We we’re hoping for a girl since there are so many boys in the clan. Out of 13, only three girls. It would be fun to play dress up with a girl.

“Welcoming baby to the family!"
“The adventures are starting 🤩🥳"
“So excited for you 💓"
"Can't wait to meet that little bundle of joy!!!"
“Excited to see the baby"
“God bless baby"
“Lord Jesus bless this precious child🙏❤️with good health & Rachel with easy & problem free delivery"

Elias. What a great gift of life! The best advent present.

My bet was: One head with hair. Eyes. Nose. Mouth no teeth. Ears. Hands. Feet. Five Fingers on each hands and feet.

Unique. Never in my wildest dream!

On this day …

On this day: Dec 2., 2014 thousands of pilgrims went to India. Destination Goa.

A bit of history: In the 16th century, he spent a lot of time on his feet, throughout Spain, France, Italy, Malaysia, Japan, Sri Lanka, and India, dying at sea en route to China. His body a few months later, they were surprised to see it in a perfect state of preservation. But just as in life, his “incorrupt body” didn’t stay at rest for long. In its first public exhibition of his corpse in Goa, India, in a fit of reverence, a Portuguese woman bit off his big toe. Allegedly, the toe gushed blood, and she was caught when people followed the grisly trail to her home.

Today, St. Francis Xavier’s toe is on display in a silver reliquary in a cathedral in Goa. And it isn’t the only part of St. Xavier’s corpse to travel: There’s a diamond-encrusted fingernail on display in a different village in Goa, part of an arm was sent to Rome, and there’s a hand in Japan.

Okay, kids, let’s go back!

Rosa Parks

Victoria Cruz grew up and to this date, Rosa Parks played an important role in her life.

On this day, it’s National Rosa Parks Day.

Rosa Parks’s refusal to relinquish her bus seat in 1955, was in violation of segregation laws in Montgomery, Alabama. Rosa Parks refused to surrender her bus seat to a white passenger and was arrested, sparking a 381-day bus boycott led by Martin Luther King, Jr.

Empty Spaces with Rose Prince

You can always edit a bad page. You can’t edit a blank page wrote Jodi Picoult. That’s exactly what I do with photography.

The trip to Lejac, Fraser Lake of BC was filled with empty spaces. Our mission was to attend the re-opening of Rose Prince pilgrimage after it was closed for three years due to Covid restrictions imposed by the Canadian government.

GREAT SPIRIT OF LOVE, come to me with the power of the North, make me courageous when the cold winds of life fall upon me. Give me strength and endurance for everything that is harsh, everything that hurts, everything that makes me squint. Let me move through life ready to take what comes from the North.

SPIRIT WHO COMES OUT OF THE EAST, come to me with the power of the East, the light of the rising sun. Let there be light on the path I walk. Let me remember always that you give the gift of a new day and let me never be burdened with sorrow by not starting over.

GREAT SPIRIT OF CREATION, send me warm and soothing winds from the south to comfort me and caress me when I am tired and cold. Unfold me as your gentle breezes unfold the leaves on the trees. And as you give to all the earth your warm moving wind, give to me warmth so that I may grow close to you.

GREAT LIFE-GIVING SPIRIT, I face the West, the direction of sundown. Let me remember every day that the moment will come when my sun will go down. Never let me forget that I must fade into you. Give me beautiful color, give me a great sky for setting, so that when it is time to meet you, I come in glory.

GIVER OF LIFE, I pray to you from the Earth. Help me to remember as I touch the Earth that I am little and need your pity. Help me to be thankful for the gift of the Earth and never to walk hurtfully on the world. Bless me with eyes to love what comes from Mother Earth and teach me how to use well your gifts.

GREAT SPIRIT OF THE HEAVENS, lift me up to that my heart may worship you and come to you in glory. Hold in my memory that you are my Creator, greater than I, eager for my good life. Let everything that is in the world lift my mind and my heart and my life to you, so that we may come to you always in truth and in heart.

Amen.  Prayer Of The Six Direction (Indian Prayer)

I learned the prayer during a weekend retreat with the Cenacle Sisters facilitated by Sister Dorothy. I think she was an Indian from USA. The word Indian is now replaced with aboriginals or First Nations. Fast forward, I introduced the prayer to my four nephews taking them up North of BC on a field trip in 2000 shortly after my mother’s demise. We stayed at Monarch Mountain during off season when everything was still frozen solid devoid of people. We were the only residence in the mountain plus the owner, Gernot. He opened his mountain just for us. I think he was glad to have us for a week of companionship. This is an Indian land but we did not meet any aboriginals when we went to town. I wonder what it is like to live in open empty space.

.. a long walk on frozen lake at Atlin, BC

Spare Change Please

Today is Giving Tuesday. The old saying goes “it is better to give than to receive” may be a cliche but it is true.

After celebrating Thanksgiving Day, Black Friday and Cyber Monday is Giving Tuesday.

Please give to a worthy cause or anyone who is in need.

I did. I asked the panhandler if I could take a picture. He agreed.

Here is a link to participate: https://www.givingtuesday.org/about/faq/

Photo Expressions

If not for the man I saw while on board of a bus looking down on the ground taking a picture of the biggest Fly Agaric on plain view, I would have missed Autumn’s grandeur. This is part of the scenery as I walked home.

Look Up and down

“Thanksgiving is sweeter than bounty itself.
One who cherishes gratitude does not cling to the gift!”

Fill him up with kisses. My poor grand nephew being covered with kisses by his parents.

Fill the frame

“Thanksgiving is the true meat of God’s bounty; the bounty is its shell,
For thanksgiving carries you to the hearth of the Beloved.”

Dotted-Lines. Never thought how cool it is to wear two different socks. Having Lucy beside me is conducive to chilling out. Little does she know that I find it comforting to feel her soft fur and listening to her snoring.


“Abundance alone brings heedlessness,
thanksgiving gives birth to alertness…
The bounty of thanksgiving will satisfy and elevate you, and you will bestow a hundred bounties in return.

From the archive is Rumi’s tomb taken at Konya, Turkey. I’m using this photo because of the word turkey being thanksgiving in America. The bold italic text is Rumi’s Thanksgiving poem.


To all Americans and to those who can relate celebrating thanksgiving, Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. We already had our turkey dinner here in Canada in October. The only part of this bird I eat is pope’s nose.

Two more days before Black Friday. I’m thankful that I don’t need anything in partaking with this madness. I’m staying put in my sanctuary.

“Eat your fill of God’s delicacies,
and you will be freed from hunger and begging.”

Most people don’t know at all how beautiful the world is

Come and see.

I created a reel but I am unable to embed the media, so I provided a link for your viewing. It started with a mushroom and it snowballed from there.

According to Meta, 50 regions won’t be able to hear the susurous.

Let me know if you cannot hear the whispering sounds and identify your region.

Thank you and I am not a robot, Perpetua

Within the Web lies the truth

I have a cornucopia of websites that I subscribe via email from various writers that I do not need to download an App. I find email notifications is the best way to get my attention. Most of these sites are inspirational.

Last week, I introduced Corey’s Digs with you. This was the post.

Another site that I find very interesting is Story Hub created by Wayne Morgan. His site is about real lives, real stories. I love the stories in this site.

When Corey published my story, I shared it with Wayne. Much to my surprise, he published it in site.

Mother and I

The heading above is a quote from Corey’s Dig.

“Within the Web lies the truth”

In Story Hub, I wrote:

Today, I finally understand this episode of Mother’s encounter based on the aphorism “ Pray as if everything depended on God. Work as if everything depended on you.” Thank you, Wayne for being the catalyst of making me understand. And to All readers with your heartfelt comments.

If you enjoy reading stories, click on this link of Story Hub

What are your favorite websites?

One Story. Many Lives.

It wasn’t just me who believes. There are many others, as well. The theme is all too familiar.

Recently, Corey’s Digs, an investigative journalist, sent out an invitation seeking written submissions of short stories sharing miracles – a profound event that changed your life and/or perspective. These stories should be about an experience you had that involved an angel, spirit, or perhaps Jesus himself, that moved your soul in a powerful way.

Corey Lynn will select a few and publish them on my site, plus mail a copy of my book to those selected.

I submitted my short story.

Many responded and she selected seven. Modesty aside, my story was selected and I am sharing it here.

Lucia’s Legacy

Angel Stories: Powerful Experiences That Changed Lives by Corey’s Dig.

How well do we really know a person even though we have lived with them for most of our lives? Do you? Well, I don’t, I must admit.

Mother and I lived together for a long time yet I hardly knew her. We may have lived under the same roof but that doesn’t mean we shared our thoughts. Mother was excellent in giving us our autonomy. It was very important to her that we are our own person.

Here’s another question. Do you know where you draw your strength from? Strength could mean your physical, mental or spiritual being. I’m sure that there are so many ways in which you can gather your strength.

As for my Mother, Chuchi Siglos, this is a piece of her story.

When my Mother died in 2000, my sister found this writing from Mother’s personal effects. My sister gave us a copy of it.

1965 – Santo Tomas Church in Batangas, Philippines

I was alone in the church at 3 pm. (I join the Cursillo) I was at prayer in front of the Tabernacle. Praying and talking to Jesus. I was telling him all my hardship – all my disappointments in life. Why did he take my husband away from me? I was crying, full of resentment.

Suddenly, there was a glow in the tabernacle and a loud voice telling me, “Is it not enough I have given you thirteen children?” I was stunned! I could not move. I was dazed, blinded by the glow. After a few minutes, I sat down trying to analyze the meaning of what I heard. I kept on thinking, “Now I know my children are my wealth.”

From the moment on, I did not complain about my hardship. Everyday, before I work, I say thank you Jesus for the thirteen children you have given me.

I was only 8 years old when Mother wrote this. I was 43 years old when I received her journal. When I was being conceived, Mother was hemorrhaging. The doctor said that she might lose the baby, me. With Mother’s profound faith, she placed her trust to Our Lady of Perpetual Help. She prayed pleading to spare my life. She promised that she would name the baby after her. Against all odds in medical intervention, it was a miracle the baby survived and was born. True to her prayers, I was named Maria Perpetua. My nickname is Lady. I’m now 66 years old.

– Maria Perpetua

There are other stories that you may want to read here. They are fascinating.

Believe it or not.

What’s something you believe everyone should know.

Wishful Thinking

It’s so uncanny to know first thing today that wishes do come true but in the end the genie is only playing trick and treats.

This is the story of unmasking an icon. Skeletons coming out of the closets.

Be careful what you wish for. It’s spooktacular!

You have three magic genie wishes, what are you asking for?

Tell Tale Signs

In my younger days, I worked for an advertising agency with a bunch of imaginative folks. Advertisements are meant to entice you with positive results for the clients. Not you. Fooled you, huh?

Bus board

I love signs. Reading them and twisting the meaning of it tickles my brain.


Give me a sign. If it’s crazy enough, they are added to my collections. They could make up a good conversational pieces.


True story: On my way to church, I was lamenting and praying a silent soliloquy. My mind went on and asked God to answer my prayers. Suddenly, a sign showed up and stopped me in my tracks: “Don’t worry about me. Worry about your eyebrows.” I laughed so hard on the way to mass.

Map guide starting from France to Santiago de Compostela

And there are signs that are not obvious.


A stagette in Las Vegas, supporter of LGBTQ, Blessings (raised hands) and four generations.

And finally, a sign for life.

“Life is very short and there’s no time for fussing and fighting, my friend.”

Let sleeping dogs lie

Let sleeping dogs lie’ is a proverb. It means that there are certain things to remain a secret, undiscussed or avoided. Less I want to be the subject of gossip.

In the workforce, I am not required to disclose sex, creed, religion or medical histories. It’s a No-No for any employers to ask this questions.

I do have something new and it’s not a secret.

My cat and I started taking CBD oil for pain management three weeks ago.

Lucy and I

Have you ever heard a cat cry in pain?

I can stand my own discomfort but watching my Lucy is heartbreaking.

The oil both gave us a relief living one day at a time.

What’s something most people don’t know about you?


Autumn is here. A day may start cool and sunny, in contrast to almost two weeks of uninterrupted liquid sunshine. The true colours of foliage will start to emerge.

View from Forestst Lawn

Her black skin tone contrasts sharply with the white outfit and blue background. I noticed that most people in Cuba wears white when they attend church services.

Doll in Cuba

A small person is perfect as a prop in juxtaposition to a bigger object. See how big this block of stone of the pyramid of Egypt.


And I found another small person during the Camino walk. Imagine having to carry this on the trail?


In between … night and day. This is a lucky shot. I just kept on clicking and the result is this.

Mt. Sinai

Wow…lens-artist prompt made me think and have a keen look on my photos. Otherwise, they are just photos.

Look, but don’t touch.

When something is on display, is it really possible just to look and not touch? Try telling that to this mischievous Munchkin.

Jimmy trying to use his finger to touch the icing.

Gardening is fun and fulfilling. There are many ways to decorate a plot in the yard. A vegetable patch and a boneyard. This is a good way to feed the plants with bone meal.

Garden or Cemetery?

This outfit is 40% off! Good deal! What a bargain. Nope. I did not touch this dress.

Buy Me.

Proud. Be very proud as he walks down the isle carrying his son with his university degree.

Father and son

I wonder if this wall still standing?

The Wall in Israel.

I have nothing to lose…

Materially speaking, I say so many times, take everything if you want it. Why? They can do all the work of having them since I want to unburden my load.

If I have lost the fear that I possess, then it’s easy to live life. I’ve lost my mind before. That was not easy. It felt like I have nothing to lose.

But… there is always help.

Here’s a quote from a man who lost everything in a house fire. Thank goodness, nobody died.

“There were some bright spots. The local Red Cross chapter gave us a $500 card to help us get new clothes. Some kids in the neighborhood took up a collection and the dimes and quarters they offered in a zip-lock bag brought tears to my eyes. A local restaurant fed me two meals a day and never asked for a penny (although I insisted on tipping).”

What would you do if you lost all your possessions?


I’m a firm believer of donating my good material things in starting living a simple life and keep the ones that are essentials.

I’m a firm believer of donating money to organizations that help the marginals especially soup kitchens.

I’m a firm believer of donating my time and services as a volunteer.

But… I changed my mind in donating my body for science purposes when I die.

It’s because the government stopped treating patients because these people refused to be c-vaccinated.

It’s because the trust is broken when the donated body was donated again for other purposes.

It’s because doctors have actually sold the skin of a dead person to make leather purses.

I’ll stop here.

What’s a topic or issue about which you’ve changed your mind?

On The Edge

There is a walking trail at the heart of Vancouver City that makes me think and relax should I become edgy. A simple sign: “Should I Be Worried?”

Should I Be Worried?

What is there to be worried about when one is living the dream of sawing logs hoping one doesn’t fall off the edge of the log?

Living the Dream

If not chasing dreams, best to blow with the wind taking me back thousands of years to see the edge of the world.


In most cases, I leave my life to the hands of guides since they know better climbing up Mt. Sinai in the dark. The edges of the mountain are inhospitable. I was shocked to see the landscape as I trekked down in broad daylight.

Rugged terrain at Mt. Sinai

The last time my legs turned jello was when I was walking the Skywalk. But when I was younger, I had no fear of heights.

Skywalk, Grand Canyon

Life is grand with no computers.

Only by living at the edge of death can you understand the indescribable joy of life.”


Technically Speaking

When it comes to photography, my knowledge is next to nothing. I have to research what are some of the photography techniques and choose media from my photo gallery.

Fill the frame: simple cropping to fill the frame. Cheating?

Look into my eyes

Leading lines: I actually wanted just the lines but these three Londoners stopped me because they wanted to be in the picture.


Negative space: How about white space? Writings on a foggy window.

White space

Shadows: The holes on the fabric created different layers of shadows and the lighting created a sense of drama.

Japanese Paper

Patterns: Rocks are pretty mundane but the patterns on them are interesting to look at especially a weed growing in between.

Rock garden in Nevada

Contrast: Contrasting colours may cause a visual impact.

Colours of Cuba

Rule of third: or maybe four. You be the judge

Floral bouquet

Faces: I did ask permissions from these strangers.

Oops… I exceeded ten.

Dear Ann Landers

Reading Ann Lander column counselled millions of readers giving advice with good common sense, wit and humour. I kept a clipping of her article “Ten commandments for getting along.”

One piece of advice that I am mindful of is “this too shall pass.” It does and most of the time, it no longer matters. This helps me to feel less anxious.

Article I kept

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

A song in my head

There is nothing better than listening to poetry turned into a musical play and listening to album while I do housework with my two cats, Lucy and Grace.

Drumroll: CATS

Do you have cats? If you do, I’m sure you’ll not be able to finish your chores but instead join the cats for a nap.

Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats (1939) is a collection of whimsical light poems by T. S. Eliot about feline psychology and sociology, published by Faber and Faber. It serves as the basis for Andrew Lloyd Webber‘s 1981 musical Cats. – Wiki

What’s your all-time favorite album?

Self-care: Recharge

When I used to work, my whole being craves for silent retreats. There was a convent in the city that I went for a weekend to rejuvenate body, mind and soul. The convent is now closed due to dwindling clergy to run the place.

I haven’t worked since 2018. The last time I left the country was 2020 for rest and relaxation in Hawaii and recently, last week, I went to Nevada to see Grand Canyon.

Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons.


My sister organized this day trip for me. The plan snowballed into a big group of nine, six siblings plus spouses. They wanted to extend the trip to Palm Springs. I stuck to my original goal to see the Canyon before I die. No, I’m not dying. No, I did not go to Palm Springs. I have to psyche myself up to be with groups again.

Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story.

Jimmy Vegas

Call me Jimmy. Vegas is my last name. I am your tour operator said a man using a microphone. That voice woke me up. He has an electrifying personality. He was a breath of fresh air to keep people entertained. At the Eagle Point, I asked him to pose and soar like an eagle. That was fun. Fun is another game I play.

Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexatious to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.

Flowers and insects

Last week, it rained in Las Vegas. It was great for the plants. The desert was filled with these yellow flowering shrubs and was beautiful. I have to feel the texture of this plant. When I caressed the flowers, tiny insects came out flying. It was magical. Being focused on what made me curious is another trick that I use to keep me centred.

Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.


This bird is four times bigger than our blackbird in Vancouver. Huge! Blacker than black. They are not even scared of humans. I suppose they became friendly since humans were feeding them. As part of the mindfulness exercise, I don’t name what I see. I only identified it as a bird to keep it simple. Of course, I know that this is a Raven.

It was exhilarating to be in the wilderness. The sound of nature is music to my ears. This is life.

Practicing mindfulness is a paradox. It’s paying attention in a non-judgemental way. The body is in motion and stays in the moment. Mindfulness is being part of the Grand Canyon and as tiny as the helicopter.

Now I’ve tasted a sample of the Grand Canyon, I shall return to explore it further.

Good times. Good times.

When I go missing, the first place will find me is in the garden. This is the place I spend most of my time. In the garden, I have no concept of time. The light of the day will tell me. This is my playground.

Take time to play
It is the source of perpetual youth.

The garden is an inviting place where strangers will come and talk to me. A new neighbour introduced himself asking for plants for his garden. I was more than happy to give him plenty and much more. One time, he brought his grandson.

Take time to be friendly
It is the road to happiness

Ryan is the boy’s name and I noticed he was fiddling with a coin. The coin became the focus of our conversation. He was proud to find a foreign coin. I asked him if he cares to start a coin collection. His eyes lit up and he said yes. He is young enough to start one and by the time he’s an adult, he will have all kinds of coins. Oh good, I said. In this case, I will give you my collections. I will give them to your grandpa to give it to you. He left happy on his way to buy Slurpee at 7-11.

Take time to give
It is too short a day to be selfish

And here he is with a box full of coins I collected from different countries that I visited. He was overwhelmed by the heavy box and holding 5000 Yen paper money. Look at his face as we watched him with joy.

Grandpa said to Ryan “You know, you have to write a thank you card for this gift.”

After that day, I never saw the boy again. He was just visiting for three days and went home to another province of Canada.

Yesterday, Grandpa called and said he received a package from Ryan’s mom with an envelope addressed to me.

Dear Maria. I’m writing this letter to thank you for the money. And just as we though when we went through security we got trigger. And than you again for the count. I really appreciate it.

Ryan Age 8
Take time to pray
It is the greatest power on earth.

In closing, I leave you the full Take Time poem

Take time to laugh
It is the music of the soul.

Take time to think
It is the source of power.

Take time to play
It is the source of perpetual youth.

Take time to read
It is the fountain of wisdom.

Take time to pray
It is the greatest power on earth.

Take time to love and be loved
It is a God-given privilege.

Take time to be friendly
It is the road to happiness

Take time to give
It is too short a day to be selfish

Take time to work
It is the price of success

Author Unknown

P.S. Maria is my first name. And favourite phrase not word is Good times. Good times.

Grayscale and Monochromatic Symphony

My iPhone photo edit has three options of black and white: mono, silvertone and noir. They are grayscale in various degrees of black. I took these photos in colour and edited it with mono.

Black and White Cats at the shelter

I joined three street photography groups on Facebook to learn the strokes of different participants. Urban has such high standards that only one of my photos was approved. Amateur is anything goes. Carter-Bresson is interesting.

My baby is taking me out for a walk.

The same shot is crossposted to these sites and edited to grayscale. So far Men in Black is trending.

Men in Black

I think viewers prefer to see the faces of strangers that we took.

When it comes to coloured monochromatic shots, my brain is having a hard time processing unsure whether it fits the profile of the challenge.

Something fishy
Something cold
Something wet

When we reduce life to black and white, we never see rainbows. ~ Rachel Houston

Saturated with sun

Paper refuses no ink

The slogan “Paper refuses no ink” is similar to blogging. It is about writing. You cannot see me. You cannot hear me. I may be be dead. For all you know this is AI writing or worst ChatGPT.

I’ve been in WordPress for a long time. Had my stint of followers and following. I did a death cleaning project of my site when daily prompts, weekly photography and freshly pressed were eliminated. It was a groupie thing. I liked you. You liked me. You followed me. I followed you. Then some of the posts I followed started dying. Literally. The writers died. It was upsetting.

I felt like killing my blog. But instead I took a hiatus and kept on reading posts.

The death cleaning involves deleting my followers. I had thousands but in reality, a handful will make their presence known through commenting. I took away the like button. What is there to like? This is not Facebook. Finally, I changed the site name.

Returning to write again by becoming one of the representatives of Ragtag Daily Prompt and participating with Lens-Artists, this activity keeps my mind active.

Sometimes, I read my previous posts to bring back memories.

It’s powerful!

Why do you blog?

Psychedelic Colours

I’m feeling trippy and have gone potty when it comes to primary colours.

Gone Potty

When it comes to flowering plants in my garden, I prefer to have as many reds, whites and blues. I don’t mind yellows and pinks for the bees. But my favourite is blue such as forget-me-nots in spring and lavenders in summer.

Garden Flowers

I love the way how the market painted the stairs with wordings from Dr. Seuss. It was fun going up and down the steps.

Oh! The places you go.

This artist is using only three kinds of paints for his canvass. It’s amazing to watch how he mixed colours to produce another type. Magical.

Canvas 4

Working for the school board, I remember how forms were colour coded. Staff used to say I submitted the blue form. Or yellow form. The thing is I read forms and do not pay attention to colours. And pink slip is not a good term when it comes to employment. It means, termination papers.

I will leave you with my favourite colourful expression of Cuba.

Colours of Cuba

GFY in capital letters

Tell me, what is the meaning of GFY as you read the images below with searching it online.

Give me your honest opinion and the meaning of GFY.

What was the last thing you searched for online? Why were you looking for it?

Kung Fu

Remember Grasshopper, the young Kwai Chang Caine in the Kung Fu TV series? Master Po gave his disciple this famous nickname.

I was about 12 years old when I saw this in from my neighbour’s TV as we were peeking over the fence. They kept their front door open so I could watch it.

I grew up with no TV but I still remember this.

Image from WP media free library

There were so many great lines, actions and lessons from this show.

Master Po: Close your eyes. What do you hear? … Do you hear the grasshopper which is at your feet?

Caine: No. Old man, how is it that you hear these things?

Master Po: Young man, how is it that you do not?”

– ‘Kung Fu’.

What TV shows did you watch as a kid?

Kaleidoscope World

This post is inspired by Filipino songwriter Francis Magalona.

Our clan is now a mixed-race. Gathering to celebrate the life of my uncle.

So many faces, so many races
Different voices, different choices
Some are mad, while others laugh
Some live alone with no better half
Others grieve while others curse
And others mourn behind a big black hearse.

Boy waiting for his turn

Some are pure and some half-bred
Some are sober and some are wasted
Some are rich because of fate and
Some are poor with no food on their plate
Some stand out while others blend
Some are fat and stout while some are thin
Some are friends and some are foes
Some have some while some have most.

Somewhere in Spain

Every color and every hue
Is represented by me and you
Take a slide in the slope
Take a look in the kaleidoscope
Spinnin’ round, make it twirl
In this kaleidoscope world.

Gypsies in Sweden

Some are great and some are few
Others lie while some tell the truth
Some say poems and some do sing
Others sing through their guitar strings
Some know it all while some act dumb.

Polar Bear Swim

Let the bassline strum to the bang of the drum
Some can swim while some will sink
And some will find their minds and think
Others walk while others run
You can’t talk peace and have a gun.

Cuban Angel

Some are hurt and start to cry
Don’t ask me how don’t ask me why
Some are friends and some are foes
Some have some while some have most.

Happy faces of Mothers created by the children.

Every color and every hue
Is represented by me and you
Take a slide in the slope
Take a look in the kaleidoscope
Spinnin’ round, make it twirl
In this kaleidoscope world.

To Frame and ReFrame

“Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us, or we find it not.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Most of my travel photos are in a storage box that I hardly looked at. That’s the thing about travelling. I take photos and forget about them. What I treasure most are the memories of meeting people from all over the world doing the same thing I do. To go boldly and experience life.

Passing a bridge walking along Santiago de Compostela
Santiago de Compostela Route

If I could share a message with the world about the pilgrimage I went to, what would it be? I don’t know. Unless, someone is keen on understanding what a pilgrim is, maybe, just maybe, I’ll gladly share my reflections.

Rose Prince Pilgrimage 2023

That’s my kind sister, my personal tour operator who took me to see Rose Prince’s annual pilgrimage. I wanted to take this window frame with her in it.


Lucy loves her sundrops. And I love watching her sleep peacefully. Her ears twitch once in a while. The shadow of her ears made it look like she has four of them.

Frame of Washoom in Pool Area

The renovation of the pool area is in full swing all week. The framework of the changing room is exposed to the elements. For 32 years of living at the Manor, I’ve never used the swimming facilities.

“Surrender isn’t a sacrifice of the known, but rather a celebration of the infinite.” -Nipun Mehta


Grace surrendered to the sound of the commotion of reconstruction in our backyard. She finally came out of her hiding places. I think she misses the framed pictures.

“I’ve found that there is always some beauty left – in nature, sunshine, freedom, in yourself; these can all help you.” -Anne Frank

For the past five years, the garden is my pilgrim destination. Right here in my backyard.


Totally. Like. Whatever. You know?

In case you hadn’t realized
it has somehow become uncool
to sound like you know what you’re talking about?
Or believe strongly in what you’re, like, you’re saying?
Invisible question marks and parenthetical you knows and you know what I am saying?
have been attaching themselves to the ends of our sentences?
Even when those sentences aren’t, like, questions?

Declarative sentences—so-called
because they used to, like, you know, DECLARE things to be true, okay,
as opposed to other things that are, like, totally, you know, not?
They’ve been infected by this tragically cool and totally hip interrogative tone?
As if I’m saying don’t think I’m a nerd just ‘coz I’ve like noticed this; okay?
I have nothing personally invested in my own opinions,
I’m just like inviting you to join me on the bandwagon of my own uncertainty?

What has happened to our conviction?
Where are the limbs out on which we once walked?
Have they been, like, chopped down with the rest of the rain forest?
You know?
Or do we have, like, nothing to say?
Has society just become so filed with this conflicted feeling of nehneh…
That we’ve just gotten to the point we were the most aggressively inarticulate generation
to come along since . . .you know, a long time ago!

So, I implore you, I entreat you, and I challenge you
To speak with conviction.
To say what you believe in a manner that bespeaks
the determination with which you believe it.
Because contrary to the wisdom of the bumper sticker,
it is not enough these days to simply
You got to speak with it, too.

Totally like whatever, you know?
by Taylor Mali

Mali. Taylor. “Totally like whatever, you know?.” What Learning Leaves. Newtown, CT: Hanover Press, 2002. Print. (ISBN: 1-­‐887012-­‐17-­‐6)

What is a word you feel that too many people use?

The Dream Seller

Would you like to buy a comma?

What are you?
A psychologist? No.
A psychiatrist?
A religious person?
A priest? A pastor?
Or you’re just crazy?
Yah, that’s more like it. You could say I play on the crazy team.
I consider myself a dream seller.
I always sell that money can’t buy.
I sell confidence to the insecure.
Fearlessness to the phobic.
Common sense to the impetuous.
What about the suicidal?
What about them?
What can you sell them?
I have a comma.
Just a little comma
So that they can continue to write their story
Even when the world comes crushing down on them.

What we need is a little comma
And that way you could continue to write a story
Even if we feel like the whole world comes crushing down.
I bought once a comma myself from a dream seller

If you were going to open up a shop, what would you sell?

A wonderful Brazilian Movie titled Dream Seller.

WIP it Up

My body is a miracle of art, science and mystery. It has a mind of its own.

Self Made Man by Andrew Benyei

Work-In-Progress transported me back to my working days as an accountant. We called it WIP for short. It’s a monthly routine of accounting an inventory that includes goods that are in the process of being produced but are unfinished. God, I hated this job.

Rock Garden

I love looking at this garden from my balcony. These plants were here already when I moved at the Manor 32 years ago. They are perennials. They are my growing concerns.


Back to Art. Again deja vu. My friend thought that she’s fat. I corrected her and said she’s voluptuous. She never heard of this term. I said it means sexy, not fat. That she is.

Help. Save. These. Plants

After five years of waiting, the pool area will finally be demolished and filled with earth on August 16. Wow, two weeks notice to save the plants. I was busy sending out SOS to my gardener friends. They came to the rescue and left happily with their plants.

Back to Art

Gardening is an art. Art is just like gardening. First, I have to till the earth and take it from there.

Saving Lives

Cats have nine lives. I only have one life. Knowing that, I have saved so many cats and provided them a home. Two from our backyard, one from my aunt’s backyard, two that nobody wants from the last of the litter, one from my friend’s backyard, one from the school ground and one from the next building complex.

If I ever have a farm, I would want to have a shelter for them and live with the cats.

One thing that’s really is amazing, the cats saved me from many maladies in life. Better than taking medications.

And a question came up: “Do we still have nine after we save yours? — Sol Duc.”

Out of habit

A gentle touch goes a long way.

I love to feel and touch the tips of tall grasses as I walk by. The softness of a baby skin. The furs of my cats. Fresh fruits and smell them. The cool breeze on my face. A simple touch brings me joy.

Describe one habit that brings you joy.

From Webster-Merriam dictionary: Our most common use of habit today, “acquired mode of behavior,” didn’t exist in Latin—habitus went from meaning “condition” to “how one conducts oneself” to “clothing.” That it was adapted into English in precisely the reverse order is an accident of history; the order of meanings absorbed from one language to another rarely constitutes a logical development. As with all language, meaning is established by usage and force of habit.

Did you know?

The Origin and Etymology of Habit

The word habit most often refers to a usual way of behaving or a tendency that someone has settled into, as in “good eating habits.”

In its oldest sense, however, habit meant “clothing” and had nothing to do with the things a person does in a regular and repeated way. Today, this meaning is preserved only in phrases like “nun’s habit,” “monk’s habit,” and “riding habit” (clothes worn for horseback riding). 

Like so many words that appeared in English in the centuries following the Norman Conquest, habit came from French. Indeed, the modern French word for clothes is habits(pronounced \ah-bee\). In English, habitprogressed from meaning “clothing” to “clothing for a particular profession or purpose” to “bearing, conduct, behavior.” (The word’s evolution brings to mind the old adage “the clothes make the man,” which asserts that the way we dress reflects our character.) 

From “what one wears” to “how one conducts oneself,” habit continued to evolve, referring to appearance (“a man of fleshy habit”) and mental makeup (“a philosophical habit”) before, after several centuries in English, it came to mean repeated activity: “a behavior pattern acquired by frequent repetition.” 

The specific development of habit to refer to drug addiction began in the 19th century, with reference to opium.

Interestingly, even though “clothing” is the oldest meaning of habit in English, it wasn’t the original meaning of the word’s ultimate Latin root, habitus. In Latin, that word’s original meaning was “state of being” or “condition.”


Peripheral Visions

I may look and still fail to look is to overlook. I think my mind is busy focusing more on the external. And this reminds me of The Little Prince.

“It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eyes.” ~ Antoine de Saint-Exupery.


Underneath the rock is an ant colony. This is one of many colonies in the garden that I deliberately overlooked. I gave the ants notice to move the eggs. The following day, the eggs are gone. Hah! They are so smart at playing hide and seek.

Look Up

Overlooking from my balcony, this is not the first time this cat hangs out on the railing trying to make friends with the crows and hummingbirds.

Look down

Another helper in the garden made its presence known. Found this little guy on the concrete by the back entrance. Saved and moved it on the earth.

Swimming pool

Our swimming pool is out of service for at least five years. It will soon be demolished. Nobody wants to use it except for the raccoon.

Staying in my little corner of the world, there is never-ending amusement.

Legacy and term of endearment.

Nickname is a cultural thing. Growing up as a Filipino, we love our nicknames. It’s a term of endearment, kinship and affection amongst us.

Having 12 siblings, we normally address each other by nicknames. How my mom came up with our names depends on her pregnancy.

Lucia’s Legacy – painted by Dan S. Siglos

My brother, Danny, painted this media according to what we’re good at. His caricature is obvious as a painter.

What’s the story behind your nickname?

Here’s a list from oldest to youngest. Prounciation is vital.

  • Myrna – Myrns, Ate
  • Brian – Bri, Boy, Kuya
  • Susan – Su, Detse
  • Nilda – Nilds, Nikki
  • Carmen – Beng, Baby, Ate Babes
  • Thelma – Thel, The
  • Peter – Jun Jun, Pete
  • Danilo – Danny, Dan
  • Evelyn – Poteet, GG
  • Victor – Tyrone, Vic
  • Felipe – Dondi
  • Angelo – Angel, Gel

Some of us have a second name. For our middle name, we use our mother’s last name. Our last name is our father’s last name.

Mine is fairly long. Maria Perpetua aka Lady, Pet, mps, Sig, Miss Pretty. How did I get them? It’s a long story.

So, what is your nickname?

Deja Vu

Memento as where did I put it or where did this come from?

Souvenirs from travels are mostly fridge magnets. I can’t even remember which country it came from.

Henry Miller 1946

I want to remember as much as possible
the events of my life be it pleasant or
unpleasant as long as I can.  There are
times that I want to remember less.

Someone told me instead of remembering,
remember to forget. And I ponder about this
and what came to mind, sooner or latter
a time will come, it will happen without even
having to remember.

Beyond my wildest dream

It’s easy to hop from one country to another and feel unbound. Thanks to planes, automobiles, and trains travelling is a breeze. I visited many countries more than I’ve travelled in my province British Columbia, Canada. My motto is “I’ll go where the wind blows.”

So, I’ll showcase photos outside the pilgrimage to Rose Prince that I shared in fences.

The moose is on the loose

STOP THE CAR! I said to my sister while driving in the middle of nowhere. We were the only ones on this road. What a beautiful sight of Mama and baby living in the wild. I must admit I was the wild one.

“There have been times when I’ve wavered. When I thought maybe I wanted to be normal. But the thing is, what we do, it’s in our blood. It’s who we are. Normal wouldn’t fit us, even if we wanted to wear it.”- V. E. Schwab The Unbound

Go where the wind blows

In this group photo, I was chasing a prairie dog, some butterflies, a few swallows and a cat owner. I was in euphoria being let loose.

Stare too long at anything and you start to wonder. And where does wondering get you? Nowhere good.” VE. Schwab The Unbound

Confluence of Fraser/Thompson River from Alexandria Bridge

The mighty Fraser and Thompson Rivers are great sources of life, especially for the salmon. After four years in the wild, the salmon swim upstream to return and lay eggs.

“I am not afraid of nightmares, because mine came true and I lived through them.” V. E. Schwab The Unbound

Below is four more photos. I won’t tell you the stories. Use your unbound imagination.

Oh, the flight of our minds …

“Having something and losing it, it’s so much crueler than never having had it.” V. E. Schwab The Unbound

On the road again, in Beautiful British Columbia.

The Hills are alive … Desert Hills

A Fence or Offence. Don’t Feel Offended.

Fence? I don’t pay too much attention to fences. They don’t stop me from going in or out, feel enclosed or protected. Mind you, I garden around the fence and add another fence as a support for the plants. Smart, huh?

True blues of Lavenders

In my gardening group, a member commented, “I love your fence!” I wonder which one she was referring to. The hollow blocks or the wooden frame?

As mentioned in my last post, I went on a pilgrimage. It was wild and completely different from what I have experienced. Four cars left the city to drive up north of BC. There were 11 of us city slickers. It was a long drive. I refrained from saying “Are we there yet?” I rode with my sister and tried to stay awake to keep her awake. Thank goodness we stopped overnight and visited the historic Bakerville, BC. A mining town. Below are four different kinds of fences.

Fences for horses and goats are more for protecting animals from human invaders. But birds can just sit on a fence guilt free. Some old boards and wheels were stacked together that became a semi-fence. Very rustic.

Wild Things. You make my heart sing.

After another day of driving, we arrived at our destination, Fraser Lake. The fence to our motel is unfinished. I nicknamed it “The Bite Motel.” My body became a meal for blood-sucking insects. I must have killed at least a dozen mosquitoes, but I don’t see those fast-moving jumping ones that hitchhiked on my clothing and brought them inside the inn. Wild, eh?


That evening, we ventured to the opening night at Lejac. This area is surrounded by wire fencing. As we drove in, the entrance of the reservation’s sign stated, “Private Property, No Trespassing. Violators will be prosecuted.” And a bigger signpost behind it is: “Rose Prince Annual Pilgrimage. Everyone Welcome.” A bit confusing. Then, we say hello to a guard of LNG (Liquid Natural Gas) that rents a piece of the land for the workers.

Sign Posts

Driving further is a huge and wide open space freshly mowed. What stood out in the aboriginal ancestral sacred ground of Carrier Nation is this white picket fence, teepee and a forest behind. It’s astonishing!

White picket fence at Lejac

They claim this mother of ours, the Earth, for their own use, and fence their neighbors away from her, and deface her with their buildings and their refuse.” – Sitting Bull

For three days, the ground is full of pilgrims. There is a camping site. Due to the current wildfire, there is a restriction on open fires. Parking spots for day visitors. People as far as Saskatchewan came by the bus load. Simple meals were provided. Free. Baked ham and chicken for our last meal donated by LNG. What a feast!

What are we celebrating?

We were celebrating the life of a simple aboriginal that stayed here. This place was one of many residential schools erected in Canada courtesy of the Government to assimilate Indians into a white man’s ideology. The school is no longer here. But they kept the original stone stairway and planted shrubs as a fence.

Entrance to residential school

Who is she?

Her name is Rose Prince. She was born in 1915. Her parents are devout Catholics and came from a long line of chiefs amongst the Carrier Nation. When the government erected a new four-storey residential school at Lejac operated by the Roman Catholic Church in 1922, Rose transferred to this residential school. It’s hard to say how she was affected by the tragedies that happened while in residence. I have heard some horror stories from others during Truth and Reconciliation before coming here.

However, Rose anchored her life to the cross of Jesus in prayers. Rose found a hidden life with Jesus working at the school in humility. The government, nuns, priest and catholic employees undermine their families with injustice and even Indian students inflicted on one another. Rose found peace despite the world constantly changing around her. Rose stood firm.

Rose endured trials and sorrows due to the curvature of her spine. Her body is deformed. She lost her mother and two younger siblings. She had nine siblings. Her siblings also attended the school. During summer vacation, students return home, but Rose chooses to stay at the convent after the deaths of her family. She remained until she died. She was buried on her 34th birthday in 1949.

The white picket fence is actually a cemetery where Rose is buried.

Plot of Rose Prince

Why is Rose important?

In 1951, a few graves were relocated to a bigger cemetery. One of the caskets broke open. The workers were amazed to discover that the body in the open casket was seemingly fresh except for a withered bouquet. Other bodies buried recently or longer were exhumed and examined. They were decaying. The incorruptible body with a tiny smile, transparent and looked as if she is sleeping for two years is Rose Prince. For believers, it’s a sign of holiness.

For thirty years, people come to Celebrate her life. Prayed to her and asked for intercessions to be healed. I met a man who was healed 25 years ago. The media even wrote about it. Feel free to read it here.

Rose’s presence helps break down the proverbial fences the residential students endured. We listened to their experiences that made them wary of the government and catholic organizations. With the assistance of trauma centres, spiritual advisors, and slowly returning to their Christian faith, the hope of healing is palpable. It was a very moving experience to attend this pilgrimage. It was an honour to be here at Lejac.

A joke at the reserve: We were once a Roman Catholic now we are Roaming Catholics.

Roses for Rose Prince

Susan, my sibling, brought 500 roses from home to decorate the church. At the end of the gathering, the pilgrims may take the flowers. Surprisingly, the roses remain fresh after two days of travelling and three days of service. She partakes in this celebration for the past 15 years.

Now back to the city.

City Fences

“Beyond the fence the forest stood up spectrally in the moonlight, and through the dim stir, through the faint sounds of that lamentable courtyard, the silence of the land went home to one`s very heart its mystery, its greatness, the amazing reality of its concealed life.” – Joseph Conrad

Inspirational Forte

Fort or Forte. Small talk is not my forte.

A cartoon by Liana Finck. #NewYorkerCartoons

Well, inspiration is overrated, to answer your question.

I did not use my engineering education, remained single, worked for a living, moved to Canada, two cats instead of kids, still growing older. A mass of decaying flesh and bone.