
“Clouds are not the cheeks of angels, you know. They’re only clouds. Friendly sometimes, but you can never be sure. If I had longer arms, I’d push the clouds away, or make them hang above the water somewhere else. But, I’m just a man, who needs and wants mostly things he’ll never have, looking for that thing hardest to find – himself. I’ve been going a long time now, and along the way I’ve learned a few things. You have to make the good times yourself. Take the little times and make them big times, and save the times that are alright for those that aren’t so good. I’ve never been able to push the clouds away by myself.”

one selection on THE SEA entitled “Pushing the Clouds Away” ~ Rod McKuen

Looking back in 2023

The funny thing of could, would is there. Could is the switch, would is the spark plug.

I could do one thing at a time. For the sake of efficiency, I would do three things in one shot. Sort of multitasking.Normally, I would procrastinate.

To keep my mood going, I’m humming this song.

If I could I’d like to be
A great big movie star
An overnight sensation
Drive a big expensive car

The Stylistics
It’s The Little Things

Fortunately, I did not become a superstar, enjoying the sensation of reading a book and public transportation, Walking and photography keep me mobile.

If I could, I’d post all my favourite photos. But there is a limit to everything. For one, I’m mindful of the allotted space in my blog.

I’m addicted to gardening

Spring is the best season for plants in the garden. They make an effort to emerge and point the way to live and bloom.

The Nature of Things

It was summer when I saw these moose in their natural habitat. We don’t have moose in the city unless I move to Banff, Alberta. Moose is part of the tourist attraction in Banff. Oh how I remember coming face to face with one as I was just walking in the park. I stood frozen and prayed to God that the moose is as gentle as my kitties.

Central Park

Autumn is the second spring. Everybody is out walking to see the glorious fall colours at Central Park. The explosion of red, crimson, orange, yellow, and green pigments splashed the earth.

Oh, the places we go.

Wintering in New Zealand is where she is right now. That’s my sister. Her preferred word is gallivanting. I could have gone with her but six weeks away from my furry ones would make me feel homesick.

To end this post, here’ looking at you, kid.

Keep smiling to keep them guessing.

Oh, the song!

In response to three things:

Day Pass and Field Trips Last Chance

“I carry my thoughts about with me for a long time, sometimes a very long time, before I set them down.” – Beethoven on creativity:

German Roast Pork Hock

The German Christmas Market is in full swing to the delight of attendees to try all the savouries, sweets and mulled wine. It was the best place to take photos of strangers since everyone had their iPhones out to capture the event.

We’ll take the chance, we will again
It’s our dream and you will see, we’ll go hand in hand

I am on a mission to take candid shots and submit them to the three groups I joined in street photography. Positioned myself at the corner of the Grandstand. My nephew caught me patiently waiting for the right moment. But there is no right moment. I kept on clicking and hoping to God that somehow something magnificent would be captured by my old iPhone. Unfortunately, most of the photos were inferior for submission. Street photography has high standards. To bowdlerize is too much work!

May I take your picture, please.

I know we’re here but I feel, we’re not alone
Millions of people are waiting, in their homes
See all the winners and losers, they’re always in our hearts
Oh, everybody’s waiting, waiting for a start

When it comes to whether Street Photography is legal, it varies from country to country. Even though it may be legal, it is what you do with these photos. It can become complicated when posted and causes friction. There is always an option to ask strangers.

We’ll take the chance, we’ll win again
I know my dream, it will come true
We’ll take the chance, don’t lose the game
It’s a game for me and you

What I’m trying to learn is face photography. My brother is an expert on this since he is a professional photographer.

We’ll take the chance, we’ll win again
I know we’re going, hand in hand
We’ll take the chance, and we are friends
For a game that never ends

I know we’re high and we’re low and just between
We’re feeling the fire of hearts, like a dream
We’re living in deep emotion, we’re fighting with our hearts
Oh, everybody’s waiting, waiting for a start

When asked, they are happy to be in the pictures.

So … what is the difference between Day Pass and Field Trip?

Chinatown – Day Pass

Day Pass is when I go out to town for medical appointment. I buy a public transit concession day pass. Cheap thrills when I can amuse myself outside the clinic.

Field trip is when my family picks me up for a day of fun and activities.

The Logan’s – Field Trip

My niece teases me when I have to excuse myself from everybody due to sensory overload.

Good times, good times.

The quote is from this song.

Fairy tales and magic tales

Fairytales can come true
It can happen to you
If you’re young at heart

For it’s hard you will find

To be narrow of mind
If you’re young at heart
You can go to extremes
With impossible schemes

You can laugh when your dreams
Fall apart at the seams
And life gets more exciting
With each passing day
And love is either in your heart

Or on it’s way
Don’t you know that it’s worth
Every treasure on earth
To be young at heart
For as rich as you are
It’s much better by far
To be young at heart

And if you should survive to 105
Look at all you’ll derive
Out of being alive
And here is the best part
You’ve had a head start
If you are among the very
Young at heart

Spare Change Please

Today is Giving Tuesday. The old saying goes “it is better to give than to receive” may be a cliche but it is true.

After celebrating Thanksgiving Day, Black Friday and Cyber Monday is Giving Tuesday.

Please give to a worthy cause or anyone who is in need.

I did. I asked the panhandler if I could take a picture. He agreed.

Here is a link to participate:

Photo Expressions

If not for the man I saw while on board of a bus looking down on the ground taking a picture of the biggest Fly Agaric on plain view, I would have missed Autumn’s grandeur. This is part of the scenery as I walked home.

Look Up and down

“Thanksgiving is sweeter than bounty itself.
One who cherishes gratitude does not cling to the gift!”

Fill him up with kisses. My poor grand nephew being covered with kisses by his parents.

Fill the frame

“Thanksgiving is the true meat of God’s bounty; the bounty is its shell,
For thanksgiving carries you to the hearth of the Beloved.”

Dotted-Lines. Never thought how cool it is to wear two different socks. Having Lucy beside me is conducive to chilling out. Little does she know that I find it comforting to feel her soft fur and listening to her snoring.


“Abundance alone brings heedlessness,
thanksgiving gives birth to alertness…
The bounty of thanksgiving will satisfy and elevate you, and you will bestow a hundred bounties in return.

From the archive is Rumi’s tomb taken at Konya, Turkey. I’m using this photo because of the word turkey being thanksgiving in America. The bold italic text is Rumi’s Thanksgiving poem.


To all Americans and to those who can relate celebrating thanksgiving, Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. We already had our turkey dinner here in Canada in October. The only part of this bird I eat is pope’s nose.

Two more days before Black Friday. I’m thankful that I don’t need anything in partaking with this madness. I’m staying put in my sanctuary.

“Eat your fill of God’s delicacies,
and you will be freed from hunger and begging.”

Tell Tale Signs

In my younger days, I worked for an advertising agency with a bunch of imaginative folks. Advertisements are meant to entice you with positive results for the clients. Not you. Fooled you, huh?

Bus board

I love signs. Reading them and twisting the meaning of it tickles my brain.


Give me a sign. If it’s crazy enough, they are added to my collections. They could make up a good conversational pieces.


True story: On my way to church, I was lamenting and praying a silent soliloquy. My mind went on and asked God to answer my prayers. Suddenly, a sign showed up and stopped me in my tracks: “Don’t worry about me. Worry about your eyebrows.” I laughed so hard on the way to mass.

Map guide starting from France to Santiago de Compostela

And there are signs that are not obvious.


A stagette in Las Vegas, supporter of LGBTQ, Blessings (raised hands) and four generations.

And finally, a sign for life.

“Life is very short and there’s no time for fussing and fighting, my friend.”


Autumn is here. A day may start cool and sunny, in contrast to almost two weeks of uninterrupted liquid sunshine. The true colours of foliage will start to emerge.

View from Forestst Lawn

Her black skin tone contrasts sharply with the white outfit and blue background. I noticed that most people in Cuba wears white when they attend church services.

Doll in Cuba

A small person is perfect as a prop in juxtaposition to a bigger object. See how big this block of stone of the pyramid of Egypt.


And I found another small person during the Camino walk. Imagine having to carry this on the trail?


In between … night and day. This is a lucky shot. I just kept on clicking and the result is this.

Mt. Sinai

Wow…lens-artist prompt made me think and have a keen look on my photos. Otherwise, they are just photos.

Look, but don’t touch.

When something is on display, is it really possible just to look and not touch? Try telling that to this mischievous Munchkin.

Jimmy trying to use his finger to touch the icing.

Gardening is fun and fulfilling. There are many ways to decorate a plot in the yard. A vegetable patch and a boneyard. This is a good way to feed the plants with bone meal.

Garden or Cemetery?

This outfit is 40% off! Good deal! What a bargain. Nope. I did not touch this dress.

Buy Me.

Proud. Be very proud as he walks down the isle carrying his son with his university degree.

Father and son

I wonder if this wall still standing?

The Wall in Israel.

On The Edge

There is a walking trail at the heart of Vancouver City that makes me think and relax should I become edgy. A simple sign: “Should I Be Worried?”

Should I Be Worried?

What is there to be worried about when one is living the dream of sawing logs hoping one doesn’t fall off the edge of the log?

Living the Dream

If not chasing dreams, best to blow with the wind taking me back thousands of years to see the edge of the world.


In most cases, I leave my life to the hands of guides since they know better climbing up Mt. Sinai in the dark. The edges of the mountain are inhospitable. I was shocked to see the landscape as I trekked down in broad daylight.

Rugged terrain at Mt. Sinai

The last time my legs turned jello was when I was walking the Skywalk. But when I was younger, I had no fear of heights.

Skywalk, Grand Canyon

Life is grand with no computers.

Only by living at the edge of death can you understand the indescribable joy of life.”


Technically Speaking

When it comes to photography, my knowledge is next to nothing. I have to research what are some of the photography techniques and choose media from my photo gallery.

Fill the frame: simple cropping to fill the frame. Cheating?

Look into my eyes

Leading lines: I actually wanted just the lines but these three Londoners stopped me because they wanted to be in the picture.


Negative space: How about white space? Writings on a foggy window.

White space

Shadows: The holes on the fabric created different layers of shadows and the lighting created a sense of drama.

Japanese Paper

Patterns: Rocks are pretty mundane but the patterns on them are interesting to look at especially a weed growing in between.

Rock garden in Nevada

Contrast: Contrasting colours may cause a visual impact.

Colours of Cuba

Rule of third: or maybe four. You be the judge

Floral bouquet

Faces: I did ask permissions from these strangers.

Oops… I exceeded ten.

Self-care: Recharge

When I used to work, my whole being craves for silent retreats. There was a convent in the city that I went for a weekend to rejuvenate body, mind and soul. The convent is now closed due to dwindling clergy to run the place.

I haven’t worked since 2018. The last time I left the country was 2020 for rest and relaxation in Hawaii and recently, last week, I went to Nevada to see Grand Canyon.

Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons.


My sister organized this day trip for me. The plan snowballed into a big group of nine, six siblings plus spouses. They wanted to extend the trip to Palm Springs. I stuck to my original goal to see the Canyon before I die. No, I’m not dying. No, I did not go to Palm Springs. I have to psyche myself up to be with groups again.

Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story.

Jimmy Vegas

Call me Jimmy. Vegas is my last name. I am your tour operator said a man using a microphone. That voice woke me up. He has an electrifying personality. He was a breath of fresh air to keep people entertained. At the Eagle Point, I asked him to pose and soar like an eagle. That was fun. Fun is another game I play.

Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexatious to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.

Flowers and insects

Last week, it rained in Las Vegas. It was great for the plants. The desert was filled with these yellow flowering shrubs and was beautiful. I have to feel the texture of this plant. When I caressed the flowers, tiny insects came out flying. It was magical. Being focused on what made me curious is another trick that I use to keep me centred.

Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.


This bird is four times bigger than our blackbird in Vancouver. Huge! Blacker than black. They are not even scared of humans. I suppose they became friendly since humans were feeding them. As part of the mindfulness exercise, I don’t name what I see. I only identified it as a bird to keep it simple. Of course, I know that this is a Raven.

It was exhilarating to be in the wilderness. The sound of nature is music to my ears. This is life.

Practicing mindfulness is a paradox. It’s paying attention in a non-judgemental way. The body is in motion and stays in the moment. Mindfulness is being part of the Grand Canyon and as tiny as the helicopter.

Now I’ve tasted a sample of the Grand Canyon, I shall return to explore it further.

Good times. Good times.

When I go missing, the first place will find me is in the garden. This is the place I spend most of my time. In the garden, I have no concept of time. The light of the day will tell me. This is my playground.

Take time to play
It is the source of perpetual youth.

The garden is an inviting place where strangers will come and talk to me. A new neighbour introduced himself asking for plants for his garden. I was more than happy to give him plenty and much more. One time, he brought his grandson.

Take time to be friendly
It is the road to happiness

Ryan is the boy’s name and I noticed he was fiddling with a coin. The coin became the focus of our conversation. He was proud to find a foreign coin. I asked him if he cares to start a coin collection. His eyes lit up and he said yes. He is young enough to start one and by the time he’s an adult, he will have all kinds of coins. Oh good, I said. In this case, I will give you my collections. I will give them to your grandpa to give it to you. He left happy on his way to buy Slurpee at 7-11.

Take time to give
It is too short a day to be selfish

And here he is with a box full of coins I collected from different countries that I visited. He was overwhelmed by the heavy box and holding 5000 Yen paper money. Look at his face as we watched him with joy.

Grandpa said to Ryan “You know, you have to write a thank you card for this gift.”

After that day, I never saw the boy again. He was just visiting for three days and went home to another province of Canada.

Yesterday, Grandpa called and said he received a package from Ryan’s mom with an envelope addressed to me.

Dear Maria. I’m writing this letter to thank you for the money. And just as we though when we went through security we got trigger. And than you again for the count. I really appreciate it.

Ryan Age 8
Take time to pray
It is the greatest power on earth.

In closing, I leave you the full Take Time poem

Take time to laugh
It is the music of the soul.

Take time to think
It is the source of power.

Take time to play
It is the source of perpetual youth.

Take time to read
It is the fountain of wisdom.

Take time to pray
It is the greatest power on earth.

Take time to love and be loved
It is a God-given privilege.

Take time to be friendly
It is the road to happiness

Take time to give
It is too short a day to be selfish

Take time to work
It is the price of success

Author Unknown

P.S. Maria is my first name. And favourite phrase not word is Good times. Good times.

Grayscale and Monochromatic Symphony

My iPhone photo edit has three options of black and white: mono, silvertone and noir. They are grayscale in various degrees of black. I took these photos in colour and edited it with mono.

Black and White Cats at the shelter

I joined three street photography groups on Facebook to learn the strokes of different participants. Urban has such high standards that only one of my photos was approved. Amateur is anything goes. Carter-Bresson is interesting.

My baby is taking me out for a walk.

The same shot is crossposted to these sites and edited to grayscale. So far Men in Black is trending.

Men in Black

I think viewers prefer to see the faces of strangers that we took.

When it comes to coloured monochromatic shots, my brain is having a hard time processing unsure whether it fits the profile of the challenge.

Something fishy
Something cold
Something wet

When we reduce life to black and white, we never see rainbows. ~ Rachel Houston

Saturated with sun

Psychedelic Colours

I’m feeling trippy and have gone potty when it comes to primary colours.

Gone Potty

When it comes to flowering plants in my garden, I prefer to have as many reds, whites and blues. I don’t mind yellows and pinks for the bees. But my favourite is blue such as forget-me-nots in spring and lavenders in summer.

Garden Flowers

I love the way how the market painted the stairs with wordings from Dr. Seuss. It was fun going up and down the steps.

Oh! The places you go.

This artist is using only three kinds of paints for his canvass. It’s amazing to watch how he mixed colours to produce another type. Magical.

Canvas 4

Working for the school board, I remember how forms were colour coded. Staff used to say I submitted the blue form. Or yellow form. The thing is I read forms and do not pay attention to colours. And pink slip is not a good term when it comes to employment. It means, termination papers.

I will leave you with my favourite colourful expression of Cuba.

Colours of Cuba

To Frame and ReFrame

“Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us, or we find it not.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Most of my travel photos are in a storage box that I hardly looked at. That’s the thing about travelling. I take photos and forget about them. What I treasure most are the memories of meeting people from all over the world doing the same thing I do. To go boldly and experience life.

Passing a bridge walking along Santiago de Compostela
Santiago de Compostela Route

If I could share a message with the world about the pilgrimage I went to, what would it be? I don’t know. Unless, someone is keen on understanding what a pilgrim is, maybe, just maybe, I’ll gladly share my reflections.

Rose Prince Pilgrimage 2023

That’s my kind sister, my personal tour operator who took me to see Rose Prince’s annual pilgrimage. I wanted to take this window frame with her in it.


Lucy loves her sundrops. And I love watching her sleep peacefully. Her ears twitch once in a while. The shadow of her ears made it look like she has four of them.

Frame of Washoom in Pool Area

The renovation of the pool area is in full swing all week. The framework of the changing room is exposed to the elements. For 32 years of living at the Manor, I’ve never used the swimming facilities.

“Surrender isn’t a sacrifice of the known, but rather a celebration of the infinite.” -Nipun Mehta


Grace surrendered to the sound of the commotion of reconstruction in our backyard. She finally came out of her hiding places. I think she misses the framed pictures.

“I’ve found that there is always some beauty left – in nature, sunshine, freedom, in yourself; these can all help you.” -Anne Frank

For the past five years, the garden is my pilgrim destination. Right here in my backyard.


WIP it Up

My body is a miracle of art, science and mystery. It has a mind of its own.

Self Made Man by Andrew Benyei

Work-In-Progress transported me back to my working days as an accountant. We called it WIP for short. It’s a monthly routine of accounting an inventory that includes goods that are in the process of being produced but are unfinished. God, I hated this job.

Rock Garden

I love looking at this garden from my balcony. These plants were here already when I moved at the Manor 32 years ago. They are perennials. They are my growing concerns.


Back to Art. Again deja vu. My friend thought that she’s fat. I corrected her and said she’s voluptuous. She never heard of this term. I said it means sexy, not fat. That she is.

Help. Save. These. Plants

After five years of waiting, the pool area will finally be demolished and filled with earth on August 16. Wow, two weeks notice to save the plants. I was busy sending out SOS to my gardener friends. They came to the rescue and left happily with their plants.

Back to Art

Gardening is an art. Art is just like gardening. First, I have to till the earth and take it from there.

Peripheral Visions

I may look and still fail to look is to overlook. I think my mind is busy focusing more on the external. And this reminds me of The Little Prince.

“It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eyes.” ~ Antoine de Saint-Exupery.


Underneath the rock is an ant colony. This is one of many colonies in the garden that I deliberately overlooked. I gave the ants notice to move the eggs. The following day, the eggs are gone. Hah! They are so smart at playing hide and seek.

Look Up

Overlooking from my balcony, this is not the first time this cat hangs out on the railing trying to make friends with the crows and hummingbirds.

Look down

Another helper in the garden made its presence known. Found this little guy on the concrete by the back entrance. Saved and moved it on the earth.

Swimming pool

Our swimming pool is out of service for at least five years. It will soon be demolished. Nobody wants to use it except for the raccoon.

Staying in my little corner of the world, there is never-ending amusement.

Living With Fragments.

Gathering fragments and using them to fill the space in the vase becomes a new way of keeping the plant to root in water. I can tell you a story about each piece in the vase and how I collected them. But that’s a long story

In its primary aspect, a painting has no more spiritual message than an exquisite fragment of Venetian glass. The channels by which all noble and imaginative work in painting should touch the soul are not those of the truths of lives. – Oscar Wilde

These images fragmented art created by talented students at the school. The bits and pieces of materials put together made it possible to see the beauty of the art.

The work of art, just like any fragment of human life considered in its deepest meaning, seems to me devoid of value if it does not offer the hardness, the rigidity, the regularity, the luster on every interior and exterior facet, of the crystal. – Pope Paul VI

I have a collection of broken dishes and pottery that can be used as a Kintsugi. Kintsugi is the Japanese art of putting broken pottery pieces back together with gold — “built on the idea that in embracing flaws and imperfections, you can create an even stronger, more beautiful piece of art.” Gold? Sorry, I’m not rich enough to buy gold.

Here in the garden is where I placed these fragments to repurpose them as ornaments or borders for the plants.

I must admit, I’m known to speak and write in fragments since I’m not fluent in English.

Buildings and Structures

This assignment on buildings and structures brings back memories of the first person I met in Vancouver who became my best friend and mentor. He was a developer of many office buildings in Downtown, Vancouver.

Have you been to Vancouver? It’s a fairly new city.

These four Vancouver buildings I find worth seeing should you ever come to visit Canada. To enlarge the media, click on the image. I think they are iconic.

From my media library, these are some structures I’ve seen during my pilgrim days that I’m sure some of you have visited.

In Burnaby where I live, there was only one highrise, the first one on the left. Fast forward 30 years later, there are two dozen obscuring the skyline not to mention the current constructions




Clouds are not the cheeks of angels, you know. They’re only clouds. Friendly sometimes, but you can never be sure.

The Moon circles the Earth and the ocean responds with the rhythm of the tides.

If I had longer arms, I’d push the clouds away, or make them hang above the water somewhere else. But, I’m just a man, who needs and wants mostly things he’ll never have, looking for that thing hardest to find – himself.

Normal day, Contrails, Sunset, Venus/Jupiter

I’ve been going a long time now, and along the way I’ve learned a few things. You have to make the good times yourself. Take the little times and make them big times, and save the times that are alright for those that aren’t so good. I’ve never been able to push the clouds away by myself.”

Hakuna Matata
a selection on THE SEA entitled “Pushing the Clouds Away” ~ Rod McKuen

Local Arts in Vancouver

With so much local arts in the city, my favourites are two epics subjects: East Van Cross and Homeless Jesus. For me, they are powerful. The more powerful the representation of the art, the more powerful the questions become.

East Van Cross Sculpture

This 57-foot cross lights up after dark that seems to float. I love seeing this cross not because I grew up in East Vancouver when I resettled to Canada but it symbolizes the cross cultures, eclectic lifestyle and diversity of the Eastside, particularly the immigrant life. It was developed from a graffiti symbol way back in the 1940s. I took this photo riding the Skytrain on my way home.

Sculpture of Homeless Jesus at Holy Rosary Cathedral Vancouver, BC. Canada

The sleeping life-size sculpture curled up covered with a blanket too small for him that his feet were exposed and marked with two wounds as a depiction of Jesus Christ. From the street, it looks so real and can be mistaken for a real person. I took this photo with a woman keeping him company.

Creating art that has the power to convert. Creating sculpture that deepens our spirituality. Attaining these two goals describes my purpose as an artist. ~ Timothy Schmalz

These two installations were made by Canadian artists, Ken Lum and Timothy Schmalz. I choose them because they reflect my Christian beliefs.

Still Life

What’s inside our skull? Is it our brain or our mind?

This is a real brain floating in liquid to keep it intact as a specimen, and undoubtedly it’s not mine. Our brain is divided into two hemispheres and it contains billions of neurons. The brain plays a crucial role in our motor and sensory roles.

Our brain enhances our capacity for intellectual thoughts, planning, decision-making, survival and instincts based on past experiences. It can transcend beyond the intellect and delve into the realm of the unknown.

Without the brain; language, consciousness, memory, abstract thoughts, art, philosophy, and religion do not exist.

The staggering complexity of a human brain as it begins to develop from infancy to adulthood remains a mystery.

Inside my brain, inside of my mind, I have a human hunger that I cannot grasp.  Is God just a perception generated by my brain or is it wired to experience the reality of God?

Still, no one can answer this to my satisfaction when it comes to science.  It is all a mystery.

“The fairest thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of true science. He who knows it not and can no longer wonder, no longer feel amazement, is as good as dead” ~ Albert Einstein.

These photos were taken during one of my travels. It’s an exhibition of brain/mind/human. Location? It escaped my mind.

Monochrome World

How are you?” she asked.

Oh you know, we live in such a monochrome world. I said.

“Yeah, I know what you mean. It reminds me of England.” She said.

Writings on the wall.

We were talking about the winter weather but it doesn’t stop us from going out. Her, the daily trip to Starbucks. Me, my daily walk. I just returned from looking for subjects to photograph for this monochrome assignment. It’s dark and gloomy outside. A perfect scene for a simple lighting experience having to deal with many shades of gray.


To be objective looking for a subject, I have to truly look and see what I can discover. It’s not that I am searching for colours, but what image would stand out on a grayscale environment.

Washi. Japanese Paper Art.

In Japan, Washi is a fundamental component of print making. It is also used as a subtle camouflage between the shoji screens against the walls of the surroundings. It is mouldable into clothing or woven into furnishings.

The first there photos are originals in a perfect monochrome settings taken using my iPhone7.

This bird is so still that can easily be missed blending in with nature. I put the two shots side by side for comparison. I must admit I prefer the lighter version by just moving the dials of the mono feature of the iPhone.


Grace is a multicoloured cat with orange, brown, black, gray and white fur. To see her in monochrome doesn’t do justice to her beautiful hair but the snowflakes are unbelievably visible.

See yourself in color.

“See yourself in color” in monochrome makes me chuckle. This is just wild. Choosing my clothing is easier when I stick to a monochrome wardrobe. Monochrome means one color in various shade. I can match a green skirt with a top in a pistachio green. Imagine the different shades of green of Ireland. It can be flattering and simplified. I do love pigments, tho.

In Praise of Hands

A red small insignia is enough for the solid black ink.

Vancouver skyline.

Let the scene see you. A freight ship with red skirt.


Night photography capturing North Shore with a tinge of red light.


Such a typical weather when I stepped out of Pan Pacific around 10am. At least, it’s not raining. The blue, red and yellow made up for a dramatic scene.

Still Christmas

At the end of the day, view from my balcony.

As I discovered in WordPress, there is so much going on in Monochrome Madness. I must check them out and learn from these great photographers.

Hub of Seasonal Fun

Want to be entertained? There’s a place for that and it’s free. Plenty of parking spaces. It’s very central and public transit accessible under one big roof with many different amenities. A perfect place rain or shine. The Grand Court of Metropolis in Metrotown.

Yes, it’s a shopping centre that is bustling with people. I came here on boxing day just to take a picture of people. It was fun to cut across through the sea of people. I was in and out of this mall. For all retail stores, the message was SALE – SALE – SALE.

The Grand Court is below the west side mall which is maybe four blocks distance away from where I took this photo. Here I stand looking down at the Washed Ashore Art Exhibit. There are nine giant marine animals made of rubbers and plastic debris collected from the shore. The sculptures are beautifully made yet it conveys the tragedy of plastic pollution in our oceans and waterways and encourages conservation. It’s a travelling educational exhibit combining science and environmental impact.

Washed Ashore Travelling Art Exhibits

And here’s a doodle classroom titled “Get an A in doodling.” Another interactive project. When it comes to drawing, the kids get A+. The adults can show their talents on the higher wall Bansky style.

Get an A in Doodling

The latest event was the Chinese New Year. We were entertained by the traditional dragon dance and various dance groups. These grade four students performed a fish dance. Interesting to see that there’s only one male fish.

Watching the master calligrapher is so fascinating to notice that his hand never touches the red ribbon to write the Chinese characters which means “Wishing you good health, joy and prosperity.”

“I used to think that without photography, I am nothing. It wasn’t until I had kids that I realized that without love, I am less than nothing. ~ Chien-Chi Chang, Magnum photographer”

As much as I take pleasure in using the iPhone to take pictures, most of my subjects have a story. Photos come to life when the photographer includes a message of the image.

Timeline: Camera Obscura

First there was the photo booths, followed by Polaroid. Then came disposable cameras, point and shoot, Apple iPad, iPhone 5C, iPhone 6, iPhone 6s and iPhone 7 plus. These are photo devices that I used as far as I can remember.

I love the booths and Polaroid. Instant gratification of how the shots turn out. Gather as many peeps in the booth, the funnier the photos come out. For a mere buck, it gives four different pictures. Cheap thrills.

Then it gets expensive.

Disposable cameras are great on a need to have basis. Point and shoot requires rolls of films. Then the films have to be processed, developed and printed. What size do you want? Matted or glossy? Rush or regular? Cost all adds up. The finished product is a surprise. With 24 prints, maybe half is good if your lucky. Over exposure, blurry, or what is this? Storing the pictures into albums and the films in shoe boxes take spaces.

Photography became easier when the digital age came. No more films. Reusable gigs. Store them in the Clouds. Cost effective. Love it.

What do I do with these pictures?

One example is incorporating it with favourite poetry or essay. The prose remains, photos change in time.

Do not ask your children
to strive for extraordinary lives.
Such striving may seem admirable,
but it is a way of foolishness.

Help them instead to find the wonder
and the marvel of an ordinary life.
Show them the joy of tasting
tomatoes, apples, and pears.
Show them how to cry
when pets and people die.
Show them the infinite pleasure
in the touch of a hand.
And make the ordinary come alive for them.
The extraordinary will take care of itself.

Poem: by William Martin, Make the Ordinary Come Alive

Lucy, my niece, was the first model used for this sage advice. She is all grown up studying in university. Our family is growing rapidly, more children. Death is part of living.

Looking Back as an ending from Albert Camus

“In the midst of hate, I found there was, within me, an invincible love.
In the midst of tears, I found there was, within me, an invincible smile.
In the midst of chaos, I found there was, within me, an invincible calm.
I realized, through it all, that…
In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer.
And that makes me happy. For it says that no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there’s something stronger – something better, pushing right back.”

– Albert Camus

Dear Lens Artists

I truly enjoy taking photos, there is so much to learn just reading your post. I kept one shot of 2022 as a reminder to pursue and learn. it’s one of the many journals on sale at Indigo/Chapters.

I’m not a photographer nor I own a real camera. I still have no idea how to be in your level. I just want to say thank you for this game.

Best Wishes, Perpetua

Photographs and Memories

“I am absolutely have no idea what I’m doing.” is the title of a 17-month 2022 day planner that I fancy. Took a picture just in case I want to buy it.

Animals are such agreeable friends – they ask no questions; they pass no criticisms. – George Eliot

A gallery of pets from cat to dog to bird to snake. What is there not to like living when there take care of pets as companions.

Sometimes life is merely a matter of coffee and whatever intimacy a cup of coffee affords. – Richard Brautigan

Coffee. Who doesn’t enjoy a cup of Java. It really doesn’t matter the status in life: rich or poor, employed or bin diver, never give up going for coffee.

The truest test of a man’s character is what he does when no one is watching. John Wooden

Butt … everybody is watching …

People watching other people watching … with powerful camera on their iPhones … taking photos all over the place seems to be the norm. So, be on the lookout.

Part of the fascination that photography holds is its ability to unlock secrets kept even from ourselves. Like dreams, the photograph can uncork a heady bouquet of recognition which can escape into the cognitive world. – Jack Welpott

Gardening is a common passion for people. There are many groups of gardeners that are addicted to it and loads of humour garden all over the world. It may be winter here, but on the other side of the world, it’s blooming.

Cat, I’ll let you in on a little secret. We don’t all love our jobs every day. And doing something you have passion for doesn’t make the work part of it any easier…It just makes you less likely to quit. – Kate Jacobs

These are just a few activities that keep my interest going while I will continue trying to figure out the meaning of life.

I will carry on as if I know what I am doing.

Final Encounter

Flight 2023 Instructions


Good blessed day and welcome to Flight 2023. We are ready to take off into the New Year.

Please make sure your Positive Attitude and Gratitude are secured and locked in the upright position. All self-destruct devices: pity, anger, selfishness, pride, and resentment should be turned off at this time. All negativity, hurt, and discouragement should be put away.

Should you lose your Positive Attitude under pressure during this flight, reach up and pull down a prayer. Prayers will automatically be activated by Faith. Once your Faith is activated, you can assist other passengers who are of little faith.

There will be NO BAGGAGE allowed on this flight.

God, our Captain, has cleared us for take-off. Destination – GREATNESS!

Wishing you all a New Year filled with new HOPE, new JOY, and new BEGINNINGS!

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Halloween. Trick or treat. Wear a costume. Watch Stephen King’s movie in Netflix. Tell gruesome stories of ghost and haunted house. Better yet, read or watch the news!



This weekend, rally against Iran all day happened. Traffic was gruelling.

Stay safe. Be safe. Fireworks tonight. Protect your furry friends and love ones.

Flower Power

It’s the flower that draws you to a plant that would make you smile. Even when I plant just one sunflower on my deck in the third floor that blooms brightly and makes people smile when they see the tallest flower ever. My next door neighbour gets most of the flowers I planted.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine

White flowers are my favourite especially mass planting. Sweet woodruff, lily of the valley and snow drops are common in my garden. These were planted as a sign of my passive resistance for those people that loves to pick flowers. Pluck away, there so much flower power with the dainty white petals.

Recently, I started taking photos of all the flowers in the garden and shared them with the gardening groups I joined in Facebook. Unfortunately, most of them will remain nameless since I did not take note of the name of the plants.

The flower of the giant wild cactus on top of the mountain in Cuba is a hummingbird magnet.

Cuban Hummingbird

As for the perfect flowers, Dandelions are the prime example of “bloom where you’re planted.” Children are drawn to these bright yellow petals. How many mothers have received a bouquet of dandelions from their children? For sentimental reasons, parents will keep the flowers and press them between the books for keepsake. Love or hate them, they are here to stay.

God’s perfect flower

Photograph and Memories – Treasures Hunt

Dig – Dig – Dig

When I grow up. I want to be a digger. Buy the biggest digging machine and unearth what ever treasures I can hunt. Here, my nephew, loves to dig with his bare hands to find seashells. A sand dollar is rare to find.

Joni and Grace

Grace was just a kitten that my cousin Joni proudly added to her collection of cats as if three is not enough. Grace is now living with me with my cat, Lucy, when Joni died three years ago.

Sunrise at Mt. Beatitude

One has to experience the rising of the sun at least once in your lifetime. I woke up with the birds during my retreat on top of Mt. Beatitude. Priceless.

The Drop at Vancouver Convention Centre

Today is a clear cloudy day. Vancouver is known as wet coast. A single big blue drop of rain now sits at Vancouver Convention Centre overlooking the snow capped mountain of the North shore.

Walking the Santiago de Compostela

Ha! I can’t believe that I captured a perfect circle of the reflection of the bridge. I’m not even a professional photographer just using my IPad.

Big brother reading to little sister

Jimmy is so good to her little sister. I just love the intent look of Layla’s disheveled hair as Jimmy reads proudly to her ever since he learns to read.

Homeless man with his BFF

Have a dog. Have a cat. Have a pet companion, you’ll never feel lonely and homeless. I wonder how he received a Harbour Air umbrella. I did have one before. I found it abandoned downtown. What a treasure to find abandoned umbrella.

Soviet Truck in Cuba

There are plenty of Soviet trucks left behind in Cuba repurposed to haul a load full of tourists to take us to the jungle. Unfortunately, our trip was delayed due to tire problem.

Purple Berries

Autumn is the time when leaves and berries of this shrub turns purple. I want this shrub in my garden to go with my burning bush.

It was serendipity when I found this boat with the name Pilgrim. Pilgrim is the original name of this site.

In closing, this is the beginning of my long search of John Bunyan, author of the book Pilgrims Progress. This photo was taken in one of the canals in London not knowing that I will find the gravesite of Bunyan at Bone Hill as well as William Blake.

To quote his writings

As I walk’s through the wilderness of this world, I lighted on a certain place, where was a Denn; And I laid me down in that place to sleep: And as I slept I dreamed a Dream.

Follow your heart.

Vancouver Sun

By royal decree, my sister, proclaimed that another month will be added called “Beachember.” She is a sun lover.

When we were growing up back in the Philippines, Mother used to send us out from 7 to 10 am to sun bathe. During this time, the heat of the sun is soft and we get our vitamin D.

As we grow older and wiser, instead of sunbathing, we prefer forest bathing. I introduced my sisters what I learned from a psychiatrist who provided group walks in MeetUp. We even signed up a UBC study group to help grad students for their thesis. The first session that we were supposed to attend, there was a warning of bear on the loose. Needless to say, that’s the end of our study group in this area.

As for me, I did gorilla gardening, with invitation. My neighbour has been watching me putter around at The Manor and asked me for help in having a floral garden instead of vegetable patch. It was fun transforming her front yard and moving some of my plants at her yard. I even made a small area of salad garden just for her.

Sun season is so short. When it’s out, here we come!

Means to an end

Photowalk Meetup is trending here in Vancouver. I joined it even though I’m not a photographer. My only means in taking pictures is an iPhone in order to go for structured walks. The group leader is a professional photographer and I heared about photographic niche, groove and ruts from him. None of these terminology is important to me since I just want to focus in fun.

Recently, I started cataloging photos of all the flowers I planted in my garden from full plant to close-up of a single flower. Most of these plants are nameless except for the lavenders. My motto is “plant your own garden, decorate your own soul.”

Photography and gardening keep me focused. Just as much I’ve taken so many photo shoots, only one is lucky enough to pass my myopic eyesight. However, I discovered that gardening and photography both have creative and therapeutic processes.

In old age, we should have enough passions strong enough to prevent us turning in on ourselves – Ursula K. Le Guin

One thing I know, rut will grow when joy is lucking. Images produced by photojournalist on “assignment” are unbelievable yet I can only take them in small dosage. I suppose I want to pretend life is Rosie, a well gardened mind.

From fragrant favorites like the honeysuckle and jasmine, to humble beauties like the daisy and wild wallflower, to literary symbol-corsages like the violet, which Emily Dickinson cherished above all other flowers for its “unsuspected” splendor, and the almond blossom, on which Albert Camus predicated his timeless metaphor for strength through difficult times – The Moral of Flowers, The Marginalian

Take time. To reclaim how to take time, say hello, exchange stories, fun and laughter is a basic formula in doubling enjoyment. I got lucky with this photo how it shows the warmth of their faces them holding a bouquet of lavenders.

Heavens, she’s in heaven embracing the best lavender in the garden. Provence lavenders. She only has to wait annually but worth it.

These are the faces of people that reap the rewards of my garden.

The one who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every good work.

Memorable Day. Imagine That!

Imagine there’s no heaven
It’s easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today… Aha-ah…

Imagine there’s no countries
It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion, too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace… You…

You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world… You…

You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will live as one

A day in my life exercising my Freedom on January 22, 2022 amongst ten thousands marching a peaceful rally at Vancouver Downtown Core from 12 to 4 pm. This is yours truly at the end of a very long line ensuring that the peace keeper behind me is doing his job. Someone has to keep him honest.


Bike Tags and Murals

It’s so pleasant to walk around how the city is transformed into an outdoor gallery of painted walls in epic proportions in public spaces. It turned out to be a yearly mural festival since 2016.

Another event took place last year to encourage others to have fun in taking a shot of the street art and posting it in their Instagram hashtags #biketags.

“Why am I so damn cheerful? Because ain’t nobody got time to be moping about. The present is only a gift if you’re actually PRESENT for it. Open your eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. Absorb all the goodness around you until it overflows into the world around you.”

When you enter Mt. Pleasant, the larger than life murals of Past, Present and Future, welcome you. I see these in my daily commute to work.

Notice the bike? This is Tyrone Siglos’ bike. He started biking all over town maybe 10 years ago. At the start of Pandemic, he was layed-off. He made use of his bike to earn a living during this hard times by delivering food with Uber Eats.

While biking around, he found more things in life and still keep finding something new everyday.

I’ve always wanted to go to Hogan’s Alley where Jimi Hendrix stayed when he came to Vancouver. This is one area of the Black community in Vancouver. Most of the murals tell a story.

Nora Hendrix, the grandmother of Jim Hendrix, established a low income housing for black and indigenous community. Nora Hendrix Way is a new street named after her.

The big tag went into full swing.

“It’s an awesome way to bike around during the pandemic,” Siglos says in Vancouver is Awesome

Some Bike Tag locations are cool street murals or creative public art, others are beautiful spots for a ride — like this trail on Burnaby Mountain in Vancouver’s Bike Tag wrote West Coast Travellers.

The whole Vancouver is exploding with murals and there are gems off the beaten path.

This is my favourite. It symbolizes how an Angel has guided Tyrone, my nephew, to rise above it. He branched out to promoting local eats, raised fund and performed the challenge of Everesting.

The concept of Everesting is simple: Pick any hill, anywhere in the world and complete repeats of it in a single activity until you climb 8,848m – the equivalent height of Mt Everest.

Tyrone biked the mountains of Grouse, Seymour and Cypress. His name is now recorded in the Hall of Fame in Everesting.

What I am so proud of him is how he managed his mental wealth through these activities.

Siglos struggled with depression, but noticed when he started riding his bicycle to work, he felt better. After being laid off from a job in the warehouse sector last spring, he decided to take a job delivering food on his bike with Uber Eats.

“I haven’t felt this good ever, just mentally, so that’s a big part of it,” he said. “I love … exploring the city, the freedom that it allows me.” – CBC

When I see a murals in town, I sometimes wonder if I beat Tyrone in finding this one first. Definitely, he hasn’t seen the FNATIC since this one was taken in London.

Photographs and memories

For the past 800 years, if the tree could talk, it would be able to tell us what it has witnessed on better days. For the tree to still stand and withstood the foibles of humanity, nothing is better than getting a good hug from it.

Dante Alighieri is another example who has seen better days. When he was exiled from his hometown, Florence, he was heartbroken. His heartache drove him to write the famous Divine Comedy.

In Canto 5, Dante met Francesca de Polenta. She said to Dante:

There is no greater pain
than to remember happy days
in days of misery.

Francesca committed adultery and was put in the circle of lust. She discovered that her happiness having a forbidden love is now her misery.

This year, we are celebrating the 700th year of Dante. What a better year to delve in his work as a poet and a pilgrim while we ride the wave of pandemic. So I joined reading 100 Days of Dante. It would go on until Easter 2022, by then we are hoping the malaise of the society has very little negative effective in our mental health.

When I think of better days, I think of a plum and prune.

What did the prune say to a plum?

I’ve seen better days.

Indian Summer

Blue sky, not a cloud in the horizon and the air crisp. The leaves of the Cherry Tree is blossoming with fiery orange. In spring time, it flowers first before the leaves come out.

At Forest Lawn, this place is so beautiful. No matter what time of the year, it’s stunning all around. I often wonder how the residents feel in close proximity at the cemetery.

A bursting crimson colour shrub in my garden is what we have been waiting for. The name of this plant is Euonymus but I cannot remember it, so I called it burning bush.

My sister came to visit bringing a small pumpkin wishing me happy fall. Already? I can’t believe it’s here and have forgotten the season of the year. It still feels summery. I suppose I have to start putting the rest of the plants to bed and winterized them. In the meantime, we are off for a walk to check out autumn colours and fall plants at UBC. This purple berries are so beautiful that I am planning to grow it in my garden. Sister looked great posing with Callicarpa.

“When the leaves fall,
the whole earth is a cemetery
pleasant to walk in.
I love to wander and muse over
them in their graves. Here
are no lying nor vain epitaphs.”
~ Henry David Thoreau

Light Up

Each evening from dawn till dusk, Science World lights up using 198 LED lights. This became an iconic Vancouver Lights.

When Vancouver was lightless, In 1942 Earle Birney wrote Vancouver Lights.

Through the feckless years we have come to the time
when to look on this quilt of lamps is a troubling delight

In daytime, Science World still is a delight to see.

of nothing pulsing down from beyond and between
the fragile planets We are a spark beleaguered
by darkness this twinkle we make in a corner of emptiness

The stage red lighting in this production has the intensity of passion and love. If I remember this Filipino folk dance correctly, it’s called Maria Clara. The dress is an elegant formal outfit for women with clean lines that symbolize the virtues and nobility of a Filipino woman while the men wear Barong Tagalog, a traditional Filipino embroidered long-sleeve shirt made of pineapple fibre. He’s holding a castanets known as clackers.

Don’t they look fabulous with the lights on?

On a personal level, I use up a lot of artificial lights. This is my Day Light lamp 10,000 Lux therapy lamp for the living room. The lights mimic natural light to help me get through my seasonal affective disorder. The only months that they are unused are the months of August and September. I have another lamp in the bedroom.

These lamps are used first thing in the morning to wake up my brain. They are my lifeline.

Stripes over Checks

“London Bridge is falling down, falling down. London Bridge is falling down, my fair lady.”  I was humming this in my head on my way to see the bridge before it gets darker.  I don’t know how far it was.  In my furious bambling to reach the destination, this wall stopped me on my track. 

The optical illusion was so mesmerizing that I need to get a shot of it.  Suddenly, I heard a commotion behind me.

Stop! Wait!

Turning around, three young men running towards me, giggling.

“Hey, mate, you just can’t take a picture of a blank wall,” said one lad with a twinkling in his eyes.

“Oh yeah? Why don’t you boys go ahead and pose for me to make the wall look pretty?”  I said.

You just got to love the Brits.


As much as I enjoy writing, I prefer to read the fine prints.

A good chair, books and beverage are ways of promoting literacy in this area of Gastown. These are permanent fixtures for art lovers. Most folks bring their own reading materials and use the char.

This one is my favourite step in Lonsdale Quay. It reminds me of the book I give to my nephews or nieces once they graduated from high school. I bought one for myself.

Sidewalks are perfect for finding Goodreads. I am not sure if this is my photo I found on my iPhone.

Forget Me Not

Cherry Blossoms

Cherry Blossom at Metrotown

My reason for going
Err in the side of caution
Sakura spring blooms

It’s so beautiful to see the Cherry trees in full bloom in spring. Japan Sakura Festival is one of the significant events in welcoming the arrival of a new season, a new beginning, a new life. Here I stand, in an empty parking lot at Metrotown, celebrating spring. The fragrance of the flowers permeates the entire lot—no exhaust fumes to contend with.

Bonsor Pipeline

Bonsor Pipeline skate rink.

You are limitless
Grown-up man springing along
Lone never lonely

It was exciting to watch him rolling away all by himself in the skating rink. Usually, this place is pack with people. The weather is mild and overcast, a typical spring day. There are so many ways to continue your daily activities on your own as long as we practice self-distancing.

Shangri La

Vancouver Art Gallery’s Offsite exhibition in 2010 located at the Wild Bird Trust sanctuary

Shangri La to Shangri La
Community of squatters
Springtimes and sweaters

Forest bathing at Wild Bird Trust Sanctuary is a perfect spot to go thoreau-ing. “I love to see clear crystalline water flowing out of a swamp over white sand and decayed wood, spring-like.—Journal, 18 July 1852.” A breath of fresh air, birds friendly enough to eat on my hand, red and green buds emerging from the branches and twigs, plenty of room for a quiet reflection and contemplation amidst the turmoil what this new virus brings about. The meditative journey gave our inner self to expand and make room to focus on what is essential in life.

Forget Me Not

Forget Me Not garden

Forget Me Not fleurs
A gift that keeps on giving
Spring twenty twenty

Out of the blue, this plant suddenly appeared in my garden. I let it stayed. Two years later, I am delighted to see how beautiful it is to have a mass growing in the garden this spring.

Legend said that God named all the flowers except for this one tiny plant. As God was about to leave, the plant cried out: “Forget me not, O Lord!” The Lord decided, “That shall be your name.”

“I would like to use this little flower as a metaphor. The five petals of the little forget-me-not flower prompt me to consider five things we would be wise never to forget….first, forget not to be patient with yourself…second, forget not the difference between a good sacrifice and a foolish sacrifice…third, forget not to be happy now…fourth, forget not the why of the gospel…fifth, forget not that the Lord loves you.”
― Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Forget Me Not


Plant your own garden, Decorate your own soul

Layla Pie and Miss Pretty planting the hydrangea

After a while, you learn the subtle difference
Between holding a hand and chaining a soul
And you learn that love doesn’t mean security,
And you begin to learn that kisses aren’t contracts
And presents aren’t promises. 

Weather forecast for the first day of summer. Rain.

And you begin to accept your defeats
With your head up and your eyes open,
With the grace of an adult, not the grief of a child.
And you learn to build all your roads on today,
Because tomorrow’s ground is too uncertain.
And futures have a way of falling down in mid-flight.

Lavender Harvest. A good day. Rain the following day.

After a while, you learn that even sunshine
Burns if you get too much.
So you plant your own garden and decorate
Your own soul, instead of waiting
For someone to bring you flowers

And you learn that you really can endure…

And you learn that you really can endure…
That you really are strong,
And you really do have worth
And you learn and learn and learn.
With every goodbye, you learn.


I originally posted this title on June 13, 2013, here. According to Dear Abby, it was a poem AFTER A WHILE by Veronica Shoffstall. Much to my surprise, this is my top post and most visited. As a curious person, I wonder who Veronica Shoffstall is?

In my searches, I cannot find a reliable source to indicate that Veronica is the real author. In the Urban 75 forum, this question Who is Veronica Shoffstall came up. Apparently, it was a Spanish poem written by Jorge Luis Borges. With the help of google translating it to English, much to my surprise (again} so it was his poetry.

I really don’t know whether it was plagiarism. That is not for me to judge. I just want to throw some more light into the validity of who I am quoting.

At any rate, it’s still beautiful poetry.



I am using the word saturated instead after finding out that “All Wet” is a slang word during the 1920s, meaning “full of crap!” Please note that I am not implying that your post in this week’s Lens-Artist is cr*p but quite the contrary. You are all brilliant!

rain and ladybug

Phew… to save my skin, English is my second language, and I enjoy looking for meaning and definition of words and phrases.

Are you thinking of visiting the beautiful Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada? If you are, it’s essential and fashionable that you bring an umbrella. Out of 365 days in a year, we get at least 180 days of rain. It’s only water, and nothing stops us from staying outdoors.

Vancouver Rain

Another thing that is useful here is to bring your rubber boots with your rubber ducks to add fun to your adventure in the rain.

It’s raining, the children are splashing in the puddle, and I just have to join in.

depth puddle

Vancouver made a great impression on the world during the 2010 Olympics. To commemorate what an artist thinks of us is this “all wet” blue raindrop.


The Drop at Vancouver Convention Centre

Now, that’s what I call “full of crap!>

The Power of One


“The amazing thing is that chaotic systems don’t always stay chaotic,” Ben said, leaning on the gate. Sometimes, they spontaneously reorganize themselves into an orderly structure.” ― Connie Willis, Bellwether All it takes is one to start a commotion or chaos on … Continue reading

Dare to be something different


I’ve kept these shots for the longest time and just don’t know when to share it. Now I dared myself to show and tell about my cousin, Jesse, taken when we were younger. The photos reminded me of Arnold Schwarzenegger … Continue reading

Meanwhile in Vancouver


Some people left their heart in San Francisco as the song goes; in Vancouver, the city is the heart. To see the beauty, from a distance, a lazy chair is available to sit, relax and admire the beauty of Science … Continue reading

What Buddha Never Taught Me


The year 2019 sounds so futuristic remembering a 1996 visit of Thailand. I feel nostalgic tonight. Photography then was archaic when we have to use a real camera, a film and the negatives processed. I could never tell whether the photos … Continue reading