Let it be written, Let it be done.

The gathering of Truth and Reconciliation Commission ended with the walk in solidarity with the aboriginals and non-aboriginals.  Thousands braved the day in a wet, wild, and wonderful walk.

We were banging drums, singing traditional songs, wearing button blankets and hats as we marched along the Georgia Street.


The stories told were very horrific and sad about the treatment the aboriginals received from the white people especially at the residential schools.  These are the survivors who came to have their stories documented for the history books.

As horrific as it was, the gathering will be the beginning of a journey toward reconciliation. Canada is stepping forward to share the pain it created.  From here, we can move towards healing.

The keynote speaker for this event was Dr. Bernice King, the daughter of Martin Luther King, Jr.

One day, you’ll be able to join hands together and say in the words of my father and it will be a truth in this nation.  Free at last, free at last, and thank God almighty we are free at last.”

May the stars carry your sadness away,
May the flowers fill your heart with beauty,
May hope forever wipe away your tears,
And, above all, may silence make you strong.
Chief Dan George

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CATastrophy – The Incident

Mr. Frenchie, Mr. Polish (Room 307) and Mr. Scottie (Room 308) were in high alert when Mr. MIA took the cat back.  The three men keep surveillance on the status of the cat.  How can they see what’s happening behind closed curtains?  Who knows what’s happening inside Mr. MIA’s apartment? 
Mr. MIA is a smoker, and he smokes in the balcony.  At the same time, he was trying to play with the cat with a stick.  Mr. Polish is a smoker as well, and he was observing them across from his balcony.  According to Mr. Polish, the next thing happened, Mr. MIA hit the cat.  He instinctively shouted at Mr. MIA.  Mr. Scottie heard the commotion.   And he joined in. 
Have you ever dealt with a Scottish person?  Indescribable.  He marched down and went next to the building where Mr. MIA is.  He called him a #$%& P-I-G etc.
 I didn’t know Mr. Scottie knew Mr. MIA’s name?
 Mr. PIG!  
Mr. Frenchie came out of the balcony, too.  Three against one PIG.  Mr. PIG tail between his leg, surrendered and gave up the cat to Mr. Frenchie.  
In the meantime, the cat is in bad condition.  The cat does not want to be touch at all.  If you do, those nails come out and will draw blood to anyone who dared to touch her.  She was severely hurt.  
This was the incident that Ms. Room 307 told me.  My advice to her was to take the cat first thing Monday morning to check on the cat, and I will help pay for the vet’s bill. 
According to the vet, the cat is hurt and maybe needed to be X-rayed.  In the meantime, she was given a pain-killer, a shot of antibiotics and intravenous fluids.  The cat was so dehydrated.

Akeyla - the Nurse

Akeyla – the Nurse

 For now, the nameless cat is with Mr. Frenchie.  I visited the cat, and she is hiding in the cupboard at the moment.  Hopefully, with the help of Mr. Frenchie’s nurse, Akeyla, the nameless one will come around. 
Thank you all for your concerns, compassion and support.  
I will give you an update on the situation.  In the meantime, we are keeping vigil, including our prayerful dog wearing her head veil to go to church.  I will wear my cat scarf to work today to keep the nameless cat in prayers.

 P.S.  My head hurts from this ordeal.  Hopefully, Tylenol will do the trick.
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