Recount 40 days

According to my count, there are 13 days left out of 40 days of Lent.  Easter is on March 31 that is more than 13 days from today!  Well, not only that I have thought so much about bacon, my mind cannot count either. 
To cite an example, I was reading other post and I came across with this picture.Little pig
Yummy… so I commented to the post. 
Seeker:  bacon
Response:  BACON!!! 
Uh-oh… I think I am in trouble here.  How am I supposed to respond to this?  The person on the other side does not know the history behind bacon.  This person sounded annoyed with all that exclamation points.  Okay, I am exaggerating, there was only one exclamation. 
Think, thank, and thump on the head.  A little bit of tact will go a long way.  So I replied back. 
Seeker:  Exactly!  Have you ever heard of Chris P. Bacon?  The luckiest pig alive ever! 
Response:  Oh the little pig on wheels. That is some pig! 
Whew … saved by a pig. 
For those who wants to know the story of Chris P. Bacon, here’s the link The joke is oink me.  
I was speaking with Sister #6 about 40 days of lent and explained to her my dilemma.  Apparently, weekends are excluded during Lent.  I stand corrected.  Knowing that, I can now eat bacon on weekends, happy dance.  Hooray, I can go to ABC Restaurant this weekend and eat all the bacon that I missed out.  Another save. 
Thank you Scott’s little pig for allowing me to use your post as a reference material.

The Joke Is Oink Me (37)


Temptation was all over me.  I don’t understand at all.  Meatless Wednesday and Friday should have gone like a cinch.  But I was craving for bacon.  What an interesting two days of observing abstinence.  I hardly eat meat but somehow … Continue reading