Extra, Extra. Read all about it.

A colleague dropped a newspaper in my in tray stating that one of our peers wants me to have it.  Oh?  Thank you.  What a special treatment I received that day.  I hardly read the newspaper since it’s mostly bad news anyway. This will just end up in the recycle box.
extra extra

Front page pictures can really be upsetting when it focuses on local news about commuting.   There are so many extra people during peak hours and we could use an extra cars of train to accommodate the growing population in Vancouver. Not just that, we need extra officers to patrol the trains and the stations for the safety of commuters.  Officers that serve and protect.

Waterfront Station

Waterfront Station

Of course, I did not read the paper; after all, I was working.  Then the In Box of my e-mail became busy.  My family has sent me e-mails first thing in the morning.  What could it be possibly be that I am getting their attention as well.  My sister wrote:

Am here @dentist reading ::: then I see this ha ha
Sent on the TELUS Mobility network with BlackBerry

With an attachment:

Province today's news Aug 22. 2012

Province today’s news Aug 22. 2012

This was a surprise.  I was just having an animated conversation with a lady gathering information on how I deal with danger during my commute.  I did not expect that my conversation and name will appear on the paper.

The man gave up his shoes

VANCOUVER — A bus driver has had his faith in people restored after witnessing a rider wearing plastic bags instead of shoes given a surprising gift this holiday weekend — a stranger’s own shoes and socks.


The “soul-touching” interaction Saturday on the No. 341 route,  a Coast Mountain Bus Co. driver of 16 years who was off-duty at the time while returning from Surrey B.C.’s Vaisakhi parade.

“It made my heart melt,”  “He just took his shoes and socks off and said, ‘You can take these, don’t worry about me — I live close by and can walk.’

“People usually don’t care or even look at other people on the bus, they didn’t even want to sit beside this guy because of how he was dressed.”

The recipient was “shocked” by the gift and afterwards remarked, “What a nice guy… Did that really happen?”


Source: Toronto Sun