Going beyond the grain and flow


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Most of the time in life, we get caught up in a situation where everything is all about me. We relay our stories to others who are willing to listen, then others will say, what about me? Woe is me. … Continue reading

Transformation of Malcom Muggeridge

Taj Mahal, India

Unknown woman at Taj Mahal, India

Malcom Muggeridge, an agnostic British journalist met and filmed Mother Teresa doing her work catering to the poorest of the poor in India.

He wrote a book “Something Beautiful for God.

“This Home for the Dying is dimly lit by small windows high up in the walls, and Ken was adamant that filming was quite impossible there. We had only one small light with us, and to get the place adequately lighted in the time at our disposal was quite impossible. It was decided that, nonetheless, Ken should have a go, but by way of insurance we took, as well, some film in an outside courtyard where some of the inmates were sitting in the sun. In the processed film, the part taken inside was bathed in a particularly beautiful soft light, whereas the part taken outside was rather dim and confused…Mother Teresa’s Home for the Dying is overflowing with love, as one senses immediately on entering it. This love is luminous, like the halos artists have seen and made visible round the heads of the saints. I find it not at all surprising that the luminosity should register on a photographic film ”

Influenced by his experience with Mother Teresa, he received the Catholic faith at the age of 79 together with his wife.



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The hummingbird’s delicate grace reminds us that life is rich, beauty is everywhere, every personal connection has meaning and that laughter is life’s sweetest creation. Legends say that hummingbirds float free of time, carrying our hopes for love, joy and … Continue reading

Human Race


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  I am here, Jesse, where it seems there is only the dry sand and the wet blood. I do not fear so much for myself, my friend Jesse, I fear for my woman who is home, and my young … Continue reading

Growing babies.


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I’ve heard it said that while an American child will ask, “How are babies made?,” a Chinese child will ask, “How do babies grow?” So, “How does your garden grow?” is not just a line from a nursery rhyme! It’s … Continue reading

One Step Behind – This is my story


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How nice the view from up there must have been. It’s difficult to imagine when you’re always looking down. Don’t regret it when you finally see the upside of REALITY because there’s this crazy notion that regrets pile up to … Continue reading

Skip the cherry.


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My niece is a professional baker. She found a prodigy, little Jimmie, to take over her profession. Got to start them young, you know. Cupcake is Jimmie’s all time favorite with icing and M&M’s on top. Jimmie’s main instruction was … Continue reading

A moment of clarity


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There are days that I just want to end it all. When that does happen, it’s the little things that stop me on my tracks that brings clarity in this obscure mind that surfaces uninvited. What stopped me this time … Continue reading

It is rare.


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Somewhere in the forested area of Cuba, it was a delight to see a homestead. It was a simple dwelling. Inside, the interior is spare.  My first thought, how quaint. It’s good to see someone who exists in very little … Continue reading

When leaving becomes arriving


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THE JOURNEY Above the mountains the geese turn into the light again Painting their black silhouettes on an open sky. Sometimes everything has to be inscribed across the heavens so you can find the one line already written inside you. … Continue reading

Participatory Democracy


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Participation is admirable. They came prepared. Armed with nachos, cheeses, chips and juices to fuel their hunger for a long night of participation of asking questions, voice their concerns and listen to other speak about the future of their education. … Continue reading

What brings you here?


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One human being, one heart, one love? Our heart is bigger than having one love. But it is Love. For love is boundless.   He is now to be among you at the calling of your hearts Rest assured this … Continue reading

Ordinary act of an ordinary man


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These two young porters were passing by Imja Valley, Everest Region, Nepal at an altitude of above 5,000 meters with carrying goods for a trekking/climbing group. In Nepal, such porters can earn only a minimal sum of money despite their hard … Continue reading

At the end of the day, victory prevails.


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Batman, Wonder Woman, Superman: these are just a few superheroes the children want to be when they grow up. As adults, we show them they are the symbol of victory, the one who will save us, to serve and protect … Continue reading

Sense of Wonder


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Do you know that we are just like cats that get scared easily, fearful? So be careful. All we need is love. Yesterday, I attended a conference in renewing my sense of wonder by bringing together theological, psychological and spiritual awareness … Continue reading

Ice Cream, anyone?


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BE SUPPORTIVE…. Becca Givens started the Nurturing Thursday at: “On Dragonfly Wings with Buttercup Tea”. Click on this link to see what others have contributed to nurture yourself and others.  Come and join us. This is an open invitation.

Self-Portrait: Mended


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  Self-Portrait, Mended by Eleanor Hannan This piece is based on drawings done the day after 7-hour surgery to remove skin cancer from my nose. I chose to have only local anesthetic so as to be awake during the surgery. … Continue reading

Mending Lives


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Stitching keeps broken parts together. A simple stitch can literally mend lives. All it takes is a sewing needle, thread, pair of hands and a heart determined to restore in order to stay connected. To prove the point, these are series … Continue reading

Find your strengths


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1. Wisdom and Knowledge – Cognitive strengths that entail the acquisition and use of knowledge Creativity [originality, ingenuity]: Thinking of novel and productive ways to conceptualize and do things; includes artistic achievement but is not limited to it Curiosity [interest, … Continue reading

This is your LIFE


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Life is simple. Me, I seek the extraordinary in the ordinary. What do you do with your Life? Source: Holstee Manifesto Nurturing Thursday Inspired by: “On Dragonfly Wings with Buttercup Tea”. Click on this link to see what others have contributed … Continue reading

* Haiku – all you are

It’s Nurturing Thursday.
I decided to join Becca Givens and I think you should, too, without invitation

Val is good enough to give me a tug by ‘liking’ one of the comments I posted in a blog.

Her site happens to be very nurturing in helping us to “Find Your Middle Ground”

Here’s to us and let us encourage one another by nurturing uplifting post.

Find Your Middle Ground

girl walking on her path


Become all You are

Let go of roles and pleasing

Find Your Middle Ground


If you are new to this site, welcome!

Please explore more about finding your middle ground by clicking here.

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What Hit Me.


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Come to think of it, inspiration comes from learning as simple as ABCs to studying a complicated theorem of Isaac Newton. What hit me started with Apples. Apple inspired me to learn my ABCs. A is for apple. Then it … Continue reading

Quote me and make me famous!


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What is it that we enjoy quoting other people but afraid when we are quoted? If you want to quote me, by all means: “Frankly speaking my dear, I don’t give a damn” to quote Rhett of Gone With The Wind. … Continue reading

Roman Numeral XIII


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Tattooed on his left hip is roman numeral XIII. At age seventeen, he had this number permanently inked on his birthday suit. It is meaningful to him because it was at that age the bullying at school stopped. Growing up, … Continue reading

First Thing First


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Denzel Washington recently gave the Commencement Address at Dillard University in New Orleans. He broke his speech into four takeaways for the new graduates: Put God first: “Everything that I have is by the grace of God, understand that. It’s … Continue reading

Psychologically speaking, age is a game.


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Ask kids how old they are and they will tell you the truth. They are honest about their age. Using their tiny fingers; they will show you the exact number. When kids learn philosophy, age is about “almost” three or … Continue reading

Who has seen the Wind?

Earth, Wind, Fire and Water are the quintessential natural forces of nature.
We can see the earth, fire and water but not the Wind.

Who has seen the wind, neither your nor I

Who has seen the wind, neither your nor I

Do we have to see it to believe it?

Who Has Seen the Wind?

Who has seen the wind?
Neither I nor you:
But when the leaves hang trembling,
The wind is passing through.

Who has seen the wind?
Neither you nor I:
But when the trees bow down their heads,
The wind is passing by.

In response to The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge: “Forces of Nature.”


Felines are taking over.


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Felines are taking over. Today New York, tomorrow the world. Move over Humans of New York. I must confess that I look at felines more than anything else on the internet. For me, it’s the best way to decompress after … Continue reading

Be Careful


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As we enter the Holy Sepulcher, there lies a slab of stone where Jesus’ dead body was laid. The Orthodox priests anoint the stone with rose scented oil, walking around it as they say their prayers and holding an incense … Continue reading

Wretched Writers Welcome


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I am changing 3Ps to 3Ws (Wretched Writers Welcome) by joining Bulwer-Lytton since I am not much of a writer because English is my second language. In this site, maybe I might win the Dishonorable Mention Award should I join their contest. … Continue reading



WisdomA 1st grade school teacher had twenty-six students in her class. She presented each child in her classroom the 1st half of a well-known proverb and asked them to come up with the remainder of the proverb.

It’s hard to believe these were actually done by first graders. Their insight may surprise you. While reading, keep in mind that these are first-graders, 6-year-olds, because the last one is a classic!

  • Don’t change horses …until they stop running.
  • Strike while the …bug is close.
  • It’s always darkest before …Daylight Saving Time.
  • Never underestimate the power of …termites.
  • You can lead a horse to water but …How?
  • Don’t bite the hand that …looks dirty.
  • No news is …impossible.
  • A miss is as good as a …Mr.
  • You can’t teach an old dog new …Math.
  • If you lie down with dogs, you’ll …stink in the morning.
  • Love all, trust …Me.
  • The pen is mightier than the …pigs.
  • An idle mind is …the best way to relax.
  • Where there’s smoke there’s …pollution.
  • Happy the bride who …gets all the presents.
  • A penny saved is …not much.
  • Two’s company, three’s …the Musketeers.
  • Don’t put off till tomorrow what …you put on to go to bed.
  • Laugh and the whole world laughs with you, cry and …You have to blow your nose.
  • There are none so blind as …Stevie Wonder.
  • Children should be seen and not …spanked or grounded.
  • If at first you don’t succeed …get new batteries.
  • You get out of something only what you …See in the picture on the box.
  • When the blind lead the blind …get out of the way.
  • A bird in the hand …is going to poop on you.

And the WINNER and last one!

  • Better late than … Pregnant!

Hat tip: Weezie
Image Credit: Love, Live and Laugh
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Kiss Me, I’m Irish


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I will give thee a dog which I got in Ireland. He is huge of limb, and for a follower equal to an able man. Moreover, he has man’s wit, and will bark thine enemies, but never at thy friends. … Continue reading

Memo to self: Keep looking for teachable moments in your own life.


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And when you find one, remember, “Learning is the thing for you!” The best thing […]  is to learn something. That is the only thing that never fails. You may grow old and trembling in your anatomies, you may lie … Continue reading

Get used to the bear behind you.


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Paul Cronin’s book of conversations with filmmaker Werner Herzog is called Werner Herzog – A Guide for the Perplexed. On the back cover of the book, Herzog offers a list of advice for filmmakers that doubles as general purpose life … Continue reading

Quote and Unquote


Focus_ThingsThatMatterA little thought on ‘today’

No matter if it’s a Monday or a Thursday,
a new month or the middle of it,
or the 1st of January or the 8th of February.
Any ‘today’ will give you the same opportunities
as these stated ‘start-over-days’ will do
– it’s just a matter of how welcoming we are
towards the concept of today.
Also how much we actually allow
ourselves to live in ‘the now’.

via A little thought on ‘today’.

Sketch: Carl Richards

Because We Are Girls


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Because we are girls Father wants us to stay home Because we are girls Mother wants us to be free Because we are girls Father does not want us to go to school Because we are girls Mother wants us to … Continue reading

Sunday Relaxation Music


Christopher Ferreira’s song “The Dancer”, from his album “The Piano Pieces”.

A simple animated style combined with the song created a quiet beauty made by Atsuko Yamagishi.

The song is relaxing. To listen click on the photo or here.

Rewarding moments of small creatures


All things bright and beautiful
All creatures great and small

While I was drinking a cup of coffee, a couple of birds were reluctant to go closer to a pool of water because of my presence. I stood still and kept quite in order not to disturb them since I want their company. Slowly they took the courage to dip their feet on the water while peering at me. When they realized that I will remain motionless, they took the plunge.

depth (19)-MOTION

This is my reward, a memory of my stay at Kochi, Kerala, India. In addition, I am learning how to use the power of computer photography. My very first GIF, perseverance has its own rewards.

Everything is going to be alright



This public gesture coming from the heart of Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside (known as one of the poorest postal codes in Canada) celebrates optimism amidst the pervasive – and often exaggerated – negativity found within many of the messages we routinely encounter, offering hope for the future. (Martin Creed Work No. 851)

And my creed is “All shall be well” ~ Julian of Norwich

Experiment this and you will fall in love.


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Dr. Aron’s study is fascinating and she always wanted to try it. She did. The study: A heterosexual man and woman enter the lab through separate doors. They sit face to face and answer a series of increasingly personal questions. Then they … Continue reading

And finally, because we ask this in every interview: why write? 


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  Write because you want to communicate with yourself. Write because you want to communicate with someone else. Write because life is weird and tragic and amazing. Write because talking is difficult. Write because it polishes the heart. Write because … Continue reading

Old is inspiring. Old is beautiful. Old is character. Old isn’t dead.


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Notice how distinct older dog’s faces are compared to more youthful ones. All the telltale signs: lumps and bumps, gray hair, chipped and missing teeth. Some had loss their eyesight, some were missing their eyes altogether – evidence of both … Continue reading

The World is a Book, for Amy


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Spectacular sunset unfolds in front of me at the golden beach of Goa, India. It evokes an emotion so deep that I cannot name it in the recesses of my being. I stood fixated by the lighting of the sun … Continue reading

Oh, What a feeling!


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There are many smiling and happy faces when #BellLetsTalk January 28 mental wellness dialogue was a huge success. It resulted over 122 million talk.text.tweet . Translating that in dollars and cents that’s about $6.1 million for mental health funding. We could never been … Continue reading

I wish he is here to witness this

… and talking with us.

We have surpassed 25,000,000 talk,tweet,text at   at 10:00 am Vancouver, BC, Canada time.


cause you have no idea what the people who look the happiest are actually going through.

Talk. Text. Tweet


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Her athletic journey captured our hearts not just by winning in Olympics also by speaking about mental health.  Behind this beautiful smile, she suffers from depression. One of the best way to rise above depression is by talking about it. … Continue reading

Stick and Stone May Break Our Bones, but Your Cartoons Will Never Hurt Us.


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As a catholic, I am trying to understand the humor in Charlie Hebdo’s caricature. I looked for anything that Charlie created depicting Jesus and I found these. I don’t remember that Catholics went on an uproar and started shooting the cartoonist … Continue reading

See how easy it is!


A very simple ordinary sketch and yet it makes sense. What do you think?

Instead of expecting more, we try to show appreciation for what we already have. I know some people find it easier than others to express that gratitude. But that doesn’t mean we can’t all benefit from feeling a little thankful. So, over the next few weeks, I’m wondering what will happen if you find one thing to be grateful for each day.

It doesn’t have to be gratitude for a big, life-changing event. Look for the little things, then take a minute to see how you feel immediately afterwards. For just that moment, I suspect life will look a little brighter.

I bring up gratitude now because we’re living in world that seems overly focused on things that get in the way of it. It’s not so much a case of reminiscing for the “good ol’ days” versus today. Rather, I’ve become more convinced over time that many of our most common financial problems stem from too little awareness about what we already have. Part of building that awareness includes showing gratitude.

Source:  Carl Richards of Behavior Gap accidental artist with the help of a Sharpie and the belief that complex ideas can be made easy to understand writes at The New York Times.

Brunch for one: Sweet and Savory


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Food. I need food and there’s hardly any food in my fridge. What can I possibly eat the day after our family Christmas party? I did not bring any “to go” even though I supplied all kinds of cheeses, fruits, … Continue reading

Ten Thousands Buttercups

Photo: Buttercup by Alex J. White

Photo: Buttercup by Alex J. White

Through Darkness, Into the Light BY PARKER J. PALMER 

I recently talked with a friend who’s spent time in the same deep darkness that I’ve known from time to time. In the course of our conversation, she shared a beautiful poem with me — a poem she wrote about an experience that helped her come through that darkness back into the light.

As the poem itself says, this may not be for you. But I wanted to share it here, with her permission, knowing that if the poem brings light to only one other person, I’ll be glad I passed it along. I know it brought light to me.

by Willow Harth

This poem is not meant for you
unless you too have been underground
choking on your life’s debris, and
playing peek-a-boo with death seriously

then the surprise of ten thousand buttercups
out of nowhere on every side where they’d
never been before on my daily walk
might have had the effect on you it did on me

because suddenly

I wanted to understand how these particular
flowers came to be—the whole evolutionary
history of mosses, ferns and angiosperms,
the miracle of photosynthesis and DNA, not

to mention the longings of the Milky Way
to reflect itself in the form called flowers and
in these buttercups, which seemed like a
visitation from the sun, urging me to tell you, in
case like me you had forgotten

we are the universe’s latest way of blooming.


Mary Magdalene

Head of Mary Magdalene by Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519), charcoal on paper Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence, Italy / Alinari / Bridgeman Art Library

Head of Mary Magdalene by Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519)

The bride speaks of her beloved:

Upon my bed at night
I sought him whom my soul loves:
I sought him not;
I called him, but he gave no answer.

So, I said to myself,
I will rise now and go about the city,
in the streets and in the squares:
I will seek him whom my soul loves.

I sought him, but found him not.
The sentinels found me,
as they went about in the city.
I asked, “Have you see him whom my soul loves?”

Scarcely had I passed them,
when I found him whom my soul loves.

Songs of Songs (3.1-4a)

Memorial day for  Mary Magdalene, a person of generous love, a holy woman, a disciple of Jesus, and an apostle of the resurrection. She was the first person Jesus appeared to after his resurrection and then ordered her to “go and tell my brothers!”

Never too late

30 years over due book

30 years over due book

“To whom it may concern. From Courtenay library. Please find $100.00 for courier back to Courtenay and overdue. I shall contact next week to ensure all is in order. Thanks.”

More than 30 years after he first borrowed Camping and Woodcraft from a Vancouver Island library, an unidentified man has finally put the well-thumbed guidebook back into circulation.  

The man, described only as an older gentleman, walked into a library branch in Prince George, B.C. and handed over a copy of the 1965 book Camping and Woodcraft: A Handbook for Vacation Campers and for Travelers, and said he would like it returned to its home in Courtenay, B.C.

Do you have any books sitting around that is long overdue?

Source: National Post

Small Pleasures

Once upon a time in a country far away a boy lived …
very different from all the others his name was Eftichis.

small pleasure firefly

 Everything ran smoothly in his life until one day …
… many many years ago …
… an incident made him …
… see life from a different perspective.

And then, a big secret was revealed
The solution to a riddle …
… that humans have been trying to solve …
… for centuries now.

He discovered the meaning of life

He now knows …
… that happiness is nothing more …
… than moments …
… small and invisible moments.


Like when someone covers you up at night
Dreaming …
Waking up to a sparrow’s song …
… on fresh-smelling clean sheets …
… next to someone you love …
Touching them …
… smelling them …

small pleasure coffee

Feeling the warm water dropping on your face
Your house smelling …
… of freshly-baked cake
Holding a warm cup …
… when it’s cold outside.


Cutting a lemon from your tree
Feeling the fresh winter breeze …
… brushing your face.

small pleasure light

Feeling light and empty of thoughts
In total calmness.
Under the water.

small pleasure rain

 To keep doing things you did when you were young
When everyone is running under their umbrellas …
… you are standing in the rain.

Small_Pleasures_lady bug

Walking barefoot on wet grass
Taking a balloon out for a walk
Believing in things that cannot be explained
That a ladybird is a good sign

small pleasure beach

To have no fear
Doing things that do not suit your age
Hearing the waves hit the shore
Feeling the earth under your feet
Thinking of nothing.


 Someone whispering a secret to you.
Watching the sunset …
… even when others know …
… that you can’t see it.

small pleasure blind

 Small Pleasures (Μικρές Χαρές) by Constantin Pilavios