Never Again?

As we are safe and sound in the confines of our own little world, posting beautiful happy photographs, let us be mindfull of what is happening to others: Note that this a graphic post that I am sharing with you. Viewers discretion advise.


Convert or die. ISIS militants are crucifying victims because to them crucifixion is especially humiliating due to its Christian implications.  Convert or die. ISIS militants are crucifying victims because to them crucifixion is especially humiliating due to its Christian implications.

“I don’t speak because I have the power to speak; I speak because I don’t have the power to remain silent” – Rabbi A.Y. Kook

Some of the images I`m including in this blog post are extremely graphic, at this point either read it or not, people need to see the real reality going on in Iraq

I`m breaking Shabbat just by posting this but it needs to be written, for the past week I`ve been

following the horrible crimes that have been committed in Iraq. ISIS has gone on a campaign of brutal violence and murder, destroying Christian communities and other minorities like the Yazidis. It makes me wonder why does the world not care about these people? Why does the world show any lack of remorse? Why are…

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