Hearing the voice of the one you love

Mary Magdalene Da-Vinci

“Woman, why are you weeping?”

Mary Magdalene heard someone talking to her as she stood weeping outside the tomb of Jesus.  She did not recognize the person at all.  She thought he was a gardener.

Then Jesus said to her, “Mary”.

When Mary Magdalene heard Jesus called her name, this is the time that she recognized him.

“Do not hold on to me, because I have not yet ascended to the Father.”

Mary Magdalene is the first person that saw and spoke to Jesus since he died.

This is the reason I chose Mary Magdalene as my gravatar. I am hoping that one day I will hear Him call my name and hoping you will hear Him call your name as well.

Wishing you all a Blessed Easter.

We are Easter People

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This year will be extra special in celebrating Easter.  Not only that we are celebrating the real sense of Jesus’ resurrection; we, my family that is, will be celebrating our Mother’s 13th year of her death anniversary.  And it falls on Easter!

Being a Catholic, we are Easter People.  We celebrate death filled with hope that we will be resurrected and finally be where we are supposed to be; with God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit; and with all the Saints and choirs of Angels.

Sister #5 asked me to write something about Mother.  As much as I want to, Sister #2 mentioned that she wants to write about her journey and Mother.  With that thought in mind, I declined because I don’t want to steal my sister’s thunder.

Instead, I compiled some pictures and memorabilia that I can find for the family to look at.  This is a good place for safekeeping for now because my notes are all over the place and I tend to throw or give away pictures.  Maybe, just maybe, I will gradually write something about this.

My readers, I wish you ALL a Blessed Easter and here are some of the ways of the Easter People.  If you are not a Catholic, replace the last item according to your belief system.

  •        Cling to the people who love you
  •        Remember who you are
  •        Don’t wait for the other shoe to drop
  •        Bring joy to the world
  •        Breathe in the Holy Spirit


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