Can’t face another Monday!


This gallery contains 1 photo.

These penguins clearly couldn’t face being photographed by Charles Kinsey, so they hid their heads – completely   Enter the competition for free through the website Conservation through Competition   The deadline for entries is October 1, 2016, and … Continue reading

Let the sleeping cats lie

sleeping in

“Sometimes you just want to quit. You know you shouldn’t but nothing seems better than crawling back into bed and hiding under the covers. (I am there right now, actually, with my iPad.)”

It’s Family Day in Vancouver, BC, Canada. “Cat”ching up with the kitties.

Life is about rhythm



TGIM. Good Morning, World. It’s Monday, again.

One day, I realised that I was making the same trip every day for almost four years.

Waking up at the same time, taking the same routes through the same streets, walking on the same sidewalks in front of the same buildings […]

… called routine.

Because life is all about rhythm.


  1. A course of action to be followed regularly ; a standard procedure.
  2. A set of normal procedures, often performed mechanically.
  3. computing) A set of instructions designed to perform a specific task.

TGIM* Thank Goodness It’s Monday
Project by: Julien Douvier