Instructions for installing a husband


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Dear Tech Support, Last year I upgraded from Boyfriend 5.0 to Husband 1.0 and I noticed a distinct slowdown in the overall system performance, particularly in the flower and jewellery applications, which operated flawlessly under Boyfriend 5.0. In addition, Husband … Continue reading

Psychiatric Help

And the very best thing in this journey of losing my mind is that God stayed by my side and I am forever grateful for that. Furthermore, my sense of humor returned.

Facebook: Snoopy

Facebook: Snoopy

 Go ahead and hug a dog, a cat, a tree,
Let me know how that feels for you.


At the end of the day, I need humour. And I got it and I don’t even have to wait….


A man was taking it easy, laying on the grass and looking up at the clouds. He was identifying shapes when he decided to talk to God.

“God”, he said, “how long is a million years?”

God answered, “In my frame of reference, it’s about a minute.”

The man asked, “God, how much is a million dollars?”

God answered, “To me, it’s a penny.”

The man then asked, “God, can I have a penny?”

God answered, “In a minute.”

Source | Roger Kuder, Jokes and Riddles
(, 2012)  page 11


Another rendition of the same story:

A man was talking to God one day, and he said, “God, I have always wanted to ask you this question.” He said, “God, from your perspective how long is a million years?”

God said, “In my perspective, a million years is a second.”

“Wow, a second!” He then said, “God, from your…

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Literal Definition of Literally.


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Since English is my second language, I think and speak in literal terms, literally.  I followed this article for the longest time and I find it humorous. ‘Literally’ literally means what now?  CNN Living (CNN) — This is going to give grammarians … Continue reading

Never enough


NatGeo Kisses


“Calvin: Dad where do babies come from?
Dad: Well Calvin, you simply go to Sears, buy the kit and follow the assembly instructions.
Calvin: I came from Sears?
Dad: No you were a blue-light special at K-Mart – almost as good and a lot cheaper!”
― Bill Watterson


Purr-fect Friday

Guilty!  Mr. Frenchie caught me red-handed taking a picture of his cat sitting on the window sill from the lawn.  It was more like “who is that strange lady at the lawn taking a picture of my apartment?”  I know; strange things do happen; stranger still when it’s me.  
Mr. Frenchie is kind enough to invite me in to see the cat. 
The minute the door opened, a cat bolted out to escape.  A chase down the hall ensued, cats will be cats. I can’t really tell whether this is his cat or the nameless one.  Both of them have the same gray fur. 
If you have a cat, what is the first thing they do when you come home?  Meow, feed me, please.  This is exactly what the nameless one did.  As a good foster human Mr. Frenchie is, he obliged.  Apparently, this is the nameless one, and he named her Nymeria.  Akayle is his original cat. 
As for Mr. Pig, Mr. Frenchie has asked him should he wish to take the cat back, he is more than welcome.  It’s his cat in the first place.  Apparently, he has not responded Mr. Frenchie’s kind offer.  I hope Mr. Pig will not reclaim Nymeria for she is so happily settling down with him and her sister, Akayle. 
I’ve never seen a human male who loves cats so much as Mr. Frenchie.  I hope this will be the beginning of a beautiful relationship, especially for Akeyla. 

 Purr~fect.  Our Cat prayers are answered.  Pictures through the courtesy of Mr. Frenchie. 
Thank you, Lord, for sending Mr. Frenchie.

More than what a genie can provide

When I injured my back due to work related activity, enter Workers Compensation Board (WCB).  
Having an exposure to WCB, I learned that this body has to work in an ergonomically correct environment in order to suite my needs.  The chair, the height of the desk, lighting, keyboard, etc. has to be measured.  It’s all fine and dandy; this body can find no comfort.  The constant pain reminds me that I am still alive and I am grateful for that.
Can the genie grant me new body?  I think not.  Therefore, a perfect space for reading and writing is a mere illusion.
However, I find the joy of writing in so many ways as long as I carry with me a small notebook.  I am a constant note taker.  There’s a box of notebooks or journals I’ve written on daily activities about the injury.  Oh well. 
Here’s a thought.  When I moved to Room 306, for reading and writing-table, all I had was a cardboard box, a 3×4 piece of wood and a chair.  I love this make shift table.  The kids used this as their drawing table.  One drawing is still on the table, the face of Calvin; hair all sticking up and the silly grin on his face.  This piece of wood still exist. 
As for the box, it’s gone.  I have to throw it out because of a silly squirrel.  
One sultry day, I left the balcony open.  I came home that the box was all chewed up because the squirrel is a climber and got into Room 306.  UGH.  My favourite table is now chewed into bits and pieces. 
Fast forward, no more squirrels and this is how my best place to write looks like.  With classical music in the background and the drapes wide open so that I could see the hummingbird, it’s heavenly.  More than what a genie can give.  Perfect.
Source: Nephews FaceBook

 This is in response to Daily Prompt: Writing Room.  Come and join us, it’s fun.