Love is Art. Art is Love.

Art installation at the mall. In the background, I stood “stealing” photos of passersby. It’s a great place to keep an eye on how art evolves by having people as the greatest work of art.

Having had my fill of candid shots, I created a reel.

Click to play.

The background in the original is “I Need Love.” Unfortunately, when I downloaded the reel, there is no music. So here’s the song for you to listen to while watching the slide.

Impossible Dream

Man of La Mancha had a quest

Alonso Quixana (Don Quixote) is an aging gentleman who is enamored by and devours books about chivalry. He becomes so absorbed with the subject that he soon escapes reality as he fancies himself a knight, and travels about the countryside performing acts of imagined valor and good deeds. His world, as that of Cervantes, was anything but virtuous or chivalrous.

Stay With Me


I never knew the name of the song, so I titled it `Leave all your blues in your shoes at the door.

I am a man without envy
No roof, no walls to defend me
Hoping someday you’ll be friendly
And take my troubles away.

Walk with me, talk with me
Tell me all the good things you’ve done
Stay with me, pray with me
Leave all your blues in your shoes at the door.

With the power of the internet, my post reached other parts of the world. I received a comment from “chrisrushlau” on  about the song on YouTube:

Thank you, Chris.


via Leave all your blues in your shoes at the door.

Thunder and Lightning


“That is my thunder, by God; the villains will play my thunder, but not my play.” – Alexander Pope

Two black-haired girls spell T-R-O-U-B-L-E.  Little do they know, I can tell what they are up to even though they speak in their own dialect. It’s easy to read minds, you know since I am the queen of Mischief.

Frame by frame, a series of shots put together to capture this story of stealing their thunder by taking over their acts at lightning speed.

I had the last laugh and the best hug from Thomas.

What’s up! 150 million and counting


What’s going on?
I just heard this just now while listening to TV as background sound.
I like it. Sensational!

This was five years ago!
Where have I been.
Hope you will enjoy it as much as I did.

Today’s update: January 20, 2017 the count is over 181 million views. Sensation.

If this doesn’t make you happy, I don’t know what will.

Monks who have taken the oath of silence, sing the Hallelujah Chorus.
This is sooooo funny!! It’s a group of high school students playing silent monks and “singing” the Hallelujah Chorus.
Look at the feet of the monks also! And yes, you do need to turn the sound on to fully appreciate this. It’s a hoot! Plus, who doesn’t like to hear it, at any time of year.


Source: Email from a friend.

Learning from Linus: What Christmas is all about.


Charles Schulz gambled in creating an animated comic strip based on bible verses. Bible is something sacred. It was never done before. But for Schulz bible verses are not just for Church, it’s for everyone. So he put his whole … Continue reading

Best things in life.

It’s so funny to see it from Buzzfeed’s point of view and I can totally relate to this. One doesn’t have to be a Filipino-American, I’m sure other non Filipino-American can find similarities.

Oh, yes, I speak with my eyebrows, I point with my lips, I have a nickname, I eat with my hands, I have a huge family, related to a lot of people (I try to be anonymous and I deny my relationship with them), I use vinegar for saw-saw (dip), etcetera.

One Minute Tribute

“Please, don’t worry so much. Because in the end, none of us have very long on this Earth. Life is fleeting. And if you’re ever distressed, cast your eyes to the summer sky when the stars are strung across the velvety night. And when a shooting star streaks through the blackness, turning night into day… make a wish and think of me. Make your life spectacular. I know I did.”

via Huff Post [h/t Popsugar]

Wake up, you are in heaven.

I watched the DVD last night “Heaven is real”.  It’s a story of a four-year old boy who went to heaven. No, he did not die. It was not a near-death experience.

It happened during his operation of his appendices. During the operation, his soul floated, saw what was happening to him and to his parent.

He ended in a church, a choir of Angels where singing to him. Being a child, he wanted them to sing his favourite song.

Can you sing  “We Will Rock You?


Photo Credit: Tumblr by Theodd1sout

(Okay, imagine the Angels are playing rock and roll in heaven, that is a big disgrace.) The Angels giggled with their Angelic giggles.

Back to reality, as far as sleep is concern, heaven or here in my sanctuary: I say…..

Thursday Tune ~ Find your music

Let’s take a minute and find joy in the simple things.
This is who we are born to be.

Full of joy!

Let’s find a way to live in the world but
not become creatures of the world. 

Let’s deal with the troubles of the day
but wash them away.

Find your “music” today and then
find someone that you can share it with. 


Source:  Glennbeck: 11-month-old-twins

You are more than your Selfie.


“Beauty is more than what we see with the eyes. People are more than their conditions. I am more than my hair and skin. This only shows my exterior”

She Took A Daily Selfie While Battling Depression & Anxiety. The Results Are Truly Astonishing.

Rebecca Brown is a film student from the U.K. In 2007, when she was only 14, she began a project that documented her life by taking selfie photos of herself. Brown is now 21 and she has compiled the roughly 2100 pictures that she has taken into a video on her Youtube channel.

This video documents her battle with depression, anxiety and an impulse control disorder (which is a form of OCD) known as Trichotillomania. (Trichotillomania causes a person to pull out their own hair when anxious).

Brown says that this project is ongoing and plans to continue as long as she can.

For all those people who are inflected by this disease, stay strong and be strong.  There is always HOPE and life does get better.

Sit back and listen


I’ve listened to him sing and play the piano so many times, what a perfect pitch, melody and tune.

This is gospel for the fallen ones
Locked away in permanent slumber
Assembling their philosophies
From pieces of broken memories
(This is the beat of my heart)
Their gnashing teeth and criminal tongues
Conspire against the odds
But they haven’t seen the best of us yet

If you love me, let me go
These words are knives and often leave scars
The fear of falling apart
Truth be told, I never was yours
The fear of falling apart

This is gospel for the vagabonds
Ne’er-do-wells and insufferable bastards
Confessing their apostasies
Led away by imperfect impostors
(This is the beat of my heart)
Don’t try to sleep through the end of the world
And bury me alive
‘Cause I won’t give up without a fight

A Toast To Canada

Blue Jays Baseball Game on Canada Day, July 1, 2014

Blue Jays Baseball Game on Canada Day, July 1, 2014 courtesy photo by my sister

O Canada, I have not forgotten you,
and as I kneel in my canoe, beholding this vision   
of a bookcase, I pray that I remain in your vast,
polar, North American memory.
You are the paddle, the snowshoe, the cabin in the pines.   
You are Jean de Brébeuf with his martyr’s necklace of hatchet heads.
You are the moose in the clearing and the moosehead on the wall.
You are the rapids, the propeller, the kerosene lamp.   
You are the dust that coats the roadside berries.   
But not only that.
You are the two boys with pails walking along that road,   
and one of them, the taller one minus the straw hat, is me.
Billy Collins, “Canada” from The Art of Drowning. Copyright © 1995 by Billy Collins. All rights are controlled by the University of Pittsburgh Press. Reprinted with the permission of the University of Pittsburgh Press, (Source: The Art of Drowning (1995) via Poetry Foundation)

H A P P Y   C A N A D A   D A Y

A Summer Day

The Summer Day by Mary Oliver

Who made the world?
Who made the swan, and the black bear?
Who made the grasshopper?
This grasshopper, I mean-
the one who has flung herself out of the grass,
the one who is eating sugar out of my hand,
who is moving her jaws back and forth instead of up and down-
who is gazing around with her enormous and complicated eyes.
Now she lifts her pale forearms and thoroughly washes her face.
Now she snaps her wings open, and floats away.
I don’t know exactly what a prayer is.
I do know how to pay attention, how to fall down
into the grass, how to kneel down in the grass,
how to be idle and blessed, how to stroll through the fields,
which is what I have been doing all day.
Tell me, what else should I have done?
Doesn’t everything die at last, and too soon?
Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?

A cat must have three different names



The Naming of Cats is a difficult matter,
It isn’t just one of your holiday games;
You may think at first I’m as mad as a hatter
When I tell you, a cat must have THREE DIFFERENT NAMES.
First of all, there’s the name that the family use daily,
Such as Peter, Augustus, Alonzo or James,
Such as Victor or Jonathan, George or Bill Bailey –
All of them sensible everyday names.
There are fancier names if you think they sound sweeter,
Some for the gentlemen, some for the dames:
Such as Plato, Admetus, Electra, Demeter –
But all of them sensible everyday names.
But I tell you, a cat needs a name that’s particular,
A name that’s peculiar, and more dignified,
Else how can he keep up his tail perpendicular,
Or spread out his whiskers, or cherish his pride?
Of names of this kind, I can give you a quorum,
Such as Munkustrap, Quaxo, or Coricopat,
Such as Bombalurina, or else Jellylorum-
Names that never belong to more than one cat.
But above and beyond there’s still one name left over,
And that is the name that you never will guess;
The name that no human research can discover –
But THE CAT HIMSELF KNOWS, and will never confess.
When you notice a cat in profound meditation,
The reason, I tell you, is always the same:
His mind is engaged in a rapt contemplation
Of the thought, of the thought, of the thought of his name:
His ineffable effable
Deep and inscrutable singular Name.

via: Brain Pickings by 

In death you see the heavens


Lyric from this post


Everything you know is gone away
Your soul so small and cold
It’s gone with winter snow
Never to return

And your friends so lively now
They’ll all be with you deep in the ground
They’ll be right next to you
You’ll strain but you’ll never hear a sound

So you begin to cry

Your tears water the ground
and forests spring up all green and proud
Your body so tired and worn
A tree trunk takes form within you

And your hair flames like the sun
Your feet become the animals that run
Your arms reach wide and high
In death you want to embrace all of life

But there’s a thorn in your side

All your stupid jokes
and all your misplaced notes and
all those ugly feelings
and all of that deceiving it
never quite existed it
robbed you of the present
alive your arm was twisted
in death you see the heavens

Composed by the birds


Birds on the wires

I would have never thought that these crows can compose a musical score. Through a mere curiosity, this video is created. Just brilliant.

“Reading a newspaper, I saw a picture of birds on the electric wires. I cut out the photo and decided to make a song, using the exact location of the birds as notes (no Photoshop edit). I knew it wasn’t the most original idea in the universe. I was just curious to hear what melody the birds were creating.

I sent the music to the photographer, Paulo Pinto, who I Googled on the internet. He told his editor, who told a reporter and the story ended up as an interview in the very same newspaper.

Here I’ve posted a short video made with the photo, the music and the score.”

Also check my live presentation of Birds on the Wires at TEDx São Paulo:

This causes me to tremble


This gallery contains 1 photo.

Was I there? At the crack of dawn, when everybody is still asleep, before the narrow streets of Old Jerusalem turn into a market place and become crowded with people, we were there to do the Via Dolorosa and reflect what … Continue reading

To those who can hear me, I say, do not despair.

I’m sorry, but I don’t want to be an emperor. That’s not my business. I don’t want to rule or conquer anyone. I should like to help everyone if possible; Jew, Gentile, black man, white. We all want to help one another. Human beings are like that ,,,,, “

We want to live by each other’s happiness, not by each other’s misery. We don’t want to hate and despise one another. In this world there is room for everyone, and the good earth is rich and can provide for everyone. The way of life can be free and beautiful, but we have lost the way. Greed has poisoned men’s souls, has barricaded the world with hate, has goose-stepped us into misery and bloodshed. We have developed speed, but we have shut ourselves in. Machinery that gives abundance has left us in want.

Our knowledge has made us cynical; our cleverness, hard and unkind. We think too much and feel too little. More than machinery, we need humanity. More than cleverness, we need kindness and gentleness. Without these qualities, life will be violent and all will be lost. The airplane and the radio have brought us closer together. The very nature of these inventions cries out for the goodness in men; cries out for universal brotherhood; for the unity of us all. Even now my voice is reaching millions throughout the world, millions of despairing men, women, and little children, victims of a system that makes men torture and imprison innocent people. To those who can hear me, I say, do not despair.

The misery that is now upon us is but the passing of greed, the bitterness of men who fear the way of human progress. The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish. Soldiers! Don’t give yourselves to brutes, men who despise you, enslave you; who regiment your lives, tell you what to do, what to think and what to feel! Who drill you, diet you, treat you like cattle, use you as cannon fodder.

Don’t give yourselves to these unnatural men – machine men with machine minds and machine hearts! You are not machines, you are not cattle, you are men! You have the love of humanity in your hearts! You don’t hate! Only the unloved hate; the unloved and the unnatural. Soldiers! Don’t fight for slavery! Fight for liberty!

“In the seventeenth chapter of St. Luke, it is written that the kingdom of God is within man, not one man nor a group of men, but in all men! In you! You, the people, have the power, the power to create machines, the power to create happiness! You, the people, have the power to make this life free and beautiful, to make this life a wonderful adventure. Then in the name of democracy, let us use that power. Let us all unite.”

Let us fight for a new world, a decent world that will give men a chance to work, that will give youth a future and old age a security. By the promise of these things, brutes have risen to power. But they lie! They do not fulfill that promise. They never will! Dictators free themselves but they enslave the people. Now let us fight to fulfill that promise. Let us fight to free the world! To do away with national barriers! To do away with greed, with hate and intolerance! Let us fight for a world of reason, a world where science and progress will lead to all men’s happiness. Soldiers, in the name of democracy, let us all unite!” ― Charles Chaplin


A sign of recovery


Riding the BC Ferries from one island to another is always an exciting trip for me especially when El Capitan will announce that there is a pod of whales ahead.

A rare sighting happened on Monday, February 3 when there were two pods in sight off the coast of the harbour in Nanaimo, BC.  The pod of orcas hunted the pod of dolphins and ended up killing two of them in full view of the ferry passengers.

Orcas is also known as the killer whales.  They are the wolves of the sea.  This is a transient group that hunts for  mammals including seals.  The resident Orcas eat salmon only in this area.

With the return of the dolphins and the boom on harbour seals, it’s indicative that the water is recovering  This means that there will be more interaction such as this in the future.

This is the nature of things as  David Suzuki will say.

Source: The Province

Totally like whatever, you know?

Totally like whatever, you know?
by Taylor Mali

In case you hadn’t realized
it has somehow become uncool
to sound like you know what you’re talking about?
Or believe strongly in what you’re, like, you’re saying?
Invisible question marks and parenthetical you knows and you know what I am saying?
have been attaching themselves to the ends of our sentences?
Even when those sentences aren’t, like, questions?

Declarative sentences—so-called
because they used to, like, you know, DECLARE things to be true, okay,
as opposed to other things that are, like, totally, you know, not?
They’ve been infected by this tragically cool and totally hip interrogative tone?
As if I’m saying don’t think I’m a nerd just ‘coz I’ve like noticed this; okay?
I have nothing personally invested in my own opinions,
I’m just like inviting you to join me on the bandwagon of my own uncertainty?

What has happened to our conviction?
Where are the limbs out on which we once walked?
Have they been, like, chopped down with the rest of the rain forest?
You know?
Or do we have, like, nothing to say?
Has society just become so filed with this conflicted feeling of nehneh…
That we’ve just gotten to the point we were the most aggressively inarticulate generation
to come along since . . .you know, a long time ago!

So, I implore you, I entreat you, and I challenge you
To speak with conviction.
To say what you believe in a manner that bespeaks
the determination with which you believe it.
Because contrary to the wisdom of the bumper sticker,
it is not enough these days to simply
You got to speak with it, too.

Mali. Taylor. “Totally like whatever, you know?.” What Learning Leaves. Newtown, CT: Hanover Press, 2002. Print. (ISBN: 1-­‐887012-­‐17-­‐6)

“if you’re happy in your head then solitude is blessed and alone is okay.”

How to be alone  by Tanya Davis

(For Sound, click on this.)

If you are at first lonely, be patient. If you’ve not been alone much, or if when you were, you weren’t okay with it, then just wait. You’ll find it’s fine to be alone once you’re embracing it.

We could start with the acceptable places, the bathroom, the coffee shop, the library. Where you can stall and read the paper, where you can get your caffeine fix and sit and stay there. Where you can browse the stacks and smell the books. You’re not supposed to talk much anyway so it’s safe there.

There’s also the gym. If you’re shy you could hang out with yourself in mirrors, you could put headphones in.

And there’s public transportation, because we all gotta go places.

And there’s prayer and meditation. No one will think less if you’re hanging with your breath seeking peace and salvation.

Start simple. Things you may have previously avoided based on your avoid being alone principles.

The lunch counter. Where you will be surrounded by chow-downers. Employees who only have an hour and their spouses work across town and so they — like you — will be alone.

Resist the urge to hang out with your cell phone.

When you are comfortable with eat lunch and run, take yourself out for dinner. A restaurant with linen and silverware. You’re no less intriguing a person when you’re eating solo dessert to cleaning the whipped cream from the dish with your finger. In fact some people at full tables will wish they were where you were.

Go to the movies. Where it is dark and soothing. Alone in your seat amidst a fleeting community.

And then, take yourself out dancing to a club where no one knows you. Stand on the outside of the floor until the lights convince you more and more and the music shows you. Dance like no one’s watching…because, they’re probably not. And, if they are, assume it is with best of human intentions. The way bodies move genuinely to beats is, after all, gorgeous and affecting. Dance until you’re sweating, and beads of perspiration remind you of life’s best things, down your back like a brook of blessings.

Go to the woods alone, and the trees and squirrels will watch for you.

Go to an unfamiliar city, roam the streets, there are always statues to talk to and benches made for sitting give strangers a shared existence if only for a minute and these moments can be so uplifting and the conversations you get in by sitting alone on benches might’ve never happened had you not been there by yourself

Society is afraid of alonedom, like lonely hearts are wasting away in basements, like people must have problems if, after a while, nobody is dating them. but lonely is a freedom that breaths easy and weightless and lonely is healing if you make it.

You could stand, swathed by groups and mobs or hold hands with your partner, look both further and farther for the endless quest for company. But no one’s in your head and by the time you translate your thoughts, some essence of them may be lost or perhaps it is just kept.

Perhaps in the interest of loving oneself, perhaps all those sappy slogans from preschool over to high school’s groaning were tokens for holding the lonely at bay. Cuz if you’re happy in your head then solitude is blessed and alone is okay.

It’s okay if no one believes like you. All experience is unique, no one has the same synapses, can’t think like you, for this be relieved, keeps things interesting life is magic things in reach.

And it doesn’t mean you’re not connected, that communities’ not present, just take the perspective you get from being one person in one head and feel the effects of it. Take silence and respect it. if you have an art that needs a practice, stop neglecting it. if your family doesn’t get you, or religious sect is not meant for you, don’t obsess about it.

You could be in an instant surrounded if you needed it

If your heart is bleeding make the best of it

There is heat in freezing, be a testament.

(Note: the italics and bold are emphasis that I want to remember and meaningful to me)

Kennel Time

Sometimes, people and animals have more in common than you might think. Blaze, the beautiful young Husky in this video, is obstinately resisting his owner’s suggestion that he go to sleep in his kennel. In this case, the owner is just doing it to tease the pup, but all of us have probably resisted our bedtimes just at fiercely at one point or another. And because he’s a Husky, which is a very verbose breed, it sounds just like he’s saying “No!” (Source: Bored Panda)

The Three Godfathers

Today is the twelfth and last day of Christmas.  It is also known as Epiphany.

The central figures of the Epiphany story are the three wise men that are also known as the three kings.  I don’t think they are really kings, but they are ordinary men that saw a star with great faith.  These men were willing and able to see that the star is a great sign to follow even though they don’t know what it means.  It led them to a trip of their lifetime to meet the Holy Family: Mary, Joseph, and Jesus.

The story of the three kings also leads into the story of another man: Herod.  Herod was the evil king that was so blinded by his self-importance and power to control.  He even killed his own family.  Being a mad king, he ordered the slaughter of innocent children because of the birth of Jesus.

The story of the three wise men is something that the movie industry retold in the film The Three Godfathers, western American style. One of the major characters was by John Wayne.

How did they become The Three Godfathers?

It was Christmas time, and the three wise men were up to no good thus no peace on earth but out to rob a bank.  The robbers went on a run and found a woman giving birth.  The woman died giving birth, but before she died, she asked the three men to be the child’s godfathers.  She made them promise to take the child back to New Jerusalem.

The godfathers, although macho, as they were, are but far from being wise.  However, they fulfilled their promise and put their own freedom on the line to take care of the baby.

This movie is brilliant in some ways in comparison to the Christian story.  The western style Three Wise Men story has it all: the heroes to protect the innocent, gunfight and the barren scenery of tumbleweeds bouncing over.

The story of Epiphany challenges me to continue searching the divine in the ordinary and recognize the God of small things in daily existence.


The Seeker: I’ll never find another you.

Singing is a form of prayer.  This is another song that I sing since childhood.  It is not a traditional hymn but it draws me nearer to the Lord.  I know there is a Promised Land. Sunrise at Mt. Beatitudes  Holy Land 2011
There’s a new world somewhere
They call The Promised Land
And I’ll be there some day
If you will hold my hand
I still need you there beside me
No matter what I do
For I know I’ll never find another you 
There is always someone
For each of us they say
And you’ll be my someone
For ever and a day
I could search the whole world over
Until my life is through
But I know I’ll never find another you 
It’s a long, long journey
So stay by my side
When I walk through the storm
You’ll be my guide
Be my guide 
If they gave me a fortune
My pleasure would be small
I could lose it all tomorrow
And never mind at all
But if I should lose your love, dear
I don’t know what I’d do
For I know I’ll never find another you
But if I should lose your love, dear
I don’t know what I’d do
For I know I’ll never find another you
Another you
Another you
“I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray with the understanding also: I will sing with the spirit, and I will sing with the understanding also.” ~ 1 Corinthians 14:15
Related Links:

A Child is Born

christmas 2013

For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given, and the government
shall be upon His shoulder; and his name shall be called Wonderful,
Counsellor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.
(Isaiah 9:6)

Let’s play in the pit and find what we have in common


Okay, let’s take a break from the thoughts of Christmas.

We are all strangers in the blogging world, right? What can we share about ourselves pretending we are in the pit.

SoulPancake creatively helps strangers connect with one another in this video where they install a ball pit on a random street with questions to ask people who climb in. A stranger getting to know a stranger is a wonderful thing.

My share:  Currently, I have a flipper, too.  It is now two Christmas in a row that I am waiting for one front tooth and I miss eating all the good food!  The dentist promised that the tooth fairy is coming in January 2014.

Your turn.


Email received: A gentle reminder about Christmas


This is the content of the e-mail about a Christmas song:  A beautiful story, read, watch and enjoy.

While at the mall a couple of years ago, my then four year old nephew, Spencer, saw kids lined up to see Santa Claus.

Having been taught as a toddler that Christmas is the holiday that Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus, he asked his mom, “where’s the line to see Jesus”? My sister mentioned this to my dad, who immediately became inspired and jotted words down to a song in just a few minutes. After putting music to the words, and doing a quick recording at home, he received a great response from friends.

He sent the song off to without much response, except for a Christian song writer who suggested adding a bridge at the end of the first chorus. My dad then asked if I wanted to record the song to see what we could do with it. I listened to the song, made a few changes to the words to make it flow better, and we headed to Shock City Studios.

It was at the studio where Chris, owner and producer, rewrote the 2nd verse and part of the chorus… with goose bumps and emotions high, we were all hopeful and felt like we had something special. The demo was recorded in just under 2 hours and sent off again to … still no response.

Then 2 weeks before Christmas last year, my cousins Greg and Robbie decided to do a video to see what we could accomplish on YouTube. The first day we had 3000 hits and it soared from there. We received e-mails, phone calls, Facebook messages from people all over asking for the music, CD’s, iTunes, anything… we had nothing.

After a couple of meetings with Chris following the amazing response, we got serious. We headed back into the studio this past spring… this time with guitars, drums, bass, pianos, choirs… the real deal…. and here we are today. Getting iTunes set up, a website put together, and loving that thousands upon thousands of Christians have come together… remembering the true meaning of Christmas.

Out of the mouths of babes come profound truths that many adults cannot understand. Hopefully Spencer’s observation will cause people all over to reflect on the love of Jesus, and that one day we will all stand in line to see Him.

We are most thankful to our Heavenly Father to have this chance to share our music with you.  Merry Christmas everyone.

The Joy of Children’s Performance

Play as you read along:

Last week of school, the children came to the Board for show and tell.  They show us, tell us, and perform for us what they learnt at school.  We all look forward to this special event.  Working at the head office, we hardly get a chance to see the students.  Instead they come to us.

They came to post on the bulletin board their art work of Hanukkah Fingers

They decorated the Christmas tree with plenty of angels and sang Christmas songs in French.  These students study in a French Immersion Program in one of the Vancouver public schools.

Lord Byng String Orchestra

Lord Byng has a group of students that plays string instrument.  They, too, came to perform for us. The Lord Byng String Orchestra is going to perform at Lincoln Center in the spring.  Last year, they had the great distinction of being invited to an exclusive festival for American School Orchestras in Atlanta, Georgia.  They wowed judges at the festival and received a standing ovation.  They took second place.  It is likely that they did not win first place as the award probably needed to go to an American school since it was an American competition.  Also, as they wear concert black and not school uniforms they were actually docked points from their performance, another reason for not making first place.  (All American groups wear school uniforms).

One song that I love the most is Santa Lucia that a group of elementary students with angelic voices sang for us in earlier years. I beg the Maestro for a repeat performance and did not stop begging until he oblige.  It was a heavenly sweet delightful song.

The song you just listened to titled “Santa Lucia in Sweden” came from YouTube.

It will be quiet for the next two weeks on the school level while the children are on winter break to celebrate their life in their own traditional ways.

To keep things in perspective.

Keeping Your Sense of Humor During the Christmas Season? (via Prayers and Promises)

Keeping your sense of humor during the Holidays?  Or are you pulling your hair out?  Ready to string Santa up by those lights?  Or how about running over Rudolph?  Thought I would share some fun today, and hopefully put a smile on your face! This…

Thank you Diana for making me smile, prayers and the promise of power in prayers (Oh, 3Ps!).  There is wisdom to sharing some laughter.

Have a Blessed Christmas to Everyone.

Christmas isn’t just another holiday.


What Christmas means to me says it all on this song.

Christmas isn’t just another holiday.  The word Christmas derived from the name  Jesus Christ.  Christmas is the time when we celebrate His birth.  I’ll stand up in the crowd and proud to say Merry Christmas.

Musical Anesthesia


At the dental office this morning, I listened to the sound of Christmas songs for two and a half hours while having dental work. This job required local anesthesia.  One particular music helped me focus away from the drilling of one of the teeth in order to save it.  The music carried me away in meditating about the story of a birth of new-born King.

This song has over 20 million hits.  Is it the song or the singer?  I hope it’s the song.

Baby’s first Monday

Mondays are just like eating lemons for the first time.

The first bite is the hardest

Then the babies grow up

And they found many different ways to use a lemon


If life hands you a lemon, drink tequila for a chaser.  Have joy filled Monday everyone.

What it’s all about

Two minutes will explain what Advent is all about.  Watch and enjoy.

“Be still:
There is no longer any need of comment.
It was a lucky wind
That blew away his halo with his cares,
A lucky sea that drowned his reputation.”
―     Thomas Merton
Source: Busted Halo

Bears of British Columbia, Canada

Greenland posted a video that is made from British Columbia, Canada and I was hoping to see a real bear made in Artic!


British Columbia has Kermodo and Grizzly bears. I think this Polar bear from Greenland wants to move in Canada.

Very clever, The Fourth Continent.

Life = Risk

Failure is an excellent teacher.  It teaches us how to better ourselves.  How we can improve on a given situation.  Try, if unsuccessful, try again.  Use failure for your success.

Should I have allowed an elementary teacher to terrorize me by being called stupid, I would have retreated in my cocoon.  No, I showed here.  She failed me in her class and moved to an Annex to be with so-called failures.  I showed her. I excelled and back to the main school with flying grades.  Was I scared?  Of course, I was.  I was just a little student girl against an adult teacher.  That did not stop me.  And the rest is history.

“I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everyone.”   ~   Bill Cosby

Inspired by: Jimmy vs World

Who’s the boss

Don’t be fooled with this picture, dynamite comes in small packages

z live and let die

Youtube by:  Joniversity to watch click on the picture to watch.

Introducing the dog Spike – my majestic American Pitbull Terrier – and Visa, my 2 months old cat. While trying to depict their relentless Looney Tunes style relationship of caring and hugging while fighting and mocking about (countless plates and cups were broken during filming) the best choice of soundtrack was Guns n’ Roses – Live And Let Die

And remember Pitbulls are not dangerous. People with video cameras are.

Defy the law of physics

I had my ups and downs. My fair share of bumpy roads and heavy winds.  That’s what made me what I am today.  Now I stand here before you.  What you see is a body crafted to perfection.  A pair of legs engineered to defy the law of physics and a mind set to master the most epic of splits. 
“The point is, not to resist the flow. You go up when you’re supposed to go up and down when you’re supposed to go down. When you’re supposed to go up, find the highest tower and climb to the top. When you’re supposed to go down, find the deepest well and go down to the bottom. When there’s no flow, stay still.” ~ Haruki MurakamiTo find more about Following Flow, visit Eric Tonningsen’s  “Awakening to Awareness.  Thank you Eric.

Song behind the Gravatar

Mary Magdalene
I don’t know how to love him.
What to do, how to move him.
I’ve been changed, yes really changed.
In these past few days, when I’ve seen myself,
I seem like someone else. 
I don’t know how to take this.
I don’t see why he moves me.
He’s a man. He’s just a man.
And I’ve had so many men before,
In very many ways,
He’s just one more. 
Should I bring him down?
Should I scream and shout?
Should I speak of love,
Let my feelings out?
I never thought I’d come to this.
What’s it all about? 
Don’t you think it’s rather funny,
I should be in this position.
I’m the one who’s always been
So calm, so cool, no lover’s fool,
Running every show.
He scares me so. 
I never thought I’d come to this.
What’s it all about? 
Yet, if he said he loved me,
I’d be lost. I’d be frightened.
I couldn’t cope, just couldn’t cope.
I’d turn my head. I’d back away.
I wouldn’t want to know. 
He scares me so.
I want him so.
I love him so.
Related link:  Jesus Christ,  Superstar

What the world needs now

“Give the children love, more love and still more love – and the common sense will come by itself.” ~ Astrid Lindgren

z baby jame and grampa (2)

Super Baby with Super Grandpa

Lord, we don’t need another mountain,
There are mountains and hillsides enough to climb
There are oceans and rivers enough to cross,
Enough to last till the end of time.

What the world needs now is love, sweet love
It’s the only thing that there’s just too little of
What the world needs now is love, sweet love,
No, not just for some but for everyone.

Lord, we don’t need another meadow
There are cornfields and wheat fields enough to grow
There are sunbeams and moonbeams enough to shine
Oh listen, lord, if you want to know.

What the world needs now is love, sweet love
It’s the only thing that there’s just too little of
What the world needs now is love, sweet love,
No, not just for some but for everyone.

No, not just for some, oh, but just for everyone.

Burt Bacharach sang by Dione Warwick
Thank you, Poets4Justice  for the song “What the world needs now“.

Semper Fidelis

Semper Fidelis is Latin for “Always Faithful” or “Always Loyal.” This is the motto of the United States Marine Corps.  It is a useful slogan not just for the Corps but as well as to our country and to humanity.

I have taken the liberty of posting war stories.  A proper theme for the day. This is a Remembrance Day story that I am proud to share about my Uncle during his younger days and his brother Moises Gonzalez, who lost his life in 1944 who were faithful to humanity during the war.

The Gonzales brothers saved the life of James Carrington.  James was a World War II veteran reunited with Uncle who aided his escape from Japanese after 64 years and died shortly after the reunion.


Both men cried with joy when they met. Carrington was thankful that if it were not for the courage of the Gonzalez, he would not be here.

You may want to read the rest of the story by clicking on the picture or here.   A YouTube is also available here.

I am happy for them.  I wish I could make Uncle happier if I could help him find out what really happened to his brother.  I posted a story about it in Love and Valor.

Take time to remember.  Let us together as a nation to honour and remember  the Veterans, war dead and all those who have made the ultimate sacrifice on our behalf in times of war, armed conflict and peace. There are many ways to remember and actively participate to honour those who served our country. For one, do not hesitate to discuss this with your family and friends.  It’s important to remember so that we don’t repeat the past.

Santa Cruz nathaniel (3)

Nathaniel ~ US Marine

Let us honor the valiant who sacrificed their lives for your safety. Let us  salute our nation’s heroes. Let us remind our friends and dear ones about the patriots who lost everything in battle. Let our  silent prayers be a tribute to them.

Lester Pearson
Whether we live together in confidence and cohesion; with more faith and pride in ourselves and less self-doubt and hesitation; strong in the conviction that the destiny of Canada is to unite, not divide; sharing in cooperation, not in separation or in conflict; respecting our past and welcoming our future.

Lest we forget.

Related Links:
Photo Credits: Nola News and Nephew Nathaniel

Full House “House Full of Men”

Tom Hanks is a great performer.

I’ve never seen the sitcom nor do I watch The Late Night show.  But Tom Hanks, I will watch him anytime.  There is nothing this man cannot do from Forrest Gump to Philadelphia Story.

This has received over 2M hits.

Wake up missing you

Nothing is stronger than the bond between mother and child.

This certainly rings true at the Leroux household in Ontario, Canada.

Their daughter loves one of her mom’s songs so much, it send her into floods of tears, every time she hears it. Mom Amanda Leroux told Storyful:

No one can explain why, not even I. I can sing any other song and do not get the same reaction from her. It’s to adorable to keep all to ourselves.

This is just beautiful.  Enjoy.

Saving lives. We can all learn from this.

Footage from a traffic camera overlooking a busy freeway in Santiago, Chile captured a dog performing a heroic act — pulling an injured friend from oncoming traffic.

The video, from Azteca America Colorado, shows an injured dog lying in the middle of a freeway after being hit by a car, while a rescue dog dodges traffic to run to its side. The rescue dog then drags the severely injured canine across lanes of traffic as cars swerve around it.

No motorists stopped to help either dog, but a highway crew arrives at the end of the video.

The translation of the announcer is as follows:

These images seen from the surveillance cameras show a very common situation with our overpopulated highways. It is normal for us to see dogs run over. In the video, we can see this dog fighting for his life because he was run over by the vehicle.

What is very touching is to see the very heroic actions of this other dog who is trying to pull him to the side of the highway. We are going to keep seeing things like this until we find a solution to the dogs living on the streets.”

Source: ETWorthSeeing

For all animal lovers

How can we stop this:

This video is about dogs in China.  China breeds animals for their fur. The next time you see a fur coat or fur lined clothing, think where they came from.  Viewer discretion is advised.

Furthermore, please be very cautious of the food you feed your animals especially coming from China.

Must see Video.  Play video:

FDA proposes strict new safety standards for pet food producers

Don’t mess with old people

A lady was videotaping her son riding a skate board when her attention switched to an old woman trying to cross the street.

You can hear the lady who is doing the taping giggling as she records the event.

The video is a quick one …. but you’ll probably watch it more than once. Aren’t air bags great?


A Revelation

WYA Revolution is a project started by a young man named Jon Jorgenson It is a new project that seeks to remind everyone, young and old, that you are loved. No matter who you are, or what you’ve done – you are loved!

Life is an adventure, and it can be a difficult adventure from time to time. Everyone goes through moments (or long periods) where they feel as though the whole deck is stacked against them. We can feel defeated, unloved, unlovable, renounced, and/or forgotten. But, these are the moments that God loves us the most.

Jon Jorgenson speaks to this in his new videos for the Anima Series. There is one for women, and another for men. They are both really powerful, so I encourage you to watch them both.


To play the video for men, please click on The Love Revolution,

The Mountain

This was filmed between 4th and 11th April 2011. I had the pleasure of visiting El Teide. Spain´s highest mountain  @(3718m) is one of the best places in the world to photograph the stars and is also the location of Teide Observatories, considered to be one of the world´s best observatories.

The goal was to capture the beautiful Milky Way galaxy along with one of the most amazing mountains I know El Teide. I have to say this was one of the most exhausting trips I have done. There was a lot of hiking at high altitudes and probably less than 10 hours of sleep in total for the whole week. Having been here 10-11 times before I had a long list of must-see locations I wanted to capture for this movie, but I am still not 100% used to carrying around so much gear required for time-lapse movies.

A large sandstorm hit the Sahara Desert on the 9th April ( and at approx 3am in the night the sandstorm hit me, making  it nearly impossible to see the sky with my own eyes.

Interestingly enough my camera was set for a 5 hour sequence of the milky way during this time and I was sure my whole scene was ruined. To my surprise, my camera had managed to capture the sandstorm which was backlit by Grand Canary Island making it look like golden clouds. The Milky Way was shining through the clouds, making the stars sparkle in an interesting way. So if you ever wondered how the Milky Way would look through a Sahara sandstorm.

Source: Milky Way timelapse by Terje Sorgjerd.

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October Peace Challenge: The Key of Peace – A Celebration

Everyday is thanksgiving day.
Happy Thanksgiving Day Everyone.
Put all your fingers, hand, body, mind and soul together.
Enjoy every moment as it comes, play and dance to the melody of life
This is my vision of peace where one plays together even if you are off key. 
Thank you, Paulette.
Pax Tecum.  Seeker.
Related links:

One for the road

May the good Lord bless and keep you
Whether near or far away
May you find that long awaited
Golden day today.

May your troubles all be small ones
And your fortunes ten times ten
May the good Lord bless and keep you
Till we meet again.

May you walk with sunlight shining
And a bluebird in every tree
May there be a silver lining
Back on every cloud you see.

Fill your dreams with sweet tomorrows
Never mind what might have been
May the good Lord bless and keep you
Till we meet again.

(May you walk with sunlight shining)
And a bluebird in every tree
(May there be a silver lining)
Back on every cloud you see.

Fill your dreams with sweet tomorrows
Never mind what might have been
May the good Lord bless and keep you
Till we meet again.

May the good Lord bless and keep you
Till we meet, (Till we meet)
Till we meet again…

Airborne:  So long everyone.  Take care of your sweet self.


We used to have a giant camera in Downtown Vancouver where one can insert a loony (one dollar Canadian coin) to record your own acting talent.

Many people have used this camera not realizing it will be televised and be shared by the media especially during primetime news.

Hahaha…. What a show.  The things we did when we thought no one was looking.

This clip is similar to what we had. Snap with Joy.


Better than Bacon

Who doesn’t like Bacon?  Can’t say I don’t.  I happen to like bacon and the smell of bacon wafting through the atmosphere.  Imagine me hovering on mid-air following the scent of the bacon.  It’s so enticing.  Ah ….

Bacon is one of the most common discussions at work.  We could talk about bacon all day long except for other belief system that doesn’t eat meat at all.  However, they are intoxicated by the smell of bacon.  Yet, their faith keeps them from eating this sinful delicacy.  They have such deep abiding faith.

Would you care to join me and eat bacon?

When I invite someone, I try all kinds of tricks to join me or join us.  But I suppose dangling bacon is not as good as dangling a carrot.

I am actually talking about Catholics bloggers.  There are many of us: some are really dedicated, some are lapsed.  And there are non-Catholics that are just faithful to their religion.  It really does not matter to me.  Catholic means Universal.  I embrace you all.

For the sake of this post, I am supposed to link two sites that are catholic bloggers.  Let me introduce:

Claudia.  I like her sense of humour and I can relate to her.
“Whoever suffers from mental illness ‘always’ bears God’s image and likeness in himself, as does every human being.” excerpt from statement by Blessed Pope John Paul II at International Conference for Health Care Workers, on Illnesses of the Human Mind, November 30, 1997.

Not The Sword But The Pen.  She wants to join the Franciscan Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Sorrows (Beaverton, Oregon).  I happen to follow the footsteps of St. Francis.

Friar Musings.  The title is exactly what it says.  He is a Franciscan Friar.  Again, he is another St. Francis in the making.   This link speaks about mindfulness and I quote:

The weather and its coming and goings make us vigilant. What else in life causes you to be vigilant, attentive, watchful, observant, alert? Is it the literal thief in the night?  Maybe at best I have been attentive – you know… lock the doors and windows, install an motion-sensing flood lights outside, regular things.  Did I stay up all night on watch?  No.  Didn’t install ADT or other home protection systems, either. Maybe a better word for all this is that I was “mindful.”  I was mindful of the possibility of a thief in the night, but it was all just integrated into my life.

I did ask the first two but not Father.  They are good in what they do already to let their faith shine in the whole blogging world.

As for Better Than Bacon, this is what it’s all about: click on Man Alive.

Related Links:

Oh, this is too good…

Voicemail Accident Hilarious

This guy is leaving a voicemail for his boss when he witnesses a minor traffic accident. Not fake actually happen. In late February, several stations broadcast interviews with a man named Michael Childs, who said that he was the one who left the voicemail message, that the clip was genuine, and that the accident described took place about six years ago in Athens, Texas, while he was working as a construction manager for Jack in the Box.

Just for laugh

Flirting Cop Angry Girlfriend

An attractive female flirting cop is well received by the guys she’s flirting with but not so much by their girlfriends who get a little angry. Guys are such suckers for any attractive female giving them the time of day and they can’t control themselves in front of their girlfriends. The girlfriends decide to show the cop who’s the boss as their boyfriends watch in horror. Another funny skit from the crew at Just For Laughs Gags filmed in Québec.

Good night.


Today, while the blossoms still cling to the vine
I’ll taste your strawberries, I’ll drink your sweet wine
A million tomorrows shall all pass away
‘Ere I forget all the joy that is mine,
I’ll be a dandy, and I’ll be a rover
You’ll know who I am by the songs that I sing
I’ll feast at your table, I’ll sleep in your clover
Who cares what tomorrow shall bring
Today, while the blossoms still cling to the vine
I’ll taste your strawberries, I’ll drink your sweet wine
A million tomorrows shall all pass away
‘Ere I forget all the joy that is mine, Today
I can’t be contented with yesterday’s glory
I can’t live on promises winter to spring
Today is my moment, now is my story
I’ll laugh and I’ll cry and I’ll sing
Today, while the blossoms still cling to the vine
I’ll taste your strawberries, I’ll drink your sweet wine
A million tomorrows shall all pass away
‘Ere I forget all the joy that is mine, Today
Today, while the blossoms still cling to the vine
I’ll taste your strawberries, I’ll drink your sweet wine
A million tomorrows shall all pass away
‘Ere I forget all the joy that is mine,